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FRANKY !!!??

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The first thing that i thought about was it s not an english word

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What is the origin of Langua-Franca?

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1° the origin of lingua franca:

• The term of lingua franca is an Italian term, having an Italian origin that translates to language of the franks (Frank, member of a Germanic-speaking people who invaded the western Roman Empire in the 5th century. Dominating present-day northern France, Belgium, and western Germany, the Franks established the most powerful Christian kingdom of early medieval western Europe. The name France (Francia) is derived from their name). it refers to the mixture between two languages ( Italian and Occitan, Occitan language, also called Languedoc, or Provençal, a Romance language spoken by about 1,500,000 people in southern France. All Occitan speakers use French as their official and cultural language, but Occitan dialects are used for everyday purposes and show no signs of extinction. The name Occitan is derived from the geographical name Occitania.

• It helps to settle a contact language for commercial and economical purposes that allows communication.

• Middle Ages and described a language created as a combination of French and Italian that was developed by the Crusaders and tradesmen in the Mediterranean.

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2°lingua franca definition

• Is a language often used as a medium of communication between people who speak mutually unintelligible languages ( ambiguous)

• It signifies two things: A Lingua Franca (or working language, bridge language, vehicular language) is a language systematically used for communication, possibly among people who do not share a common language. Generally, a lingua franca is a third language that is distinct from a native or mother language. On the other hand, when two people communicate with each other, they can choose a different language out of their native one as their lingua franca among their conversations.

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Okay, y’re right!!! Lingua-Franca is..then

Pidgin!!Wellmm !! That’s what it looks

like, or… it is actually !!

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4° lingua Franca and pidgins are probably the same

• At first, the language was considered a pidgin as it consisted of simplified nouns, verbs, and adjectives from both languages. Over time the language developed into an early version of today’s Romance languages.

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Why do we need l f

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3°why do we need a lingua franca

• During the AGE of EXPLORATION,• lingua francas also played an enormous • role to conduct trade and other important • communications among European • explorers. For instance, Portuguese was • the lingua franca of diplomatic and trade • relations in areas like coastal Africa, • portions of India, and even Japan. Malay became the lingua franca of

Southeast Asia • that the Arab and Chinese merchants used for communication among the

native • peoples in this continent. Even the Dutch and British spoke Malay –the

lingua franca • during their international trading

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What were the lingua-francas used before the current one?Arabic, french, spanish

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The lingua franca of today• 4. TODAY, lingua francas play an important role in global

communication as well. • The United Nations defines its official languages as • Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. • The most obvious current lingua franca is ENGLISH • language, which becomes an official language of • international business, science, technology, and aviation. • There are many other lingual francas along with the • multilingual places like Asia and Africa define several unofficial

lingua francas to • facilitate easier communication between ethnic groups and


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Now because that english …..is kda … thas why it s

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• What ar the drawbacks from having one singe lngua franca?

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Wanna Know…

Moooore aboutLingua-Franca?

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