Applying the Emerging PCCS to Physical Objects in a Core Repository A Use Case to Demonstrate Validity of Broader Community Adaptation Denise J. Hills, Geological Survey of Alabama Sarah Ramdeen, UNC-Chapel Hill SILS H. K. Ramapriyan, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Provenance Context Content Standard Use Case with Physical Objects

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Presentation from AGU 2013 on applying PCCS to the physical object collection of cores and samples at the Geological Survey of Alabama

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Page 1: Provenance Context Content Standard Use Case with Physical Objects

Applying the Emerging PCCS to Physical Objects in

a Core RepositoryA Use Case to Demonstrate Validity of

Broader Community Adaptation

Denise J. Hills, Geological Survey of AlabamaSarah Ramdeen, UNC-Chapel Hill SILS

H. K. Ramapriyan, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Page 2: Provenance Context Content Standard Use Case with Physical Objects

AGU Annual Meeting

Data sets prepared and/or preserved with community-accepted data management standards are more likely to be used, now and in the future

Standards developed using suggestions and assessments by a diverse community enable wider adoption without necessarily needing customization

9 December 2013

Why Community Standards?

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AGU Annual Meeting

ESIP Federation’s Data Stewardship Committee developed the PCCS matrix based on community input

Focus is on “what” needs to be preserved, rather than “how”

Developed primarily with NASA/NOAA remote-sensing missions in mind, but meant to be easily adapted to other Earth Science data sets

Current matrix has 8 high-level categories

9 December 2013

Provenance and Context Content Standard (PCCS)

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AGU Annual Meeting

PCCS High Level Categories1) Preflight/Pre-Operations2) Products (Data and

Metadata)3) Product Documentation4) Mission Calibration

5) Product Software6) Algorithm Input7) Validation8) Software Tools

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AGU Annual Meeting

PCCS – Content Attributes Content name More detailed definition

and description Indication of why the

item needs to be preserved

Criteria for quality assessment

Priority for preservation of the item

Source of the content item during the data life cycle

Project phase for capturing the item

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AGU Annual Meeting

An approach to develop or refine the functional specifications of a system

Intended to be characteristic of classes of scenarios, although specific real-world examples may enable fuller understanding of strengths and weaknesses of what is being tested

Should attempt to cover the full “data life cycle”

9 December 2013

About Use Cases

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AGU Annual Meeting

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Data Life Cycle

http://www.dataone.org - DataONE Best Practices Primer

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AGU Annual Meeting

Geological Survey of Alabama (GSA) houses cores, cuttings, and other physical samples collected from oil and gas wells drilled in the state

Repository also contains samples from other states (e.g., when they de-ascension items), and from non-energy wells (e.g., drilled solely for research)

9 December 2013

Use Case: Applying PCCS to a Core Repository

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AGU Annual Meeting

Core Warehouse

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AGU Annual Meeting

As a state agency, part of our mission is to make data available to the public

GSA has not yet standardized records relating to physical samples, making data discovery difficult

As with many other agencies, there is limited funding for preservation efforts so GSA must be strategic

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Why is GSA interested?

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AGU Annual Meeting

Preservation of Core

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Better use of resourcesTimeMoneyTraining

Interoperability (and therefore potential for data use and reuse) increases

Discoverability increases with standardization

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Motivation for GSA to utilize PCCS

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AGU Annual Meeting

Spreadsheets containing basic informationAssociated O&G well (always)Location in TRS format (always)Type of sample (usually) Internal sample number (sometimes)Footage and/or unit sampled (occasionally)Date acquired (rarely)Related resources (rarely)

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Core Repository Documentation Available

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AGU Annual Meeting

From the associated O&G well:Location in Lat/Long NAD1927 (almost always)Operator information (always)Permitting information, including drilling, logging,

and completion dates (almost always)Well TD (almost always)Drilling logs (sometimes)

Can often get sample depths from the drilling logRelated resources (sometimes)

Core analyses can give further information on units

9 December 2013

Core Repository Documentation Available

Page 15: Provenance Context Content Standard Use Case with Physical Objects

Mapping PCCS High Level Categories to Physical Samples

Current Category

1) Preflight/Pre-Operations

2) Product Data and Metadata

3) Documentation4) Calibration

PhysObj Category

1) Site selection/predrilling

2) Product Data 3) Documentation and

Metadata4) Recovery


AGU Annual Meeting 9 December 2013

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Mapping PCCS High Level Categories to Physical Samples

Current Category

5) Product Software6) Algorithm Input7) Validation8) Software Tools

PhysObj Category

5) Not Applicable*6) Conventions7) Not Applicable*8) Not Applicable*

AGU Annual Meeting 9 December 2013

Page 17: Provenance Context Content Standard Use Case with Physical Objects

AGU Annual Meeting

Example PhysObj Content Attributes – Site Selection

Content name Permitting

Definition and description Permit application with

associated documentation Why the item needs to be

preserved Resource information about

area QA of content

Complete and accurate form

Priority for preservation High

Source of the content item during the data life cycle Well owner/operator

Project phase for capturing the item Pre-operational

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AGU Annual Meeting

Example PhysObj Content Attributes – Data and Metadata

Content name Core Sample | Subsample

Definition and description Physical object collected

Why the item needs to be preserved Without the object

analyses cannot be done QA of content

Preservation standards

Priority for preservation High

Source of the content item during the data life cycle Well owner/operator

(initial) | Repository (post-ascension)

Project phase for capturing the item Post-drilling

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AGU Annual Meeting

Example PhysObj Content Attributes – Documentation

Content name Metadata

Definition and description Includes location, depth of

measurement, techniques Why the item needs to be

preserved Provenance critical

QA of content Comparison to robust

metadata content model standards

Priority for preservation High

Source of the content item during the data life cycle Well owner/operator

(initial) | Regulatory agency (initial) |Repository (post-ascension)

Project phase for capturing the item During drilling (collection)

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AGU Annual Meeting

Categories in the PCCS that do not currently have a clearly identified physical object counterpart (e.g., Calibration; Validation) need further examination:Has the item not been captured in the current

repository, but should be?Has the item been captured, but not identified yet

within the information available? Is there a more universal description of the

content category?

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Future Work

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Additional examination of category mapping on a more detailed level is needed to fully define each content item

PCCS should be applied to additional physical repositories (additional use cases)Ask us how!

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Future Work

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AGU Annual Meeting

The Data Preservation Committee of the ESIP Federation was fundamental to the development of the material presented.

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AGU Annual Meeting

9 December 2013

Connecting Data Stakeholders for a Long-term Vision of Data


TOWN HALLMonday, 6:15-7:15pmMoscone South 306