Ruby 1.8.8 and professor

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No Ruby 1.8.8? Fork that!

Andrew GrimmROROSyd 2011-06-20

Ruby 1.8.8 RIP

No core developers are currently willing to release 1.8.8.

Zombie Ruby!

Ruby_1_8 branch still exists

rvm install ruby-head --branch ruby_1_8

ruby 1.8.8dev (2011-05-25) [i386-darwin10.7.0]

Undead code demo

What to use it for

1.8-only gems where you have 1.9-style code

What not to use it for



Andrew GrimmRORO Syd 2011-06-21

How profiling should work

Have slow code

Determine what's slow scientifically

Attempt a fix

Verify the fix fixes the problem

Comparing two profiles

Not 100% sure it's the right approach

See that methods I expect to improve do so

See that others don't