How to work with Social Customer Care in Scup Introductory Content Scup Tutorials Introductory Content Scup Tutorials

[Scup] Tutorial: How to work with Social Customer Care in Scup

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How to work with Social Customer

Care in Scup

Introductory ContentScup Tutorials

Introductory ContentScup Tutorials

Page 2: [Scup] Tutorial: How to work with Social Customer Care in Scup

What you will learn

• Structure of the Tickets tab

• What is a ticket?

• Structure of a ticket

• How to create a ticket

• Replying to a ticket

• Display periods and filters in Tickets

• Tickets reports

• Setting up your operation

• Automating your operation

What you will learn

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Where can I use Social Customer Care in Scup?

To use this feature, access the Tickets tab.

What is a ticket?

Tickets are situations that require service, assigned to Customer Service operators.

Example: Your project collected a mention for a user who needs technical support. This

mention can be assigned to an operator who must reply to it in order to close the ticket.

What is the difference between a ticket and a mention?

A mention is a post collected from a monitored social network. A ticket is a mention that

requires service and is assigned to an operator.

What is a ticket item?

After the ticket is opened, each interaction between the operator and the user is referred to

as an item. During the period in which the ticket is open, any collected mention for this user

will also be considered an item, that is to say, a part of the ticket.

Basic questions and


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To turn a mention into a ticket, choose the desired post in the Mentions tab and

click the Create Ticket option.

Creating tickets

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When choosing this option, another screen will open for you to define the

service priority (urgent, high, low) and the Operator who will receive the ticket.

Creating tickets

The list will include the names of all operators who

have the operator permission level. Go to Settings

> Operators to view and modify the permission

level of operators.

From the color of the adjacent circles, you can

identify which operators are online (green) and

which are offline (gray). After the operator's name,

you can see how many cases each person is

working on.

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After defining the conditions of the new ticket, the post is highlighted in orange.

Clicking on this will redirect you to the ticket content.

Your ticket has

now been

created and is

available in the

Ticket tab

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This Scup module was created for you to provide service in social media. It

includes all the tickets created in your project. The idea is for this space to

become the central workspace for your Social Customer Care team.

Structure of the Tickets


List of your


Choose how you

would like to view

the ticket list with


Choose the time

interval in which you

would like to view

your tickets.

Send tickets on

mass by clicking on

Switch collaborator

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Ticket StructureStatus of your

ticket.User message and link to the ticket history and space where

the response is posted.

Ticket creation time (not

the time the mention was

collected) and date or

time of ticket update.

Ticket priority.


responsible for

the ticket.

Important: You can change the Status, Priority and Operator on the ticket itself. To do this, simply

click on the down arrow next to each ticket and choose the desired option. !

Ticket identification


Photo of the user, from the social media

in which the post assigned as a ticket was

collected, and a symbol to identify if the

last ticket message is public or private.

Name of the user who

posted the mention that

was assigned as a


See all ticket activity or remove

the ticket

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Ticket status

Select the ticket status: new, open, pending or resolved.

Important: after a certain time with no interaction between users and operators,

tickets with the "resolved" status are closed. !

New ticket: used to identify cases requiring service.

Open ticket: used to identify tickets that are waiting to be dealt with by the operator.

Pending ticket: used when the operator has contacted the user. The operator is waiting for your reply

or waiting for information from the area responsible for the case.

Resolved ticket: used when the service has been concluded.

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Ticket priority

Select the response priority level for your ticket: urgent, high or low.

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View the list of your Customer Service operators and choose the operator who

will be responsible for the ticket.

From the color of the adjacent circles,

you can identify which operators are

online (green) and which are offline


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View the list of all actions performed on the ticket, such as change of status,

operator and priority. The log also shows the date on which changes were


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Display periods and filters in Tickets

In the display period, you set the time interval

in which you would like to see the ticket list.

The default period in Scup is one month.

Choose the filter you would like to use and click

Apply Filters. From among the options, you can

choose: With the ID, Sorted by, State, Priority,

By collaborator or Per tag.

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By ID: Search for a ticket by its identification number.

Sorted by: Choose how you would like to view your ticket list. The list can be organized bystatus, by creation date (ascending or descending) or by update date (ascending ordescending).

State: Choose whether you would like to see tickets by status, that is to say, new, open, pending, resolved or closed.

Priority: Define the priority of the tickets you would like to see. You can choose from indifferent, urgent, high or low.

By collaborator: View the tickets that have been assigned to each operator. You can choosefrom the options of indifferent and none (a ticket that has not been assigned to anycollaborator), or select the desired operator.

Per tag: Choose to filter your ticket list by the tags assigned to the post.

Filters in the Tickets tab

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In Scup, you can reply to a ticket in two places: in Mentions or in Tickets.

Replying to a ticket

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In your Mentions tab list, you can find the post that was classified as a ticket.


To reply to the ticket, click on the button highlighted below. After clicking on Reply, the reply box will

open for you to send your message to the


Before sending the reply, you can set the ticket status.

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You can also reply to the ticket in Mentions by clicking on the button where the

ticket was created.


Click the button with the orange highlight, in

which the ticket was created. You will be directed to the content of this ticket

(including its history) in the Ticket tab, where

you will also find a space to reply.

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In Tickets, you can reply to a ticket by clicking on the message text.


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After clicking on the

user message, you will

be directed to the

adjacent screen:

This is the area used to reply to the user.

Ticket conversation history and data.

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Ticket history and data

Conversation history: the history shows all exchanges between the user and

the operator. Each exchange is called a ticket item.

Ticket identification

number. Ticket Status and


View the ticket conversation history.

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For your Social Customer Care operation to maintain an average actual

response time, operators can send their own tickets to others at times outside

their working hours. Each operator can only send tickets from their own list to

others. However, those with Moderator, Administrator and Manager permission

levels can direct tickets from any list.

Distributing tickets

By clicking the box next to Switch

collaborator, all items will be selected

and you can then choose to whom you

would like to send your tickets.

You can choose to distribute the tickets

to an operator on the list or to none.

Important: When a ticket is directed to

none, it becomes available in the Tickets

tab for any collaborator to accept.

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When a ticket is assigned to None, it becomes available for any operator to

accept. If the operator sees the Receive a ticket icon on the right of the Ticket

tab, this means there is a ticket that is not assigned to anyone. By clicking the

button, the ticket automatically changes from None to the name of the operator

who clicked it.

Receiving a ticket

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You can send a specific ticket by e-mail by clicking on Send by e-mail.

The recipient will receive the ticket item sent and the conversation history.

Sending a ticket by e-mail

To send a ticket item by e-mail, go to the ticket you would like to send and click Send

by e-mail. Next, simply fill in the details with the recipient's e-mail address, the

subject and e-mail message.

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By default, Scup sends an email to an collaborator whenever a ticket is created

and assigned to them. If you no longer want to be notified by e-mail, go to

Dashboard > Edit my settings > I want to receive e-mails about tickets openings

Receiving notification of new


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To use classification by tags on your tickets, you need to classify the mention.

The tag assigned to the mention will then go to the ticket.

With classification by tags, you can see the number of cases for each subject in

Reports > Tickets> Top Tags.

Classifying a ticket

Select the tag for your mention or create a new one. The option selected will also be the tag for the ticket created.

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With Scup Permission levels, you can determine what each operator is able to do

in the monitoring project. You can choose from: visitor, classifier, publisher,

moderator, manager and administrator.

All the permissions levels, except fot the visitor, can answer mentions and

tickets, as long as this option is selected when you add the colaborator. You can

also choose if this collaborator will be considered in the automatic distribution of


Who replies to a ticket?

To view and change

permission levels, go to

Settings > Collaborators.

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To access your Tickets reports, go to Reports > Tickets.

Tickets reports

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Tickets reports

Number of new tickets

and number of

resolved tickets.

Average time of the first response

to the ticket and the time for the

ticket to be identified and opened.

Hover your mouse over the report

to view the median and quartile

response times.

Percentage that complies

with the SLA Settings. To

see the actual number of

tickets, simply move your

cursor over the figure.

Total time: reports and statistics considering total time.

Business time: reports and statistics considering the hours

of service. These hours can be defined in Settings > Tickets.

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Tickets reportsView the number of open and resolved tickets by date.

View the average time (in minutes) that your operation takes to open a ticket, make the first

response and resolve the ticket.

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Tickets reports

View the time intervals taken to open a

ticket, make the first response and

resolve the ticket.

View the number of tickets per tag. With

this chart, you can identify the number of

tickets per case.

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View details of your Social Customer Care operation per collaborator, in the

following categories: new tickets, open tickets and solved tickets.

Tickets reports

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To configure your Social Customer Service operation, go to Settings > Tickets

Setting up your operation

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Set the service hours for your operation


By registering service hours, you can

obtain results from Service hours reports,

without considering the hours in which

the center does not operate. As a result,

your average response time will not be

impacted by times when there is no


Setting up your operation

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In SLA preferences and Other settings, you can define the response time

targets for your operation. This will be quantified and demonstrated in your

reports, showing data for service hours (the times at which service is available).

Setting up your operation

Select the maximum time for the first response to the ticket.

Select the time used for automatic ticket closing. In this case, Scup will automatically close the ticket if there is no user response within 3 days.

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Closing a ticket

In your Social Customer Care operation on Scup, tickets will be closed based

on the SLA preferences and this cannot be performed manually.

Setting up your operation

The ticket will only be closed if there is no user interaction in the set period. In the adjacent example, the ticket will be

closed in 3 days if there is no response from the user.

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With Scup rules, you can automate your operation of Social Customer Care by

creating tickets automatically. To do this, register a rule in Settings > Rules>

Add new rule.

Before creating your rule, you will complete 4 steps:

1. Searches.

2. Condition.

3. Action.

4. Time.

Automating your


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1) Searches: choose the search which your rule will be applied to.

Automating your


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2) Condition: define what must occur for your rule to be applied.

Automating your


Select this option to create a rule for text (with or without an exact expression), a user (for a specific user,) or coverage (with a minimum number of followers or views).

Select this option to choose

the percentage of mentions

that should be collected in

your search.

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3) Action: choose what Scup should automatically do with the collected

mention and the conditions you created.

Automating your


Classify and send alerts: Define

sentiment, apply tags and send alerts (you

can select multiple actions


Ignore items: avoid trash in your monitoring

by ignoring the mentions that either match

or don't match your condition.

Create tickets: create tickets automatically.

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If you select the Create Ticket option, Scup will automatically create tickets

according to the chosen conditions.

Automating your


To create the ticket, you need to define who will receive it (Collaborator) and the service importance



Automatic, online operators with fewer tickets.

Automatic, online or offline operators with fewer tickets.

Name of the operator.





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4) Time: in the final step, you define when your rule will be applied, by selecting

the day and time at which it will be active.

Automating your


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Creating a ticket from an expression and directing it to one of the operators.

Example of Automation

After selecting the searches to which this rule will be

applied, in step 2 (Condition) select the option By text,

user and reach> Containing the exact expression, and

enter the desired expression. In this case: “Problem”

Under Action, click on the Create Ticket option,

send it to the online operator with fewer tickets

and select the service priority.

Under Time, you define the period in which this rule will operate. In this case, you can enter the service hours of your center.

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Creating a ticket for a specific user.

Example of Automation

After selecting the searches to which this rule will be applied,

in step 2 (Condition), choose By text, user and reach> By the

user and enter the user name. In this case: Mark

Zuckerberg.In step 3 (Action), select a specific operator

from your list and set the priority to urgent.

Since your user is an important

person, in the final step (Time),

make the rule valid for every

day of the week.

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