Sharepoint Document Library Deep Dive - a how to discussion

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Page 2: Sharepoint Document Library Deep Dive - a how to discussion

A little background on this demo…

Site Collection

Future HR Site

Future Marketing


Finance Site

Future Project Site(s)

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About the Finance Department Business Requirements

We need a Document Library to store lots of documents, and find them easily We need to migrate in some existing content from our file

server We want our files to be safe We want to simplify versioning We have some templates we want staff to utilize, particularly

Purchase Orders We want to limit exposure of our documents We want to be able to tell, at a glance, what documents were

worked on recently We need a couple of other lists to manage our team

(Contacts, Calendar, Issue Management)

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What is a Document Library? A Document library is a file repository,

that exists within a SharePoint site – where you put files

A SharePoint list – with attachments

Storehouse offile types

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Why would I use a Document Library?

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Why would I use a Document Library?

Access to your files from anywhere, at anytime on almost anything. Skip the VPN

Two Stage Recycle Bin Check-In/Check-Out Centralized Templates/Content Types Versioning - Both Major and Minor - "one copy of the truth!" Confidentiality - Send To! Search! Workflows Receive Email Attachments Notifications - Email, Workflows, RSS and the Dashboard

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Creating a Document Library Show Me…

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End Users… How do we get data in there?

Upload (ick!), Upload Multiple (gulp!) Create a New Document (more on that later…) WebDAV (Save as or ‘Publish’ … to the website)

WebDAV = Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning

Real World: Email Attachments! Create Network Locations

Open in Explorer (Migration Considerations…) Scanning!

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KISS Really, you need all that junk? Open with Explorer … but don’t tell


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Backups and the Recycle Bin Backup SQL! It is not the traditional file

server You have two “uh-oh’s”

User Recycle Bin

Site Collection Recycle Bin

Backups …

…did you know this applies to lists too? Try that with an Excel sheet!

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Major Versions Minor Versions Versioning is a good excuse for defining additional

document libraries. Who says you can’t have more than one?

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Be Descriptive About Your Data Add Columns (Type of Document, Related

Client, etc.) Show Me… (Column “Type of Document”,

Purchase Order, Receipt, Invoice, etc.)

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Confidentiality - Send To!

Send a link to the document, not the document itself

Limit the “Herbal Essences Effect” Show Me…

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Find the document by name Search lots of document types – using iFilters! By Metadata/Columns (and check out the Ribbon

Bar!) Show Me…

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Content Types

In relation to a Document Library, a Content Type’s attributes include: A document template the content will be based on Columns that the content is associated with

(metadata) Workflows that the content will use IRM policies that apply to the content

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Content Types - Example

Purchase Order Template DemoColumns(metada







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If we have time… We’ll create a quick workflow, to notify the Office

Manager *only* if a new Purchase Order is added to the library