Sheep Cross Breeding and Reproductive Management Dr Talaat Refaat

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Page 1: Sheep Cross Breeding and Reproductive Management Dr Talaat Refaat

والحيوانات الصحراويةالجمعية المصرية لألغنام والماعز





المؤتمر الدولى األول لتنمية المجترات الصغيرة

2006فبراير 7-9







(7-9 FEB, 2006)

Page 2: Sheep Cross Breeding and Reproductive Management Dr Talaat Refaat



Our project has started on 20/8/1998 with 20 Barki ewes from American

University of Cairo (AUC), Khartoum branch, which is located near our

farm at South of Tahreer, Sadat city. AUC has long experience in animal

production, especially with Barki breed.

At the same time we brought two Barki rams from Animal Production

Research Institute (APRI), Borg Al-Arab station. One of the main

objectives of this station is to keep the pure original characteristics of

Barki breed, since it has the best carcass specification in Egypt.

On 17/7/1999 we brought 80 Osimi ewes from Abu-Kabeer Sharkiya,

with the help of an experienced staff member of APRI. He made a good

job in selecting the ewes. Simultaneously we brought two Finn rams from

APRI, Sakha Station.



Since animal production was not our original career, and there was

no previous experience in this area, we preferred to follow a scientific

approach in tackling any subject concerning animal production rather

than to follow a traditional disciplinary approach.

“A Systems Approach to research and development is now generally

recognized as being the most appropriate for gaining knowledge of

and designing technology for the improvement of agricultural

performance and for the subsequent putting into practice of the

knowledge and technology. A Systems Approach, unlike the more

traditional disciplinary approach considers the effects that changes in

one component or subcomponent of a whole farm or environment may

have on other components.” “1”.

It is stated in “ Production Systems in the Near East Region ,A

Training Manual for Characterization & Analysis” produced by the

FOA Regional Office for the Near East page 7 :

A properly applied systems approach should:

Begin with no preconceptions about the nature of the system ;

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Be geared towards improvement of the system ;

Examine the interactions and relationships between the internal

and external factors affecting production goals and levels of

performance and , from these , attempt to identify constraints to

better performance ;

Interactions must be adequately understood and constraints

correctly identified ;

Involve the farmers and their families in the process at all

stages ; and

Evaluate “solutions” for their effects on productivity, equity,

stability and sustainability.

Systems research means researchers must be open to problems at

farm and household level as well as to working with farmers and

willing to learn from rural wisdom and indigenous knowledge.

Therefore, setting a strategy “2, 3 &4”for our project was a must at

least for the following reasons:

To formulate the Mission Statement for the project.

To formulate the Vision Statement for the project.

To set the Goals & Objectives for the project.

To devise an appropriate organization capable for the

achievement of these Goals and Objectives.

To allocate new resources to the organization in stages “4&6”.

To comply with the imposed requirements set by new


To reposition the project relative to the similar competitors

organization especially in the frame of the new changes.

To form a basis for making action decision-now! Since

immediate action decision is a must regarding the new changes

in marketplace.


The MISSION of our project is:

To encourage and enable

All farm manager at the three

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Managerial levels

To improve

The decision making process

For all types of decisions

Strategic, tactical & technical.


The VISSION of our project is:

Quantitative Approaches, DSS, TQM, HRM,

Advanced S/W & H/W

& different Methodologies


Common tools that

All farm managers can use

To help them

To achieve their objectives


GOALS of our project are:

G0, G1, ..., G4.

G0 is a temporary goal especially during the building stage. The other

four goals are permanent goals.

In the frame of the characteristics of the current situation of the farm;

the mission and the vision statements; and environment of the farm / our

project have five goals:

GOAL # 0

To establish

Mission statement, vision statement, goals, policies,

Procedures & adequate organization;

Objectives, scope of work“2, 3 ,4 &5”,


Job analysis and description

For the required manpower.

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GOAL # 1

To facilitate collection, keeping,

Updating for all information related

To animal production, cross breeding, reproductive management,

nutrition,.etc. On different media, and

To avail these information to all farm candidates.

GOAL # 2

To establish

Systems assurance function, product

Assurance function, and process assurance

In the meantime

To build and to improve:

i a quality control system

To all parts of the project

ii a training system

To all involving candidates.

GOAL # 3

To assist projects, managers

To perform

The four key stages of the project:

Initiation, establishment, implementation,

And project completion.

GOAL # 4

To perform

Professional system studies,

Feasibility studies

In the meantime

To devise systematic means for

Attaining objectives

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4.1. INTRODUCTION: Genetics and animal selection is of extreme importance. Consumer

preferences, the individual sheep producer’s selection criteria, and suitability

to a production management scheme need to be evaluated.

Unhealthy sheep cannot be profitable and as such lend to a poorly managed

program. It should be understood that both individual animals as well as

whole flock preventative health care programs are needed.

As these factors are portrayed, it is important to understand that no one

management tool can be emphasized over another. Quality assurance requires

that all facets must be understood and managed. It is important that the

producer utilize all available information resources:

nutritionists, feed salesmen, animal science faculty of universities, animal

production research institutes and practicing local veterinarians. This will

allow the formation of a complete sheep management program. “7”


BREEDS: There are many recognized breeds of sheep world wide. Each breed has

strengths and weaknesses, and your choice of breed or breed combination

should be matched to the goals of your sheep enterprise (meat/carcass quality,

fine wool, milk production, reproductive efficiency, show lambs, colored

fleece, etc.). Breeds should also be chosen based on their adaptability to your

environment, their mature size, and the availability of quality breeding stock

in your region. “7”.

BREEDING CONCEPTS: Selection is the process that increases the frequency of desirable genes, which

leads to the genetic improvement of your flock. You must decide what trait(s)

are important to your specific sheep enterprise, and have some method to

measure the trait(s). You can then compare the sheep in your flock and select

those that are superior in terms of the desired trait(s) to be the parents of the

next generation.

Develop a system that works for your flock. It can be as simple or complex as

You want to make it. Numbering systems commonly include a code for

The order in which the lamb was born, and the year in which it was born (ex.

9801, or 98-1 might signify the first lamb born in your flock in 1998). Tags

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May be colored coded to represent year of birth or sire line. Lambs can be

tagged within the first week of life. Breed associations can assign registration numbers to individual sheep within

purebred, registered flocks. Many breed associations will also help provide

genetic evaluation information on your sheep. Ear tattoos are a permanent

method of sheep identification, but may not be as convenient to read as ear

tags. Paint brands are commonly used for short-term identification until an ear

tag or tattoo can be applied.

In order to make accurate selection decisions, you need to obtain or develop a

record-keeping system. Utilize those production records in combination with

visual evaluation to make your selection decisions. Keeping records is just the

first step. The important step is actually using those records to make selection

and culling decisions to improve the overall genetic make-up of your


To understand selection, there are some basic genetic concepts that need to be

explained. The phenotype (physical appearance) of a sheep is the result of the

interaction of two factors, genotype (genetics) and environment (climate,

health, feeding & management system). Keep in mind that parents cannot pass

“environment” on to their offspring, but they do pass their genes on to their

offspring. To make improvement, we must separate genotype from

environment, and select those individuals that are genetically superior.

Performance records help us compare the traits of lambs of similar breed, age,

sex, birth type, and management system. Heritability is defined as the portion

of variation due to genetics. Growth, carcass, and fleece traits tend to be

moderately or highly heritable, so significant progress through selection is

possible. Most reproductive traits are low in heritability, which means it is

much more difficult to make genetic progress by selecting for these traits.

Traits that are low in heritability can be improved more by changing your

management system (i.e. reproductive traits can be improved more by altering

your feeding and health programs than through genetic selection).

The steps for developing a successful selection program are: 1. Determine the goals for your sheep enterprise.

2. Select a breed or breeds that are suited for your goals.

3. Determine which traits are most important for meeting your goals.

4. Identify and keep records on all your sheep.

5. Evaluate your ewe flock based on the important traits to determine where

improvement is needed.

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6. Choose rams that are superior in the traits that your ewe flock needs


7. Select replacement ewes that are above your flock average for the important


The fewer traits you select, the more rapid the progress that can be made. This

is due to the fact that it is harder to find individuals that are superior in many

traits, than it is to find individuals that are superior in a few traits. This is also

related to the correlation between traits. Sometimes the correlation is good,

and sometimes it isn’t. For example, if you select for increased weaning

weight, you will also tend to increase 90-day weight and 120-day weight,

which may be positive.

However, selecting for increased weaning weight may also increase lamb

birth weights. If lamb birth weights are increased too much, it could lead to an

increase in difficult births, which is obviously not desirable.

Since rams have a much greater influence on the genetics of each lamb crop it

is critical to place the most selection emphasis on your rams. The rams and

ewes in your flock each contribute 50% of the genetics of the next generation;

however, since there are often many more ewes in a flock than rams, the

genetic influence of each individual ram is far greater than that of each

individual ewe.

The ram’s importance is compounded if you keep replacements out of him. A

poor quality ram is the most expensive sheep you’ll ever own!

Good rams are key for any breeding program


Purebreeding is the mating of rams of a particular breed to ewes of the same

breed. Breeders of registered sheep must use a purebreeding system. Sheep

producers who sell breeding stock (especially rams) to other producers

generally use a purebreeding system. Some commercial producers use a

purebreeding system in cases where a particular breed is best suited to their

management system and environment.

There are two basic types of purebreeding systems; outbreeding (the mating of

individuals less closely related than the average of the breed), and inbreeding

(the mating of individuals more closely related than the average of the breed).

Most purebred producers utilize outbreeding; however, inbreeding can be a

useful tool to detect the presence of genetic recessive defects in

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certain bloodlines. The elite seedstock producers also utilize inbreeding

because they may not be able to find unrelated rams that are superior to their

own rams.

Crossbreeding is the mating of rams of one breed to ewes of a different breed.

Crossbreeding is a common practice for commercial sheep producers because

it allows the producer to take advantage of the desirable traits of more than

one breed. For example, many large commercial producers maintain a fine-

wool flock of ewes (to take advantage of the wool quality and hardiness of

those breeds), and mate them to a meat-type ram (to take advantage of the

growth and carcass quality of those breeds). Some breeds may be included in

a crossbreeding system to improve prolificacy or out-of-season breeding.

Systematic crossbreeding involves the mating of rams and ewes of specific

breed types to produce offspring of a specified type. Many of these systems

rely on purebred flocks to supply replacement rams, and in some cases

replacement ewes. The two advantages to systematic crossbreeding are to take

advantage of complimentary breeds, and heterosis (hybrid vigor).

Heterosis is defined as the superiority of the crossbred individual relative to

the average of the purebreds used in the cross. In general, crossbreds tend to

be more vigorous, more fertile, and faster growing than the average of the

purebreds used in the cross. The effects of heterosis tend to be large for traits

that are low in heritability (such as reproductive traits), and small for traits

that are higher in heritability.

Suffolk rams are often used as terminal sires in crossbreeding programs

as they provide growth and muscle which compliments the wool quality

of many white faced breeds.

In general, unless you are selling breeding stock, you should probably be

taking advantage of a crossbreeding system. A crossbreeding system is not

just mating rams and ewes of several different breeds. Rather, a crossbreeding

system specifically targets two or three breeds that compliment each other’s

strengths and weaknesses to best fit your production goals. “7”



Reproductive rate is defined as the number of live lambs born per ewe

exposed for breeding. Optimal reproductive rates are essential to profitable

sheep production. “8”

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Puberty is when ewe first exhibits estrus (heat). Puberty is influenced by

age, breed, genetic selection, body size, nutrition, and season of birth. Most

ewe lambs reach puberty between 5 and 12 months of age. Ewe lambs will

tend to reach puberty their first fall. For this reason, spring-born ewe lambs

tend to exhibit puberty earlier than fall-born ewe lambs. Lambs born early in

the season reach puberty earlier than those born late in the season, due to

their increased age and body weight. High levels of feed pre- and post-

weaning reduce the age at puberty. Single lambs cycle at a younger age than

twin and triplet-born ewe lambs, due to their size advantage. Ewe lambs

from fine-wool, coarse wool, and late-maturing medium-wool breeds reach

puberty later than many of the meat (Suffolk, Dorset, etc.) and hair sheep

(Katahdin, St. Croix, and Barbados Blackbelly) breeds. Finnsheep and

Romanov ewe lambs and their crosses reach puberty at an early age.

Crossbred ewe lambs cycle at a younger age than purebred ewe lambs. “8”


In sheep, the length of the estrus cycle ranges from 13 to 19 days and

averages 17 days. The phases of the estrous cycle are proestrus, estrus,

metestrus, and diestrus. Estrus is the period of time when the ewe is

receptive to the ram and will stand for mating. It lasts approximately 24 to

36 hours. Ovulation (release of eggs by the ovary) occurs in mid to late-

estrus. Metaestrus begins with the cessation of estrus and lasts for about 3

days. Primarily it is the period of the formation of corpus luteum (CL). The

corpus luteum produces progesterone and maintains pregnancy in the ewe.

Diestrus is the period of the estrus cycle when the CL is fully functional.

Proestrus begins with the regression of the CL and drop in progesterone and

extends to the start of estrus. Rapid follicular growth is occurring during this

period. It usually extends from day 4 to day 13-15 of the cycle. Anestrous

refers to a state where the normal cycle stops. “8”

Estrous cycles are usually affected by the seasons. The number of hours

daily that light enters the eye of the animal affects the brain, which governs

the release of certain precursors and hormones. Most sheep are seasonally

polyestrus and short-day breeders. They will begin to exhibit estrus when

length of day begins decreasing. They will come into heat every 16 to 17

days until they are bred or return to anestrus. Thus, the most natural time for

sheep to breed in the U.S. and Canada is the fall (Oct-Nov). Some sheep

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breeds are less seasonal. They breed almost year-round or have an extended

breeding season. The less seasonal breeds include Dorset, Rambouillet,

Merino, Finnsheep, Romanov, and hair sheep. The most seasonal breeds are

the British long wool and meat breeds. The closer the flock is located to the

equator, the longer the breeding season and the less complete and shorter

will be the seasonal anestrus. “8”.

The signs of estrus in the ewe are much less pronounced than in the cow or

doe and can usually not be detected unless a ram is present. When mature

ewes are in heat, they will seek out the ram and stand still for him to mount

them. Sometimes they wag their tails vigorously. They may nuzzle the ram

around the belly or scrotum and even try to mount the ram. Young ewes

rarely exhibit these behaviors. There is evidence to suggest that rams and

ewes prefer to mate with their own breed, but when there is no alternative

ewes will mate with almost any breed of ram. “8”.

PRE-BREEDING: Prior to breeding, ewes should be treated for internal parasites and have their

hooves trimmed. If there is a history or risk of abortions in the flock, ewes

should be vaccinated prior to breeding. It goes without saying that only

healthy, reproductively sound ewes should be exposed to rams for breeding.

The udder of every ewe should be examined. Those with hard lumps,

abscesses, or unresolved should be culled. Ewes that prolapsed should not be

kept for breeding, because there is a high probability for reoccurance. Ewes

that did not raise a lamb should be culled. Ewes that are in poor body

condition due to age and/or missing teeth should be culled. Ewes with

chronic hoof problems (e.g. foot rot) should be culled. “8”.

GESTATION: The average gestation length in sheep varies from 144 to 151 days. The

average is 147 days. Individual pregnancies may vary from 138 to 159 days.

There are breed differences in gestation length. The earlier maturing breeds

(e.g. Finnsheep) tend to have shorter pregnancies than the late maturing

breeds (e.g. Rambouillet). Ewes carrying multiple births tend to have shorter

gestations. “8”.

The period of early gestation most critical to success during the lambing

season is the first 30 days after fertilization. The first 21 to 30 days after

breeding is when embryonic implantation occurs. This first 30 days is when

most embryonic mortality occurs. Thus, anything that can be done to reduce

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embryonic mortality and should result in more lambs born. Shearing,

vaccinating, working ewes, pronounced changes in feeding practices should

be avoided during the first 30 days of gestation. Ultrasonic pregnancy

scanning can be done on ewes from 35 to 60 days after breeding, depending

on equipment used and operator skill. Nutrition during early gestation is

quite simple. Ewes need only slightly above maintenance levels of nutrition

for the first 15 weeks of pregnancy.

Late gestation (last 4 to 6 weeks) is a critical period for ewe reproduction.

This is when the majority of fetal growth is occurring, placing increasing

nutritional demands on the ewe. Ewes consuming inadequate diets are prone

to pregnancy toxemia and milk fever. Nutrition in late-pregnancy affects the

size and vigor of lambs and the milk producing ability of the ewe. “8”.


There are three stages to parturition (lambing): 1) dilation of the cervix;

2) expulsion of the fetus(es); and 3) expulsion of the placenta. Stage one

usually takes 3 to 4 hours. The birth of a lamb usually occurs within an hour

of less from the rupture of the first water bag. A ewe lambing for the first

time or with multiple births may take longer. If labor takes over an hour for

mature ewes and over 2 hours for ewe lambs, assistance may be required.

The placenta is passed 2 to 3 hours after delivery is finished. In multiple

births, there are separate afterbirths for each lamb. After the lamb is born,

the ewe will lick and nuzzle it to begin the bonding process. “8”.


Ewe lambs should not be bred until they achieve approximately 70 percent

of their mature size (weight). At the same time, care should be taken not to

overfeed replacement ewe lambs. Research has shown that overfeeding pre-

pubertal females (2 to 4 months of age) has a detrimental effect on

mammary development (they deposit excess fat in their udders) and affects

subsequent milk producing ability. Replacement ewe lambs should be fed

separately than market lambs or ram lambs being fed for market.

Pregnant and lactating ewe lambs should be kept separate from mature ewes.

Ewe lambs require extra nutrition because they are still growing. They will

not compete well at the feed bunk with mature ewes and will not gain weight

properly. Ewe lambs that are forced to run with the ewe flock will lose

weight in late gestation and lactation. Single-births are common with ewes

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lambs, but twins and triplets are not uncommon with the more prolific

breeds. Even when management and nutrition are practices, more lambing

problems will be encountered with ewes lambing for the first time at 12 to

14 months of age. “8”.

While breeding ewe lambs increases their lifetime productivity, it may not

be economically advantageous for all producers. Intensively managed sheep

operations usually benefit from breeding ewe lambs. “8”.

Hormonal Control “8”

A common method of inducing estrus in non-cycling ewes is progesterone-

based therapies. Progesterone prevents the ewe from returning to estrus and

ovulating. It is produced by the corpus luteum (CL) of the ovary following

ovulation and sustains pregnancy. When progesterones are introduced

artificially, they fool the body into thinking it is pregnant and the animal will

not ovulate or come into estrous (heat). When the progesterone source is

totally removed, the body realizes it is no longer pregnant and will ovulate

within a very predictable period. Progestins refer to the synthetic compounds

with the properties of progesterone. These substances mimic the function of

the CL. Progestogens (synthetic analogs of progesterone) can be provided by

feeding (MGA), implants under the skin (Synchro-Mate B®), sponges (or

pessaries) inserted into the vagina, or plastic delivery devices inserted into

the vagina (CIDR).

Intravaginal sponges (or pessaries) have been the traditional method of

inducing and/or synchronizing estrus in ewes. They contain progestagens

that are effective at lower doses than natural progesterone. Two types of

sponges are Chronogest (FGA) and Veramix® (MAP). Intravaginal sponges

are usually inserted over periods of 9 to 19 days and are used in conjunction

with PMSG, injected at the time of sponge removal or 48 hours prior to

sponge removal. Intravaginal sponges have high retention rates (>90%) and

females usually exhibit estrus 24 to 48 hours after removal. Responses to

intravaginal sponges have varied according to breed, protocol, co-treatment,

management, and mating system.

CIDR™ (controlled internal drug release) devices are made of progesterone-

impregnated medical silicone elastomers and were developed in New

Zealand. Protocols for the use of CIDR™ devices is usually identical to

protocols for intravaginal sponges. Research has shown that CIDR™

devices and intravaginal sponges yield similar results.

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Synchro-mate-B® is a cattle implant that contains 6 mg of the synthetic

progestagen norgestomet. One-third or one-half of the Synchro-mate-B®

implant is typically used in ewes. Implantation periods range from 9 to 14

days. Two days before the end of the implantation period, injections of

PMSG and /or PGF2a are usually given.

Melengesterol acetate (MGA®) is an orally active, synthetic progestagen

developed and used to suppress estrus in feed lot heifers. The use of this

product requires the feeding of a supplement containing MGA® once or

twice daily for a duration of 8 to 14 days. Protocols usually include co-

treatments with PMSG, P.G. 600® or Ralgro® (zeranol). Ralgro® is a

commercially available growth promotant for cattle and sheep with estrogen-

like effects on LH and FSH concentrations. P.G. 600® is the only veterinary

grade source of PMSG readily available in the U.S. Estrus responses to

MGA feeding vary, but are usually higher with co-treatment.

Prostaglandin-based protocols are only applicable to cycling ewes and are

restricted to use during the breeding season. The two commonly used

products are Lutalyse™ (PGF2a) and Estrumate® (cloprostenol).

Prostaglandins cause regression of the CL, telling the body than no

pregnancy exists. The ewe will ovulate within a very predictable time. When

a single treatment of prostaglandin is given to a flock of cycling ewes, 60 to

70 percent of the flock will exhibit a synchronized estrus beginning 30 to 48

hours later. A double injection system (11 days apart) is most common in


Melatonin treatments have been shown to be an effective method of

inducing estrus in non-cycling ewes. Melatonin is called the "hormone of

darkness," because it is released by the pineal gland during the night.

Treatment with melatonin therefore mimics the short days of fall and

induces estrus after a minimum of approximately 35 days of treatment.

Light Control Controlled lighting can be used to initiate estrus. Short-day breeders like

sheep may be programmed to cycle if they are maintained in a light-tight

building where the photoperiod is reduced gradually over an 8 to 12 week

period. Rams should be exposed to the same light regiment to obtain high

fertility. Light control is usually impractical for most producers.

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Ram Effect The "ram effect" is when non-cycling ewes are stimulated to ovulate by the

sudden introduction of a ram or "teaser." Rams produce a chemical

substance called a pheromone, the smell of which stimulates the onset of

estrus. When ewes and rams are in constant contact (sight or smell), the

pheromones are much less effective at inducing estrus. Ewes that are not

cycling when a ram (or teaser) is introduced will ovulate in 3 to 4 days. This

first ovulation will be a "silent" heat, which cannot be detected by the ram.

Following this silent heat, there will be two normal estrus peaks, with some

ewes cycling around day 18 and the remainder around day 25. Ewes that do

not conceive at either of these times may return to heat in another 17 days. It

is expected that 60 to 70 percent of the ewes will conceive at the first normal

estrus. Of the remaining ewes, 60 to 70 percent should conceive at the

second estrus.

Although recommendations vary, rams should be isolated from ewes for at

least 6 weeks in order for the ram effect to work. Ewes must have no contact

with rams by either sight or smell, which means that they must be separated

by distance. The ram effect is not as effective with ewe lambs. The ram

effect is most effective during the transitional period when ewes have not

begun to cycle, but are almost ready to. Breed of ram can affect ewes'

response to the ram effect, with the less-seasonal breeds being more

effective at bringing non-cycling ewes into estrus.

The great value of the ram effect is the synchronization of estrus activity

which will result in large numbers of ewes ovulating, conceiving, and

lambing in a relatively short period of time. To be effective, it is important

to have adequate numbers of young, healthy rams. Teaser (vasectomized)

rams or testosterone-treated weathers can also stimulate the ram effect.



Consumer preferences, our selection criteria, and suitability to a

production management scheme were evaluated. During initiation phase we

concluded to follow two directions:

First: Pure breeding since a particular breed is best suited to our

consumer preferences and environment, it is Barki breed.

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Second: Crossbreeding, Fenn rams to Osimi ewes. It allows us to take

advantage of the both desirable traits of the two breeds. In general,

crossbreds tend to be more vigorous, more fertile, and faster growing

than the average of the purebreds used in the cross.

Crossbred ewes tend to have an advantage over purebred ewes in

reproductive traits.


Meat/carcass quality,

Reproductive efficiency, and,

Adaptability to our environment (climate, health, feeding &

management system).


The Finnsheep is an ancient breed, native to Finland, also known by

the names of Finnish Landrace or Finn. It is one of several North

European short-tailed Landrace breeds. “9”

NewZealand Finn animals have a long lean carcasses. A proportion of

Finn genes within a composite ewe breed will generally decrease

fatness in lamb carcas, a desirable trait. “9”

Gestation The average gestation length in sheep varies from 144 to 151 days.

The average is 147 days. Individual pregnancies may vary from 138 to

159 days. There are breed differences in gestation length. The earlier

maturing breeds (e.g. Finnsheep) tend to have shorter pregnancies

than the late maturing breeds (e.g. Rambouillet). Ewes carrying

multiple births tend to have shorter gestations. “8”.

In “9” it is stated that 11 good reasons for changing to New Zealand

Finnsheep (High fertility; Fast lamb growth; Long, lean carcasses;

Fine, lustrous wool; Good mothering ability ;Facial eczema

resistance; Easy lambing ;Early sexual maturity; Highly intelligent;

Profitability ;Constitution.)


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Measuring traits and comparing animals requires an identification and

recordkeeping system. We selected the most common method of

individual sheep identification which is ear tags. Record keeping systems commonly start with the birth of the lamb.

Lamb ID, birth date, birth type (single, twin, triplet), sire, and dam are

recorded along with other information critical to our sheep enterprise

(other items that may be found in production records include: birth

weight, weaning weight, post-weaning weight, average daily gain,

medication records, fleece traits, information on difficult births,

comments about the dam’s disposition or mothering ability, comments

about the lamb’s physical appearance, and more). Keeping records is

just the first step. The important step is actually using those records to

make selection and culling decisions to improve the overall genetic

make-up of your flock.

In order to make accurate selection decisions, you need to utilize those

production records in combination with visual evaluation to make your

selection decisions.

With our own numbering system, we developed a system that works for

our flock.

But actually after implementation our system needs to be modified by

adding codes and colors that can facilitates measuring of traits and

comparing animals.



Satisfactory results were not obtained under natural breeding


We were about to end our project several times, since the project

expenditure was much greater than the project income. Thousands of

pounds were lost.

In spite of the money losses , it was obvious that we achieved a

technical contribution in purebreeding, crossbreeding as well as

reproductive management regarding the pre selected target traits.

Therefore it was not easy to end our project. We decided to discuss ,

analyze, and solve our problem.

Through a seminar held by our EASGADA we concluded that the

reasons for our money losses were : the high nutrition cost for the

flock and the low rate in lamb reproduction.

Page 18: Sheep Cross Breeding and Reproductive Management Dr Talaat Refaat


The solution was to transfer from the natural breeding to artificial

manipulating of the reproductive cycle of sheep.

We applied progesterone-based therapies through sponges inserted

into the vagina , then hormonal Control When the progesterone source

is totally removed, the body realizes it is no longer pregnant and will

ovulate within a very predictable period.

Appendices 1&2 show the obtained results after overcoming



1- FAO (Food Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations)

“Production Systems in the Near East Region, A Training Manual for

Characterization & Analysis”, Cairo, 2002.

2 -William G.F. Cornish with Board of Directors of the Saudi Computer

Society (SCS), “Strategic Plan for SCS”, Riyadh, KSA, 1993

3 - Talaat Harb M Refaat, “Information & Computer Systems Department

Business Plan”, United Projects for Maintenance & Operation Company

(UPMOC), Riyadh, KSA, 1993.

4- Talaat Harb M Refaat, “Job Description for UPMOC”, Technical

Report, Riyadh, KSA, 1992.

5 - William H., Roetzheim, “Structured Computer Project Management”,

Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1988.

6 - FAO, “Food and Agriculture Organization of UN - Vacancy

Announcements”, Rome, 1993.

7- S.R.R. Haskell, J.M. Geske, and D.J. Resch,“ Sheep care and

management” , University of Minnesota Extension Service,

8- Susan Schoenian, Sheep & Goat Specialist, “Reproduction in the Ewe”, Western Maryland Research & Education Center, Maryland Cooperative

Extension, Date of last revision: 19-Aug-2005

9- The New Zealand Sheep breeders' Association “The New Zealand


10- Marlon Knights, Todd Hoehn, Deborah Marsh, Paul Lewis, Joy

Pate,Alison Dixon and Keith Inskeep, “Reproductive management in the

ewe flock by induction OR synchronization OF ESTRUS” West Virginia,

Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, Morgantown.

11- David L. Thomas, “Breeding Ewe Lambs or Getting the Most out of

Ewe Lambs”, Department of Animal Sciences University of Wisconsin-


Page 19: Sheep Cross Breeding and Reproductive Management Dr Talaat Refaat


الملحق 1 تقديرالخصوبة والكواءةالتناسلية واألنتايية العديية واألياا والنوو

نسبة الخصوبة =



عدي النعاج المخصبة


% 80.70



عدي النعاج الملقحة






ءة التناسليةالكوا




عدي الحمالن المولوية


% 158.70



عدي النعاج الوالدة






اإلنتايية العديية





عدي الحمالن المولوية


% 128



عدي النعاج الملقحة






نسبة اإلياا




عدي النعاج المجاضة


% 0



عدي النعاج الملقحة






نسبة النوو =



عدي الحمالن النافقة قبل الوطام


% 0



عدي الحمالن المولوية






المجموعة الألولى المجموعة الثانية المجموعة الثالثة المجموعة الرابعة

10 (5+5) 21 (19+2) 14 (14+0) 12(7+5) العدي )نعاج + بدريات(

جةتاريخ تركيب األسون 28-03-2004 06-06-2004 22-11-2004 20-03-2005

حقنتاريخ النزع و ال 11-04-2004 19-06-2004 07-12-2004 03-04-2005

تاريخ التلقيح 13-04-2004 21-06-2004 09-12-2004 05-04-2005

تاريخ الجس 03-07-2004 21-09-2004 09-03-2005 15-07-2005

تاريخ الوالية المنتظر 13-09-2004 21-11-2004 09-05-2005 05-09-2005

عدي النعاج الوالدة 11 11 16 8

دعدي النعاج التى لم تل 1 3 5 2

5 [4x2+1x3] 7 [6x2+1x3] 6 [4x2+2x3] 5 [5x2] عدي النعاج التى ولدت


Page 20: Sheep Cross Breeding and Reproductive Management Dr Talaat Refaat