Singletons in Singletons in Why they are bad and how you can eliminate them from your applications

Singletons in PHP - Why they are bad and how you can eliminate them from your applications

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While Singletons have become a Pattern-Non-Grata over the years, you still find it surprisingly often in PHP applications and frameworks. This talk will explain what the Singleton pattern is, how it works in PHP and why you should avoid it in your application.

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Singletons inSingletons in Why they are bad and how you can eliminate

them from your applications

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Gordon OheimGordon Oheim@go_oh

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a.k.a.The GoF Book

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Creational Pattern„control when and how objects are


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“Ensure a class has only one instance, and provide a global

access point to it.”

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Singleton- instance : Singleton+ getInstance() : Singleton- __construct() : void- __clone() : void- __wakeup() : void

Singleton- instance : Singleton+ getInstance() : Singleton- __construct() : void- __clone() : void- __wakeup() : void

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class Singleton… public static function getInstance() { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new self; } return self::$instance; }}

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abstract class Singleton… public static function getInstance() { return isset(static::$instance) ? static::$instance : static::$instance = new static; } final private function __construct() { static::init(); } protected function init() {}}class A extends Singleton { protected static $instance;}

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trait Singleton… protected static $instance; final public static function getInstance() { return isset(static::$instance) ? static::$instance : static::$instance = new static; } final private function __construct() { static::init(); } protected function init() {}}class A { use Singleton;}

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„Nobody should need a mechanism to make it as easy as pie to clutter the code base

with singletons“

- Sebastian Bergmann

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Testing Singletons

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„In my stilted view of the universe anything that impedes testing is something to be avoided. There are those who don't agree with this view, but I'll

pit my defect rates against theirs any time.“

- Robert „Uncle Bob“ C. Martin

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class TableDataGateway… public function __construct() { $this->db = Db::getInstance(); } public insert(array $data) { $this->db->sql('INSERT …', $data); }}

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class TableDataGatewayTest extends PHPUnit… /**

* @dataProvider provideInsertData */

public function testInsertCallsDbWithData($data) { $gateway = new TableDataGateway; $gateway->insert($data); $this->assertSame( $data, $gateway->findById($data['id']) ); }}

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throws LogicException: No key found for 'pdo' in Registry

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class Db extends Singleton… protected function init() { $this->logger = Logger::getInstance(); $this->pdo = new PDO(Registry::get('pdo')); } public sql($query, $data) { $this->logger->log(printf( 'Executed %s with %s', $query, implode(',', $data) )); $sth = $this->pdo->prepare($query); return $sth->execute($data); } }

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Singletons are pathological liars- Miško Hevery

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class TableDataGatewayTest extends PHPUnit… /**

* @dataProvider provideInsertData */

public function testInsertCallsDbWithData($data) { Registry::set('pdo', array('…')); Registry::set('log', '/dev/null'); $gateway = new TableDataGateway; $gateway->insert($data); $this->assertSame( $data, $gateway->findById($data['id']) ); }}

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Your tests are not isolated.You still need a real database.

No easy way to mock the Db Singleton.

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„The real problem with Singletons is that they give you such a good excuse not to think carefully

about the appropriate visibility of an object.“

- Kent Beck

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Hard to change code manifests itself in a cascade of

subsequent changes in dependent code

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Fragile code breaks in many places when you

change just one place

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Non-reusable code is code that you cannot reuse in

another project because it contains too much extra baggage

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Single Responsibility Principle

A class should have one, and only one, reason to change.

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Open Closed Principle

You should be able to extend a classes behavior, without modifying it.

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Liskov Substitution Principle

Derived classes must be substitutable for their base classes.

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Interface Segregation Principle

Make fine grained interfaces that are client specific.

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Dependency Inversion PrincipleDepend on abstractions, not on concretions.

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Solid Singleton?

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SRP Violation

Creation Logic + Business Logic= 2 reasons to change

Mitigated by using Abstract Singletons

But responsibilities are still strongly coupled through inheritance

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OCP Violation

In PHP < 5.2 Singletons are closed for extending

Boilerplate code has to be removed when no longer needed

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DIP Violation

Global access breaks encapsulation

Hides dependencies

Adds concrete dependencies into Clients

Signature lies

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Singletons in the Wild

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Recap:“Ensure a class has only one

instance, and provide a global access point to it.”

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„So much of the Singleton pattern is about coaxing language protection mechanisms into

protecting this one aspect: singularity. I guess it is important, but it seems to have grown out of


- Ward Cunningham

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You do not need to ensure singularity when you are going to instantiate the

object only once anyway.

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You do not need to provide a Global Access Point when you can inject the


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class TableDataGateway… public function __construct() { $this->db = Db::getInstance(); }}class Db extends Singleton… protected function init() { $this->logger = Logger::getInstance(); $this->pdo = new PDO(Registry::get('pdo')); } }

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class TableDataGateway… public function __construct(Db $db) { $this->db = $db; }}class Db… public function __construct(PDO $pdo, Log $logger) { $this->logger = $logger; $this->pdo = $pdo; } }

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But then I have to push dependencies all the way through my object graph?!

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Recap: Creational Pattern

„control when and how objects are created“

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Use Builders and Factories to create Collaborator Graphs

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class UserControllerBuilder { public function build($config) { $log = new Log($config['log']); $pdo = new PDO($config['…']); $db = new Db($pdo, $log); $tdg = new TableDataGateway($db); return new UserController($tdg); }}

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class UserControllerBuilder { public function build($config) { $log = new Log($config['log']); $pdo = new PDO($config['…']); $db = new Db($pdo, $log); $tdg = new TableDataGateway($db); return new UserController($tdg); }}


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class UserControllerBuilder { public function build($config) { $db = new LogDecorator( new PDO($config['…']); new Log($config['log']); ); $tdg = new TableDataGateway($db); return new UserController($tdg); }}

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// index.phpinclude '/path/to/autoload.php';$config = new Config('/path/to/config.ini');$router = new Router( array( '/user/{id}' => function() use ($config) { $builder = new UserControllerBuilder; return $builder->build($config); } ));$router->route( new Request($_GET, $_POST, $_SERVER), new Response);

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„Singletons aren't necessary when you can design or redesign

to avoid using them.“

- Joshua Kerievsky

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„I'm in favor of dropping Singleton. Its use is almost always a design


- Erich Gamma