John Dagevos Woensdrecht, 27th of October 2010 Sisco study tour The use of the PPPscan in the Aviolanda case

SISCo Study Tour PPP Scan 27 10-10

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John Dagevos Woensdrecht, 27th of October 2010

Sisco study tour

The use of the PPPscan in the Aviolanda case

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Woensdrecht, 27th of October John Dagevos

Contents of presentation

Introduction on Telos

Telos’vision on sustainable development

ToDo & PPPscan

The Aviolanda Case

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Who we are? Brabant Centre for Sustainable Development (1999)

Interdisciplinary knowledge institute for sustainable development

Network organisation (PNB, TU, TUe, PON)

What we do? Construction of integrated concepts of SD

Developing methods for monitoring SD

Facilitating SD innovations and transitions

Stimulating communication and debate about SD

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Sustainable development

Renewed attention after the Brundtland report (1987) “Sustainable development

meets the need of the present without compromising the ability of future

generations to meet their own needs”

Roughly two types of approaches can be distinguished

- anthropocentric: the human needs are the starting point. The

protection and the preservation of the environment is considered as a necessary

contribution to human welfare

- fysiocentric: the protection and preservation of the environment is the

starting point without considering human needs

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Operationalising the concept of sustainable development

The Telos approach We follow Brundtland’s broad anthropocentric perspective.

Sustainable development is a development process which

demands balance at at least three levels: Between the ecological capital (planet), the social-cultural capital

(people) and the economic capital (profit). In time: intergenerational solidarity In space: spatial solidarity

All capitals are of equal importance: therefore we use an

equilateral triangle as a trademark

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A model consisting of capitals, stocks, requirements, indicators and norms

The Telos triangleEcological capital

Socio-cultural capital Economic capital

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Conceptual Framework

Stock 1



Stock 3

Stock 2Capital












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Ecological capital




Surface Water




Socio-cultural capital





Housing & Living Cond.



Art and Cultural


Economic capital


Capital Goods

Spatial conditions

Economic Structure


Raw materials

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For each stock we have formulated requirements or long term goals:together they form a common dream how a sustainable society should look likeThese requirements:

indicate the long term goals

show what is relevant

are based on scientific research and policy documents

reflect the ideas of the stakeholders and citizens

are based on exhaustive discussions with society via interviews and meetings with

stakeholders, citizen panels etc.

The most important achievement is that we have developed a common

language to talk about Sustainable Development

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Some examples of requirements per stock

Nature Increase area covered by linked nature reserves. Increase biodiversity (species diversity of flora and fauna)

Solidarity/social cohesion. Prevention of poverty. Prevention of exclusion. Citizens may express their identity as long as it does not restrict

other people’s freedom to do so.

Labour Increase in employment Reduction in unemployment Raise skill levels of the workforce Improvement in working conditions

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Some ingredients for sustainable thinking

Sustainability is not a static concept.

Renewal and adaptation is constantly needed

Constant interaction is needed between governmental authorities at

different levels, business community, non governmental organisations

and social movements

No sustainable development without friction;

Between different interests

Between old and new thinking (fixed rules, routines, within the strict

sectoral and spatial boundaries, narrowly defined administrative


It needs integral thinking

It asks for enthusiasm, creativity, unorthodox solutions, positive

thinking: Innovation

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Applications of the conceptual framework

Sustainability Balance Sheet: used for ex-post monitoring of the

development of a specific region from the perspective of

sustainability: focus on the factual fulfillment of each of the

requirements (monitoring system with more than 120 indicators)

ToDo & PPPscan: methodology and web based tool for ex-ante

evaluation of the expected contribution of projects and policies to

the sustainable development of a region

Framework for Corporate Social Responsibility

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ToDO: framework for sustainability assessment

Ex-ante evaluation in the process of projectdevelopment and policymaking: as early

as possible in the process. Two steps:

• Quick scan• A more thorough research (if necessary) after the quick scan has been carried


In the quick scan we want to get answers on the following questions: Is the project or the policyproposal expected to have influence on the fulfilment of

the requirements or long termgoals as defined in the Telos approach? Is this influence positive, negative or neutral in the end? Do the expected effects give reason for a more thorough research? Is adaptation or even stopping of the project required or can one go on without

changing the project or proposal?

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Process of planning



Why an ex-ante assessment?

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PPPscan: webtool for carrying out the ToDO- quick scan

Developed together with the Province of North Brabant and the

BMF With financial support of some sponsors

Practical tool for supporting the policy making process In the format of a webapplication (freeware): www.pppscan.org As a ‘Structured checklist’ Gives no absolute outcome: provides information about strengths

and weaknesses of projects

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How to use the PPPscan?

• Two types of use: As an individual As a group

- homogeneous group: no representatives of specific interests

- heterogeneous group: with representatives of differents interests which

can be related to the 3 P’s

Everybody is asked to fill in the scan: to score to what extent the stocks and the

related requirements are expected to be influenced by the project or proposal

If wanted one can add a comment or a motivation or even some suggestions for

improving the project

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At the level of a stock: one gets an insigth in the expected positive or

negative effects of the project on the fulfilment of the requirements

At the level of the capitals: is there a balanced development or not?

Distribution of answers/results: consensus or not?

Differences between interestgroups or not?

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Casus: Aviolanda Woensdrecht

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Casus: Aviolanda Woensdrecht

Aviolanda Woensdrecht is a spatial development based on sustainability and built up from the 3P’s: People, Planet, Profit.

In the search of the stakeholders representatives of each P have been asked to join the process.

Early in the process the different stakeholders were invited to join and develop a mutual gains agenda.

Later in the process the outcome has been subject of an assessment with the help of the PPPscan

Telos has been asked to give an expert judgement on the outcome of the process

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Casus: Aviolanda Woensdrecht

People Planet Profit

ROC West-Brabant Brabantse Milieufederatie Fokker / Stork

Dorpsplatform Hoogerheide Benegora BOM

Province of North Brabant Province of North Brabant Province of North Brabant

Dorpsplatform Huijbergen Brabants Landschap REWIN NV

Municipalities Municipalities Municipalities

Namiro Ministry of Economic Affairs



Defensie Defensie Defensie

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Key elements of the Aviolanda Agenda (1)

• Ecological capital Broadening and strengthening of the ecological connection zones

Reconstruction of the Kooisloot (valley)

Creation of possibilities for the free movement of the fauna in the region

(ecoducten, wild life passages etc.)

Measures for noisereduction (relocation of noise causing installations,

reducing of the number of test run spots)

Creation of fens and the reconstruction and repair of cultural heritage

values: bringing back and strengthening of the small scale landscape


Sustainable building as leading principle for the build environment

Generating of sustainable energy

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Key elements of the Aviolanda Agenda (2)

Social capital Noise reduction

Strengthening of the educational infrastructure (Aviation Academy)

Creation of work and reduction of unemployment

Creation of a number of joint facilities for international guests and local

citizens in order to promote social cohesion

Promoting of the participation of local stakeholders in the decision making


Enlarging the possibilities for the building of new houses

Strengthening public transport

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Key elements of the Aviolanda Agenda (3)

• Economic Capital Creation of work and new business opportunities

Focus in the economic structure on maintenance, repair and overhaul

Strengthening of the connection between the educational infrastructure and

the business community via the Aviation Academy

Restructuring and redevelopment of old industrial sites

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(Distribution of) Results of the assessment per Stock

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Overall view

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Final remarks (1)

MGA and sustainability as defined byTelos fit together as the two sides of a


A sound interest and stakeholder analysis beforhand: representation of all

the interests and stakes is crucial

Invest in communication. This is a two sided process: transmitting and

receiving, listening and understanding

Be aware of the fact that representatives of stakeholders don’t always have

the full mandate an that communicationprocesses inside stakeholders are

not always organised very well

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Final remarks (2)

Use the PPPscan as a process tool not as a measurement tool

Focus on the things you have in common/on the things you agree upon, not

on the things you divide

Ensure there is a suitable project leader: an expert with authority

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Thank you for your attention and patience!