ShareMyInsight BI Platform and Applications Prem Couture, CEO Cyscom Ltd, www.sharemyInsight.com Business Intelligence delivered as a Cloud Service

SMI cloud Business Intelligence

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SMI was developed from an understanding that the dramatic growth in cloud business applications represents only the first wave of cloud services that businesses will utilize. Apps such as CRM provide solid value for automating processes and providing access to sales related information. However, evidence points to businesses realizing that apps like cloud CRM is just one of many customer touch points that need to be easily analyzed in order to provide an accurate picture. The second wave of cloud services therefore will have a large focus on how to obtain insight from all the data generated across business operations and drive knowledge based decisions throughout the organisation.

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ShareMyInsight BI Platform and Applications

Prem Couture, CEO Cyscom Ltd, www.sharemyInsight.com

Business Intelligence delivered as a Cloud Service

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Introducing SMI

What is ShareMyInsight (SMI) ?

SMI is a unique, cloud based software application that delivers a new form of Intelligence on Business and the World we live in

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About SMI-Cyscom

SharemyInsight (www.sharemyinsight.com) is a cloud based Business Intelligence application owned by Cyscom Ltd., a UK based technology software vendor with offices in Europe and Russia. Specializing in developing cloud computing technologies over the past 6 years, Cyscom owns its own platform (CloudSeed©) for building, deploying and selling cloud based business applications, either as a public or private cloud installation. CloudSeed© includes a development platform for building applications and utility services for selling-provisioning apps, managing-billing accounts and providing customer support.

CloudSeed© comes with ready cloud business applications including CRM, Enterprise Project Management, Social Media Marketing, Help Desk, Wealth Management, HR, Medical Records Management and more.

What we do

Cyscom Ltd. is a privately held company operating in Europe via its UK entity and CIS through a Russian subsidiary. Cyscom Ltd. was recently set up as a USA Delaware Corp but has no current business activity. SharemyInsight will be incorporated as a USA company in Q1 2012 with Cyscom as the sole shareholder.

Corporate structure

SMI was developed from an understanding that the dramatic growth in cloud business applications represents only the first wave of cloud services that businesses will utilize. Apps such as CRM provide solid value for automating processes and providing access to sales related information. However, evidence points to businesses realizing that apps like cloud CRM is just one of many customer touch points that need to be easily analyzed in order to provide an accurate picture. The second wave of cloud services therefore will have a large focus on how to obtain insight from all the data generated across business operations and drive knowledge based decisions throughout the organisation.

The directors believe that cloud BI will emerge as a global demand and is especially relevant to the small to medium sized business segment, where cost for acquiring and managing a traditional BI solution is not affordable.

Why SMI?

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Big Data challenges & impact

• 650% increase by 2015 in the amount of data businesses and organizations need to consume and analyze¹

• 80% in data volumes originating outside of back end, transactional systems¹

• data sources required to analyze to get an accurate picture on business are multiplying – a fundamental premise of ERP systems acting as the ‘single source of truth’ is dead

• valuable pieces of information are spread all across different systems, internet sites and publications

• businesses are under stress and target Business Intelligence as one of their top 3 priorities – 83% SMB CIO’s planning for a BI solution²

• current tools fail to meet the data explosion challenge; nor drive insight at different levels of the organisation and across external networks, such as sales channels and supply chains.

¹ Gartner Research² IBM midmarket survey

data volumes are exploding exponentially, as content gets generated and distributed via collaboration, productivity tools and social channels

Growth of Big Data

• a critical need to get a fast read out on all the data needed for analysis, along with an accurate interpretation of its meaning

•. key decisions are made on ‘gut feelings’ and incomplete or inaccurate information

• current BI software outside the acceptable price range for most businesses - a survey of 1,000 SMBs shows the average annual BI per user cost for an SMBs is $4,225¹

• businesses and organizations are badly equipped and in a non-ready condition to meet the challenge of ‘big data’

• much potential insight is buried within static reports that are accessible by only a small fraction of the organization.

• enterprises and organisations struggle to communicate complicated concepts in order to empower more stakeholders

¹ Aberdeen Research

Impact and challenges

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Trends in Business Intelligence

Enterprises recognize that analyzing volumes of data from only internal systems does not meet the data explosion challenge; nor does it accommodate the need to drive insight. Managers increasingly struggle with:

• how to organise their data so that they can make sense of it; additional data sources present new challenges, but new ones appear every week

• using numerical tools to explore, interpret and analyze data: spreadsheets, statistical models and 'business intelligence' applications feed numbers, but not insight

• trying to apply old-world techniques to new-world data - complex business systems, web sites and social media - with less time and greater pressure to utilize the available data for better decisions

Enterprises are increasingly turning to Data Visualisation software as an add-on to traditional BI tools; DV vendors experiencing dramatic annual sales growth of 35% to 125%

Enterprise market – est. $7.9B annual sales, 12.5% growth

‘ While a number of SMBs have already deployed formal CRM solution, the next focus is on making sense of the data captured, linking it to business objectives and monitoring business performance. Typical business intelligence solutions have been out of reach for majority of SMBs due to cost and deployment complexity’ Techaisle

• IBM June 2011: 83 % of the surveyed SMB CIOs claim to be considering BI and analytics projects

• Techaisle Nov 2011: 28.6% of small and 58% medium sized businesses planning or considering BI

SMB market – 27M SMBs in USA, est. $1.9B annual sales, 20% + growth

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SMBs, Enterprises under pressure from uncertainty

• Where is my business over/under performing? who are my most profitable customers? what products and services are flying & dying? what is my ‘True Cost’ of goods and services

• How do I stack up to other businesses in my industry? across KPI’s (e.g. average gross profit margin for my industry)? what are market leaders doing differently?

• Where can I minimize risks and seize opportunities? where are systemic errors occurring? How do I audit my operations?

• What do the numbers indicate? where am I doing well and failing? what does the trend line look like? where will I be in 6-12 months?

Businesses end up making critical decisions based on their gut-instincts as opposed to the facts

Stress test: most businesses are in the dark on critical questions

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What’s needed?

• access to more trustworthy information, more consumable views ofinformation

• easy and fast interpretation on business and social data that otherwise consumes considerable time to analyze

Fast analytical capabilities is critical for greater efficiency and more accurate, timely decisions

taking advantage of fast emerging opportunities and effectively managing risks means the difference between surviving or not

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What’s needed?

• dramatic improvement in the collection and consolidation of data sources that need to be analyzed

• drive insight at different levels of the organization and across external networks - partners, sales channels, supply chains

• effective risk management and ability to change when knowing where things really stand

Easy and fast read-out on how the business is performing with the ability to implement change

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What’s the current status?

• Have little or no real analytical capabilities, both in terms of software and analyst knowledge

• Attempt to measure business performance without applying the kind of analytical methodologies that apply to their type of business

• Are unable, in most cases, to afford the price of a major consulting firm to set up a BI solution (consulting and licensing, training etc)

• Create analytics in Excel or traditional BI applications that don’t allow an easy way to interpret the data and to know what comes next

• Depend on IT departments to create reports that are often outdated and do not contain valuable data originating from outside their IT systems

do SME’s really know how to analyze and measure business performance? Mostly not, because SME’s …

technology by itself doesn’t solve all the issues

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What a cloud solution can uniquely do

• Shared cloud application lowers the cost barriers for many businesses

The cloud has an enormous potential to deliver insight and knowledge in the fastest, most efficient way possible

• Ready built components cleanses, normalizes and integrates data sources quickly and easily

• Ability to build real-time analytical models with contributors: testassumptions and ensure constructs are correct

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What a cloud solution can uniquely do

The cloud has an enormous potential to deliver insight and knowledge in the fastest, most efficient way possible

• Scalable, ultra fast server processing for fast query resolution, visual rendering – answers many large computational challenges

• Shared insights and discoveries targeted to various audiences: collaborators, customers, suppliers, the public

• Promote rapid change: shared discoveries means collective intelligence and the ability to make collective change

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• A library of pre-built and re-usable analytical ‘templates’ (apps) are part of the service:

KPI’s by business type (e.g. average gross profit margin for UK food retailer)

Analytics by department (e.g. CRM analytics for sales dept)

Sample data sets demo how the analytics drive insight

SMBs can connect to the analyst for online help and suggestions

• Professional service companies (accounting firms, consultants) with industry expertise (e.g. Retail) and/or organizational focus (e.g. CFO) can create and publish a wide range of pre-built analytical templates for SMEs to subscribe to

Deliver ‘Business Intelligence as-a- service’, combining software with expert analytical knowledge

What a cloud solution can uniquely do

SME’s access real BI software, pre-packaged and configured with expert, ready-to-use analytics

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What does cloud BI look like?

• Analytical Mash-ups: merge data sets into 1 analytical repository

• Highly interactive visualisation controls

• High Speed, High Concurrency

• Performance: ultra fast processing xM records in 1-2 secs

• Individual BI Workspaces for collaboration with role based permissions

Cloud BI is highly dynamic, interactive & intuitive: complex questions are answered with simple point & click as on a Google map

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What does BI mean for most businesses?

SMBs and many Enterprises don’t buy into BI – but do buy into BI solutions that answer ‘what do I need to know’

How do I forecast my cash flow?

How can I audit my

spend and find errors?

How do I know who my customer are?

Who buys my products?

Who are my best suppliers?

Who are my top

performing employees?

What is my 1 Yr. financial outlook?

What will my sales look like next Qtr?

Am I overpaying for communication services?

Where am I most profitable?

Which ad campaigns

have the highest ROI

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What makes SMI more than just another BI tool?

What makes SMI compelling to businesses

What you need to know - at the right time Clear insight delivered - withouthaving to search for it A fix for specific, everydayproblems that cost money

SMI delivers on 3 essentials

SMI delivers business value - not software, concepts or pretty pictures

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How the SMI BI Platform delivers

Why businesses using SMI are ahead of the pack

BI Apps Workflow


SMI BI Platform key components

Ready to use Solutions

Drive Insight to the right people

Accurate Decisions Timely Actions

SMI Task!Lynne EdwardsTask: contact Produce ManagerDue Date: 18/06 1:00pm click here to view it

SMI Alert!Jim, we are down 6% on Produce sales to our Premium customer segment – click here to view it

SMI AppCustomer RFV AnalysisOur customers are grouped by basket parameters of Recency (last basket), Frequency (number of baskets) and Value (avg value of baskets)

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BI apps are focused on user’s problems and needsWhat are BI Apps?

Ready to use apps that analyze your data in context of a problem

Financial Mgmt.

• Pre-built analytical models with formulaic expressions, scripts that process data

• Pre-configured dashboards and controls with KPI’s and workflow

• Editable expression parameters and variables for what-if scenarios

• Easy to use by simply importing or connecting to user’s own data source

Spend Audit

Asset Mgmt.


Utilities Audit Loyalty Program

Supplier Performance

Hi Res Imagery

Retail Banking

Insurance Risk

Customer behavior

Carbon Emissions

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How Apps are built using the SMI platformDevs, Analysts Create and Deploy BI Apps

SMI BI Platform provides ready tools and data sources for devs to create and pre-package apps for syndication:

-create/import DataBases-connect to data sources-create analytical models-package apps and syndicate

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SMI will be delivered as a pure cloud service, needing only a user’s browser and with no need for installing any additional software.

The SMI solution is compelling to its core audience:

• for businesses and organisations, SMI will be offered as either a Free, Premium or Enterprise service that is paid for service on a low cost monthly subscription.

• for analysts, SMI will showcase their knowledge and methodologies in order to promote the analyst and create a unique way to show his value and expertise to potential customers who can then engage the analyst to help improve business performance

• for consumers, SMI will provide an opportunity discover valuable information and obtain insight into a wide variety of social and business spheres

Significantly, SMI will be the first of its kind to create a social network of business experts around live data analytics where users author, publish and share analytics over a front end marketplace.

The expert social network will allow users to interact with each other’s analytics, to test assumptions and draw their own conclusions.


view a Product Tour

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SMI’s development platform, named CloudSeed©, is a comprehensive platform to build, deploy, manage and support cloud based applications and services. CloudSeed is portable and fully capable to deliver either 'public' cloud services to small-medium sized businesses or 'private' dedicated cloud services to the Enterprise customer

SMI is built on a highly extensible framework that can quickly and easily adapt to a number of new requirements and scenarios that involve changing the data model, UI design, workflow, approvals, tariffs, billing and more.

SMI’s BI cloud enables:

- exploration of large, high-density datasets for obtaining insight

- discovering data patterns and trend, enable multivariate analysis

- receiving fast answers and making accurate decisions

SMI’s innovative use of graphics images and interactive controls is designed on a patented technology for:

- optimizing a user’s neurological capabilities for processing multi-dimensional data

- enhancing optical recognition of complex data relationships and patterns in computer generated graphical images

Using SMI, Oxford University R& D cancer department has seen an 80% common biomarker expression on some forms of cancer tumors on 20,000 patients – allowing next generation cancer drugs that work on the molecular level to target some types of cancer.

Platform and unique technology

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Business users normally complain about their lack of visibility into their data, as well as the limited options for manipulating and exploring the information affecting their business. For a user, data visualization allows complex data structures, relationships and trends to be viewed and navigated, even with unstructured or abstract data.

Intuitive, web driven approach

SMI visual controls enables users to see, explore and share relationships and insights in new ways via:

- intuitive touch or gesture-based drill-downs

- immediate, on-the-fly data relationship mapping

- ad-hoc queries and interrogation of the user’s data

- multi-touch interfaces with high levels of interactivity

- anywhere, anytime analytical processing (mobile devices, tablets)

- sharing discoveries with private groups, social nets, supply chains, partners

Visualization unlocks data volumes and unstructured content to answer questions like: what do I need to know? what are the real facts? what event occurs at point X? what’s the impact over time?

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static data tables with rows of numbers are transformed into this

SMI’s approach to data management is what creates a user friendly experience:

- data sets are linked internally and integrated with data visualization capabilities.- an intuitive wizard creates dashboards by asking users to input data fields, define data types & specify metrics- visualizing, interacting & drilling down into their data makes it easy to interpret relationships and configure analytics

Transforming data into intelligence

Postal CodeDetailed Group Sales Detailed Group Sales Detailed Group Sales

9142236.08 10031633.89 27394309.11E Highest Sale Rev 10 3400 Burgdorf 8359215.48 Rev 10 4512 Bellach 8780970.95 Rev 10 8965 Berikon 24420561.27D High Sales Rev 10 3414 Oberburg 578384.6 Rev 10 4587 Aetingen 891553.67 Rev 10 8962 Bergdietikon2590834.97C Medium Sales Rev 10 3423 Ersigen 152559.55 Rev 10 4532 Feldbrunnen-Sankt Niklau224748.77 Rev 10 8934 Knonau 256292.4B Low Sales Rev 10 3434 Landiswil 43250.55 Rev 10 4556 Aeschi (SO)120691.25 Rev 10 8909 Affoltern am Albis126208.92A Lowest Sales Rev 10 3426 Aefligen 8825.9 Rev 10 4583 Aetigkofen13669.25 Rev 10 8914 Aeugst am Albis411.55

7966585.06 7567696.49 19246860.63E Highest Sale Rev 9 3400 Burgdorf 7303466.46 Rev 9 4512 Bellach 6710863.86 Rev 9 8965 Berikon 17489070.53D High Sales Rev 9 3414 Oberburg 504338.6 Rev 9 4587 Aetingen 630022.43 Rev 9 8962 Bergdietikon 1490037.2C Medium Sales Rev 9 3423 Ersigen 122931 Rev 9 4532 Feldbrunnen-Sankt Niklau132252.7 Rev 9 8934 Knonau 187271.35B Low Sales Rev 9 3434 Landiswil 31659.75 Rev 9 4556 Aeschi (SO)85195.5 Rev 9 8909 Affoltern am Albis79272.25A Lowest Sales Rev 9 3426 Aefligen 4189.25 Rev 9 4583 Aetigkofen 9362 Rev 9 8914 Aeugst am Albis1209.3

6047886.82 6039493.84 14503568.354526202.37 3994579.55 10512088.782990888.61 2700143.56 7205597.08

Rev 9 Total

Rev 9

Rev 8Rev 7Rev 6

Rev 10 Total

Rev 10

3400 4500 8900

Data transformation produces analytics with visual charts, maps and indicators- all of which interact with each other on clicks and touch controls

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• rapidly analyze data the way user want: challenges rigid methods of traditional BI

• quickly and easily see patterns, trends, and unforeseen relationships and dependencies in data

• draw insight, inferences, and conclusions that improve performance and provide a competitive advantage

Data Visualisation

Dashboard controls have multiple measures, multi level drill downs, conditional formatting, customizable design and tooltips – include:

filters (value lists, trees, numeric slides, chart elements), charts, record counters and tables,

•bar, pie, line, scatter, candle, bubble and tile (tree) charts with switchable measures, trend lines and series

•matrix and heat map chart for complex multi-dimensional analysis

•geo-maps with switchable views (basic, topographic, aerial) that represent s data via user images

• image maps from user’s uploaded images that have drawn areas linked to records in the data source

• Deep Zoom chart for high resolution, large image collection

• pivot table with expression based KPI indicators

built on SMI’s patented technology for optical recognition and neural processing of information from computer graphics

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• MS Office tools with access to live data

• Offline access with full interactivity

• Share via email client: saved dashboards and data views

• Embed and Publish into Portals and web sites

• Export to iPad: dashboards and data views synchronized to iPad client with interactive touch controls and drill downs

• Post to Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter:

• SMI expert analyst social network

Users share live insights – not text, images or data – and with assumptions tested, users get shared intelligence

integrated communication tools and distribution channels give users a rich choice of collaboration options


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The ‘BI as-a-service’ offer presents powerful data analysis capabilities and business intelligence via a pure cloud service. The service automatically provisions private Workspaces where a user gets the tools to create analytics with a team of invited users and to share them either privately or publicly.

The paid for subscription options are fully flexible and scalable to make it a real ‘on-demand’ service. Subscribers pay by month based on the number of users (with no minimums) plus the amount of data stored. There is also a choice of 3 Editions for greater functionality and scalability to the user’s solution.

‘Business Intelligence as-a-Service’

• subscribe to a pure cloud service with zero investment: author, analyze & share dashboards with no software downloads - get SMI for free with limited use or with greater functionality by paying low monthly fees

• transform unusable data assets into intelligence: consolidate data sources to get a holistic picture and real intelligence for growing the business and managing risks

• get fast analysis and interpretation: cutting edge in–memory and server based processing over a user’s browser that delivers a rich graphical experience with intuitive analysis capabilities

• start right away to collaborate on making decisions: share discoveries as easily as a Google map location and put insight into action across teams, customers and suppliers

• improve analytical capabilities in minutes: select from thousands of expert analytical models (templates) that can be added to the subscriber’s private BI Workspace and re-used in order to get fast business insight

• learn how experts get value out of data: join the SMI expert analyst network where experts showcase their talents and contribute their knowledge to help businesses improve performance


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When business users compare SMI to other BI offers, there will be dramatic differences in terms of:

• no need for expensive software licenses, complicated installations procedures and maintenance

• a SaaS pricing model that is in-line with established and accepted cloud CRM offers that have achieved market penetration e.g. Salesforce

• ease of use and ultra fast time for creating, collaborating and sharing actionable analytics

• flexible privacy options on where data is processed, how analytics are consumed and shared

• a community of experts and analysts to help understand your business and improve performance

SMI’s paying customers will get unparalleled value in terms of the low cost for using the SMI service and for receiving a solution that exploits a business’s data assets in order to get a competitive advantage, especially important in the current volatile economic conditions.

SMI will be perceived as Business Intelligence solution that combines the best in cloud technologies and analytical tools with contributions from world class thought leaders in insight and management.


When SMI asked over 100 Professional Analysts the question ‘Are SMBs ready for a BI solution?’ more than 80% responded yes but 50% stated that price barrier is the single biggest obstacle.

SMI LinkedIn survey 11/2011

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Competitive advantage

SMI has developed specific key capabilities that make its service delivery truly outstanding in face of the competition and further fulfills all of a BI solution requirements, including:

• Data Aggregation: SMI has developed sophisticated ‘virtual join’ algorithms to quickly merge multiple data sets and later execute calculations used in the source data via join rules.

• Analytical Mash-ups: creating a single data repository from a wide variety of data sources including files, Google docs, news feeds, social networks, databases and a range of business applications – all of which are combined on a single set of analytics

• Advanced visualisation controls: graphic controls to analyze complex mathematical models and multivariate analysis such as matrix shape chart, heat maps, regression line chart and user’s own created map

• Master Data Management: data normalization and cleansing of uploaded data sources, auto detection of data types, data settings validation, error verification and logs

• Server or in-memory processing: user can choose to process data sources on the SMI cloud server or his own PC for additional privacy and faster processing on smaller data sets

• High Speed, High Concurrency Performance: ultra fast based processing of queries, calculations and visual rendering to support more than 10,000 active users per single database server

• Individual BI Workspaces: dedicated workspaces with role based permissions for collaboration with users on creating and editing dashboards and analytics

• Sharing, Collaboration and Integration: embed live analytics on any website, publish to major social networks, create and share personal data views; run analytics inside MS Office applications and on tablets (iPad)

• Predictive Analytics: advanced algorithm based modeling capabilities for partitioning and revealing data patterns, creating forecasts and executing multivariate analysis

Taken together, the SMI technology delivers on the real world complexity of taking raw data and transforming it into usable intelligence – all of which is done without programming or need for an IT department to be involved.


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Competitive advantage

• The comparison table shows that SMI delivers a comprehensive BI solution on a cloud model.

• The closest competitor Tableau, offers limited functionality on the cloud and is focused on up-selling to the traditional Server+Cal license model

• None of the vendors except SMI provide a platform for BI apps to be built and published to an App Marketplace

‘When small businesses start to turn to analytics as well, something which will inevitably happen over the next few years, the market for SMB analytics solutions could be staggering - IBM 2011 Midmarket CIO survey

Business Criteria Spotfire Qlikview Tableau Microsoft SMI Weight

Time to implement 6 9 6 2 9 2

Scalability 8 6 5 9 6 1

Price for Developer 5 4 6 8 9 1

Server License/user 5 3 5 5 9 1

Support fees / year 5 5 5 6 9 1

SaaS Platform 9 8 9 6 9 2

Overall Cost 4 4 5 2 9 2

Enterprise Ready 9 7 5 9 4 1

Long-term viability 8 7 6 9 7 1

Mindshare 5 6 7 4 9 1

Big Data Support 7 4 6 8 7 1

Partner Network 4 8 2 9 2 1

Visualization Criteria Spotfire Qlikview Tableau Microsoft SMI Weight

Data Interactivity 8 9 9 4 9 2

Visual Drilldown 7 9 8 2 9 2

Offline Viewer 8 7 9 6 8 1

Analyst's Desktop 8 9 9 4 2 2

Dashboard Support 7 8 7 4 8 2

Web Client 7 6 7 2 9 1

Mobile Clients 7 9 8 2 9 2

Visual Controls 8 8 8 5 8 1

UI Interactivity 8 8 8 4 8 1

Technical Criteria Spotfire Qlikview Tableau Microsoft  SMI Weight

Data Integration 7 7 9 8 9 2

Development 8 7 5 9 5 1

64-bit in-memory DB 8 9 7 9 8 2

64-bit Desktop Client 7 8 1 9 2 1

Integration with GIS 8 6 9 5 0 1

Modeling, Analytics 9 4 5 6 9 1

Data Mining 7 2 3 8 3 1

Multidimensional Cubes 2 3 7 9 3 1

VertiPaq Support 1 1 7 9 0 1

PowerPivot Support 1 1 7 9 0 1

Spotfire Qlikview Tableau Microsoft SMI Weight

Vendor Comparison of BI Tools

Total 270 273 275 232          


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Competitive advantage

Enterprise advantage

The proposition is focused on the departmental level manager who cannot easily or quickly enough get his own data sources processed and analyzed by the IT department.

The SMI advantage is to provide the means for managers on their own to aggregate their data sources easily and without any programming requirements, thereby saving significant time and cost in the on-going manual preparation of data sources, along with the efforts to create reports and to interpret them.

Importantly, enterprise customers can opt to order SMI as a private BI cloud, where the application is installed and runs on dedicated servers that are fully managed and supported by SMI. The private cloud version of SMI comes with the CloudSeed platform for end-to-end development and deep customization of the data model, UI design, workflow, approvals, permissions and much more.

As in the case of the SMB offer, the enterprise customer benefits from a SaaS pricing model based on a minimum number of users and a 12 month contract that starts off as low as $2,000 per month.

SMI will be the first to be realistically able to deliver a highly scalable and high performing cloud BI service.

Delivering a solution by transferring knowledge

Established BI software vendors have shown little appetite over the last 5 years to embrace the disruptive potential of a cloud based solution delivery, mainly in order to preserve their sales channels and expensive licensing. With regards to the established pure internet play providers, becoming a business solution provider is too far removed from their focus on the classic consumer or business-to-consumer services.

SMI will repeat the Salesforce example of finding a market niche as a result of the gap between the large software vendors and pure internet players. SMI will gain fast market penetration and maintain an on-going advantage by developing solutions that have an industry focus, resulting in a sustainable and predictable revenue model.

Importantly, SMI’s on-going advantage is its community of business analysts who contribute an extensive library of re-usable analytical models across industries, allowing businesses to tap into not just software but business knowledge.

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Target markets

• little or no in-house analytical capabilities, in terms of available software products and analytical expertise

• attempt to measure business performance without applying required analytical methodologies and statistical models

• are unable, in most cases, to afford the price of a major consulting firm to set up a BI solution (consulting and licensing, training etc)

• create analytics in Excel or tools that don’t allow an easy way to interpret data and to know what comes next

• depend on IT departments to create reports that are often outdated and miss-out on valuable data originating from outside their IT systems

SMB issue: lack of resources and capabilities to implement a traditional BI solution

• no software to invest into: sign up to a cloud service that analyzes your business and provides real intelligence

• no risk: no investment, installation or training service needed; either Free or Premium at less than $15 per user/month

• immediate implementation: ready data connectors for different data sources and re-usable dashboards with pre-built analytical models – user needs only upload his data

• ease of use: data visualisation and query engine allows user to freely explore and interact with data in order to obtain insight

• mobility: track and measure performance anytime with cross browser and o/s compatibility including (Apple i o/s)

• knowledge transfer: re-usable analytical models (templates) with connections to top analysts around the word without the traditional expensive engagement cost

• collaboration: drive decision making across stakeholders via integrated communication tools and distribution channels that makes it easy to share concepts and test assumptions

SMB value

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Target markets

• need to aggregate and analyze data from a wide variety of data systems, with the ERP/CRM systems being just one of the data sources

• managers often use a mix of tools like Excel to manually merge data sets and prepare their own data views

• IT dependence for producing customized reports is a bottleneck and costs time/money for allocating IT resources

• limited access to live analytics and insights means difficulty to communicate concepts and share findings

Enterprise issue: traditional BI doesn’t adapt well to the needs of many departmental managers

• save time for ongoing manual preparation of data sets and creating of new data views

• eliminate dependency on the IT department for creating customized analytics and dashboards

• communicate and share insights via live analytics for all stakeholders to understand and test your assumptions

• pay for SMI as a service within discretionary and departmental level budgets and with no need for special approvals

• use SMI as a public cloud or private. dedicated cloud with a higher level of customization, security and workflow.

Enterprise value: save managers time to prepare analytics, consume and share insights

The success of Google maps embedded into news stories shows a consumer desire to be able to interact with a news story at the data level, to allow a user to test a writer’s conclusions, create and share his own. It fulfills an innate desire for users to become the next great news analyst and have their voice heard in a more authoritative manner.

News media: a large % of new stories have an underlying data analysis

SMI provides news media organisations the ability to represent their stories in a more engaging and interactive manner, thereby creating transparency and a richer user experience to their audience.

News media value: a more interactive way for readers to consume news stories

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Business model

Delivered as a true cloud service, the pricing model is scalable and based on the parameters of:

• the edition being subscribed to - either Free, Premium or Enterprise

• number of users accessing the Workspace

• amount of data being stored on the server

Free EditionSMI is for free with a limit of 1 user on the analytical Workspace with a limit of 100 MB per data upload and a total of 100 MB of data stored on the server. The Free edition allows a user to test out SMI without any commitments and easily upgrade his account. It also encourages widespread exposure of the SMI service via the enormous community of software developers, consultants and business professionals who need to analyze data for a variety of reasons and intentions.

Premium EditionSMI Premium starts at $15 per user/month with 500 MB uploads and additional storage that can be purchased. A typical Workspace of 5 users with 2 GB storage would cost around $100 per month. The advantages of the Premium edition are that users can share them with permissions based roles and within their own group. With a wider set of tools that include running the analytics live within Office applications, embedding into web sites and corporate portals and no limits on data storage, the Premium edition is targeted toward SMBs that need a low cost, fully private way to analyse their business data.

Enterprise EditionSMI Enterprise is a dedicated application site that runs on customer dedicated servers, with no limit on the size of data uploads. The Enterprise edition is a comprehensive web application that comes with object modeling, user configurable workflow rules and triggers, extensible and customizable permissions and user interface, approval flows, master data management, document management and more. It enables a business to build virtually any kind of data repository with automated processes to ensure data normalization and quality control before updating dashboards and analytics. As an indication, 10 users on a private cloud would start at $2,000 per month on a 12 month contract.


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Business model

Editions comparison

With an online account management and billing system, customers can upgrade their account at any time as well as change their tariff plan (from Free to Premium or Enterprise).

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While the market opportunity is on a global level, there are significant differences based on market maturity and penetration of cloud services in different geographies. Therefore, localized SMI versions will be targeted to different audiences where demand is greatest.

For example, the SMI offer will be positioned as a cloud BI service for businesses in the US and UK where an already strong adoption and understanding of cloud applications exists. However, in less evolved markets such as Russia, China and APAC, SMI is presented as a business and social analytics service to the public and will be driven through partnerships with marketing and news-media organisations focused on major industries such as finance, telecoms and retail.

The approach is driven from a user’s interest point:

• do I want to analyze my business data for improving my performance?


• do I want to publish and syndicate an interesting analysis I created?

In the first scenario, SMI falls into the category of a business solution and will be marketed via professional service companies, marketplaces (Apple/ Google App Markets), BI/analytical communities (1,180+ on LinkedIn), cloud services providers and social networks.

In the 2nd scenario, SMI is a public social and business analytical service delivered via principally through news syndicators to mass audiences. SMI will take advantage of an emerging trend for news stories to embed analytics within the story, enabling readers to interact with the story via its underlying data.

In both cases, SMI partnerships with professional service companies, cloud service providers and news/media organisations will be exploited to bring the SMI service to a targeted audience.

Importantly, the publishing of social analytics will play a key role in SMI’s inbound marketing strategy to attract an audience, generate web traffic and create leads.


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To effectively reach its 2012 goal of 49,000 free users and 5,785 paid for users, SMI estimates its visitor traffic to be between 325,000 to 490,000 over a 12 month period.

To bring that level of visitors to the site, SMI’s lead generation strategy will create an Extremely Compelling message to selected groups where large audiences are found.

Lead generation is a key part of the execution plans that focuses on creating an inbound marketing strategy that identifies easy targets, communicates an easy to understand message, drives traffic to the SMI site and captures interest with a compelling proposition – resulting in a high conversion percentage of visitors into Free users.

Lead generation

Inbound marketing

SMI’s need for driving traffic and generating leads will be achieved via an inbound marketing strategy that will expose SMI to a wide audience. The advantage of the strategy will be to avoid running up big marketing costs while increasing the ‘viralilty’ factor - where people will share SMI with friends and associates and the exposure to SMI spreads virally.

The inbound marketing will achieve this by:

• creating social and business analytics linked to top stories that are syndicated to news media organisations and web sites

• bringing to a targeted business audience, a special or vertical solutions via trusted professional service provider

The viral strategy parallels digital content sites such as YouTube, Flickr and others but it assumes a much different set of questions. It brings together the concepts of digital content sites combined with an analytical service (e.g. IBM and Google) in order to create a community of professional analysts and consumers of analytics.

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MarketingInbound Marketing via social analytics

With its professional community, SMI is unique in terms of providing answers to questions such as:

• How and when did Afghan War civilian casualties occur? What is the ratio of Civilian KIAs against Enemy KIAs in different actions? Where did the actions take place and which units were involved? (source WikiLeaks)

• Which countries spend the most in terms of health care by GDP? By countries which spend the least and where is the decline of health care services taking place the most over the last 15 years (i.e. hospital beds, doctor etc)

• Which of Van Gogh 3000+ paintings are currently in which US museums and are landscapes painted in Arles region during the last 5 years of his life? Which of those paintings were sold for $50M, and can I view them in high resolution images of 100 MB or more?

• What football teams in the Premier League score the highest percentage of first goals but loose matches? Which team players are most valuable to a team, and if injured what is the % of games lost vs won for that team. What weather conditions and locations impact on all the other variables.

• Which genes are most accurately linked to various diseases? What is the statistical accuracy of research that relates a gene to a population group for a specific disease? What lifestyle and medical conditions have been found to add a risk factor to an individual based on this genotype?

• What stocks in emerging markets are over/under performing over time? How do price movements correlate to company P/E ratio, Liquidity, historical performance, profit margins, EBITD and more?

With its professional community of analysts, SMI creates compelling analytics on current and important new stories that agencies and users can embed on web sites on a few clicks.

When users use the analytics on a news site, the SMI logo as a publisher is visible and provides a link back to the SMI website for readers to explore more interesting analytics.

Social analytics is a powerful and cost effective viral marketing strategy that will drive traffic back to SMI.

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MarketingInbound Marketing via social analytics

The viral power of distributed analytics is made possible by SMI’s publishing features that allow analytics to run live on any site and over most devices, therefore achieving a high level of social networking as users share with each other ‘data views’ on a story as opposed to text.

With data views being shared all over the internet, SMI analytics are consumed by a global audience with search engine links referencing SMI.

In addition to capabilities for sharing and posting analytics on social sites, SMI’s publishing engine enables a consumer or reader to:

- create his own ‘data view’ from the analytics he is viewing

- export the data view to various formats (e.g. office apps)

- embed the analytics with his data view on any web site where they run live with full interactivity

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As well as social analytics, SMI will focus on verticals that it understands well and where partnerships are easy to establish.

SMI has identified 5-10 areas where there is an immediate and pressing need and by providing a ready solution for a targeted business audience will extremely simplify its task of delivering its message through communication channels (search engines, business sites and partners).

To illustrate, here are several examples of partners who will promote SMI:

• Accounting firms: SMI will provide auditing templates that automatically uncover potential payment errors and enables fast profit ‘recovery’ for companies to improve their bottom line

• CPG and Retail consultants: SMI will provide ready to use statistical models in retail analytical templates that segment consumers by buying patterns (e.g. RFV) which will eliminate significant time for consultants to manually create and update their own statistical models.

• Climate change groups: SMI’s re-usable maps and visual controls will tackle the issue of analyzing climate change with a radically improved user experience that will engage communities on the causes and events surrounding climate change.

Inbound Marketing via business analytics

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MarketingInbound Marketing via business analytics as a solution

SMI takes advantage of the way businesses connect to specialized service providers, associations, government departments and social networks in order to expose specific SMI solutions.

With the fact that businesses groups and associations have an increasingly active presence on social and business networking sites, SMI’s inbound marketing strategy selectively targets:

- 1,180 Business Intelligence groups on LinkedIn

- hundreds of industry focused groups on business networking sites (e.g. 250 Retail/CPG groups on LinkedIn)

- large accounting firms specializing in the SMB sector

- government sponsored programs promoting business consulting services for SMBs

- professional associations where analytics play a key role in information sharing between members e.g. climate change sector

SMI’s built-in capabilities for viral marketing is one of the key product features that was designed especially for creating a widespread audience quickly and inexpensively. The goal is to generate enough traffic without large marketing expenses, with the result of achieving a touchless or low touch model on customer acquisition.

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To realise its goal of not just providing software but a way to acquire business knowledge, SMI has created an analytical community that brings together business users with professional analysts. SMI will enable analysts and consultants to package expertise and skills in the form of analytics, all at no cost; further, to have an efficient way to engage and deliver services to an SMB market segment that is under served.

For SMBs that cannot afford traditional consulting, SMI provides an efficient way for businesses and experts to collaborate:

• experts create analytical models in the form of templates and publish them for businesses to re-use

• business users test the analytical templates with their own data and request additional services from the analyst

With a comprehensive set of social networking tools, users will be able to join groups, meet experts and businesses – all of whom have parallel interests and a desire to share knowledge.

Therefore, the SMI social analytical community of experts, analysts and users who look for deeper and more interactive information across a broad spectrum of interests is the first of its kind anywhere.

A new form of social networking

SMI taps into an unfulfilled need and gap for sharing data based discoveries and, in the process, create a brand new form of social networking.

With a data explosion taking place across the world and a ‘shortage of analytical talent’ to interpret it, SMI will make business and social analysts out of any user who has an innate desire to find discoveries in the vast ocean of data. SMI’s proposition to get analysts on board is based on social networking concepts where content tools are free of charge. Similarly, SMI analysts will have free use for the purpose of publishing their analytics.

With a target of at least 2,000 BI groups on social networks with over 250,000 analysts plus University business management schools in different part of the world (several of which are participating), SMI will attract a large number of analysts who will join and create analytical content on SMI.

Analytical community

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Management teamKey team members and roles

Prem Couture, CEOSoftware technology entrepreneur, cloud computing visionary

Founder and principal shareholder of Cyscom Ltd, Mr. Couture invented a patented technology on how computer graphics can be faster and more accurately recognized and processed by the human brain and developed the first entirely browser based Data Analytical application capable of analyzing large data volumes, offered as a SaaS model. He has developed and executed a strategy to develop and market a comprehensive Cloud Computing Platform with applications to enable a cloud services business for IT companies, Telco operators and Consulting companies. Mr. Couture will be SMI’s acting CEO and take on-hands responsibility for SMI’s product and business development strategy.

Karl Watkin, COOSerial Entrepreneur, Technology Sector

Karl is a serial entrepreneur with substantial experience of developing teams to deliver technologies from concept to market listing. His previous businesses include; J2C Plc the UK's first B2B Internet market place, D1 Oils Plc Bio Diesel joint venture with BP, Proton Power Systems Plc Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Sabien Technologies Plc, Building Energy Technology, Helius Energy Plc bio mass electricity generation, Crabtree Group Plc printing technology and China Gold Mines Plc one of the first Chinese businesses to list on the London market. As SMI COO, Karl will bring his comprehensive experience in internet start ups in order to develop strategic alliances that will develop widespread exposure and consumption for SMI services.

Vladimir Raag, Sales DirectorIT Business Development and solutions consultant

Vladimir has 22 years experience in the computer industry, principally in the telecommunications and software business with a major focus in consulting and solution implementation area. Vladimir was responsible for achieving multi-million sales targets for HP Europe as the lead project consultant for delivering solutions to large enterprises including Infineon, Deutsche Bank, Gazprom and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

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For additional informationcontact us at: [email protected]