Social Web Technologies Dr. Harry Chen CMSC 491S/691S January 28, 2008

Social Web Technologies

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First class on Jan. 28, 2008. Social Web Technologies. http://tinyurl.com/2flvsk

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Page 1: Social Web Technologies

Social Web Technologies

Dr. Harry Chen

CMSC 491S/691S

January 28, 2008

Page 2: Social Web Technologies


Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0

Source: http://www.jeffro2pt0.com/web-10-and-web-20-visual-differences/

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Idea: Web 2.0

Tim O’Reilly coined the term “Web 2.0” to describe a new generation of web sites that appear after the .com bubble burst. Web as a platform Harnessing collective intelligence Data is the next Intel Inside End of software release cycle Lightweight programming model Software above the level of a single device Rich user experience

Reading: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html

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Social in Web 2.0

Be able to social with other users and produce user-created content are key characteristics of Web 2.0

Web 2.0 encouraged many innovations RSS, tagging, Ajax, JSON, web maps, blogs

and micro-blogs, wiki, RDF, mashup, REST, social network platform and more…

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What will we study in this class?

How social web technologies can improve people’s productivity

How to develop social web applicationHow to think about the Social Web from a

cultural and business perspectiveHow to create the next Facebook,

YouTube, del.icio.us and Flickr!

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Circles of Technologies

Social Web

Folksonomy & Tagging


Geospatial Web

The Semantic Web


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Topic 1: Social Web

Trace the Social Web history…

How do people participate on the Web?

What’s the value of user-created content?

What’re the implications of building a sociable Web?

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Topic 2: Folksonomy & Tagging

What’s tagging? Why people hate and

love tagging Can people find

consensus while working in chaos?

Tagging beyond keywords

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Topic 3: Mashups

Why mashups are better than your grandfather’s Web application

Learn mashup Ajax RSS, GeoRSS OpenSearch REST Google Maps API …

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Topic 4: Geospatial Web

Why location information is hot

How Google Maps changed the way we view information

Tools for programming geospatial web applications

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Topic 5: the Semantic Web

Why people are crazy about Tim Berners-Lee’s big idea

Why XML is not good enough for describing Web information

Beyond SQL, I want to query the Web!

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Topic 6: Blogs

Got blog? Why do people blog? How can you profit

from blogging? How can you build

mashups using free blogging API

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Circles of Technologies

Social Web

Folksonomy & Tagging


Geospatial Web

The Semantic Web


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Homework due next class

Go to http://socialwebtechnologies.blogspot.com Join the class’s blog Join the class’s discussion group Join the class’s gnizr network Post 1+ blog related to Social Web Save 1+ bookmarks in gnizr

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