State of the Jenkins Automation Julien Pivotto (@roidelapluie) Floss Spring 2017 Manchester - March 15, 2017

State of the Jenkins Automation

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Page 1: State of the Jenkins Automation

State of the Jenkins Automation

Julien Pivotto (@roidelapluie)

Floss Spring 2017

Manchester - March 15, 2017

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whoamiJulien "roidelapluie" Pivotto


Sysadmin at Inuits

Automation, monitoring, HA

Jenkins user for 5+ years

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JenkinsOpen Souce CI Server

Written in Java

First release in 2011

Fork of Hudson (2005)

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What can you do with Jenkins?Testing, building, deploying software

Testing, building, deploying services

Testing, building, deploying infra (IaC)

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Mission CriticalPublic Domain https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Roaddamage59quake.JPG

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Automating JenkinsCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 https://www.flickr.com/photos/machu/3131057286

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Why is it hard?For long, Jenkins has been UI-Driven

It is "easy" to deploy (.war file)

It has lots of plugins (and you need them)

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Why is it needed?Security (high value target)



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XML everywhere!Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 https://www.flickr.com/photos/generated/6035308729

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Lot of things to automateJenkins Service

Jenkins configuration: security, plugins

Jenkins "data": Jobs/Views

Inside the jobs

Jenkins nodes

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Automating the serviceCC0 Public Domain https://pixabay.com/en/butler-tray-beverages-wine-964007/

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Automating the Jenkins ServiceChef: Jenkins in the supermarket

Puppet: module rtyler/jenkins

Playbooks/etc for other tools as well


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Jenkins Master in DockerJenkins upstream images: alpine/ubuntu

Please no executors on master

How do you deploy the container?

Pipeline to build&upgrade it

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Jenkins PluginsFetched from https://updates.jenkins-ci.org

Can be installed from the UI :(

Can be installed from the CLI

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Packaging Jenkins PluginsPlugins have dependencies (against plugins &Jenkins core)

They have a fixed download path

They are listed in updates.jenkins.io/update-center.json


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Mirroring Jenkins PluginsMirror http://updates.jenkins-ci.org

By default, "latest" will be fetched

Don't cache too much

github.com/jenkinsci/docker install-plugins.sh

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Global configurationCC0 Public Domain https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Waiting_room_bell.jpg

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Modifying XML files


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system-config-dsl-pluginLike Job DSL, but for the system



Downside: it does not exist yet

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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Groovy-logo.svg

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GroovyYet another language to learn? yes.

Programming language for the Java platform

Scripting language

Fully integrated in Jenkins

Used by automation tools (chef cookbook,puppet module...)

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The Jenkins Script ConsoleA groovy console is available at /script


also with curl

Requires "Overall/Run Scripts" permission

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Sample Groovy scriptsCreative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0


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Set number of executorsimport jenkins.model.Jenkins;Jenkins.instance.setNumExecutors(0)

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Set HTML formatterimport jenkins.model.Jenkins;import hudson.markup.RawHtmlMarkupFormatter;

Jenkins.instance.setMarkupFormatter(new RawHtmlMarkupFormatter(false));

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Set system messageimport jenkins.model.Jenkins;Jenkins.instance.setSystemMessage("""Welcome to <em>Jenkins</em>.""");

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Configure simple-themeimport jenkins.model.Jenkins;

def simpleThemePlugin = \ Jenkins.instance.getDescriptor( "org.codefirst.SimpleThemeDecorator") simpleThemePlugin.cssUrl = \ "/userContent/example.css"simpleThemePlugin.save()

Everything in $JENKINS_HOME/userContentis served under /userContent

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Emailimport jenkins.model.Jenkinsdef desc = Jenkins.instance.getDescriptor( "hudson.tasks.Mailer")desc.setSmtpHost("")desc.save()

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Disable usage statisticsimport hudson.model.UsageStatistics;hudson.model.UsageStatistics.DISABLED = true;

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But also...Setup Authorization/Authentication

Setup prefix url

Setup slaves, clouds

Setup global libraries

Setup credentials

Setup first jobs

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Bonusimport org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.utility.steps.shaded.org.yaml.snakeyaml.YamlYaml reader = new Yaml()Map config = reader.load(text)

Thanks to pipeline utility step (readYaml()step), you can easily read yaml files

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Scripts sourceshttps://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Jenkins+Script+Console








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Jenkins Javadocshttps://jenkins.io/doc/developer/guides/




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Now what?Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 https://www.flickr.com/photos/51029297@N00/5275403364

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Jenkins init.groovy.dUpon startup, Jenkins will run $JENKINS_HOME/init.groovy.d/*.groovy


Meanwhile, "Jenkins is getting ready..."message is displayed

Drop files, restart Jenkins

Allows you to preconfigure everything --without the GUI

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init.groovy.d directorybehaviour

Scripts executed sequentally (alphanumorder)

Scripts that throws exceptions make startupfail

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Inside Jenkins

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The Multiple ApproachesGUI .. but this talk is about automation, right?

init.groovy.d: to create your seed job

Jenkins Job Builder: declarative, python, yaml

Jenkins Job DSL: imperative, groovy

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Jenkins Job BuilderAn Openstack Project

Python (not a Jenkins Plugin!)

Support templates


Can do raw xml

Limited support for plugins and pipeline

Put Jobs config under SCM

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init.groovy.ddef jobManagement = new JenkinsJobManagement( System.out, [:], new File('.'))

new DslScriptLoader(jobManagement).runScript("""folder('jenkins') displayName('Jenkins')pipelineJob("jenkins/seed") definition cpsScm scm git remote credentials('jenkins­git­na') url('git.example.com/seed.git') branches('master') scriptPath('Jenkinsfile') """)

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Jenkins Job DSLA Jenkins Plugin


Groovy DSL to create views & jobs

Put Jobs config under SCM

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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Groovy-logo.svg

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Job DSL supportLarge community of users

Lots of plugins supported

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Create a jobjob('test') scm git('git://example.com/foo.git' 'master') steps shell('make test')

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Create a Pipeline jobpipelineJob('test') definition cps script(buildScript)

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Set job propertiespipelineJob('test') description('Test Build') parameters booleanParam('verbose', false, 'Be Verbose') logRotator numToKeep(10)

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Read yamlimport org.jenkinsci.plugins.pipeline.utility.steps.shaded.org.yaml.snakeyaml.YamlYaml reader = new Yaml()Map config = reader.load( readFileFromWorkspace('cfg.yaml')

Just like in init.groovy.d scripts


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Loopsconfig.each() jobConfig ­> pipelineJob(jobConfig.name) triggers if (jobConfig.triggers?.scm) scm(jobConfig.triggers.scm)

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Create a viewlistView('Project A') recurse() jobs regex('myprj/[/]+') columns status() weather() name() lastSuccess() lastFailure() lastDuration() lastBuildConsole() buildButton() progressBar()

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Work with pluginsbuildMonitorView("OnScreen Status") jobs name('WatchA')


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In PipelinejobDsl removedJobAction: 'DELETE', removedViewAction: 'DELETE', targets: 'seeds/*.groovy'

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Load extra librariesjobDsl additionalClasspath: 'src/*.jar', removedJobAction: 'DELETE', removedViewAction: 'DELETE', targets: 'seeds/*.groovy'

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Jenkins PipelineCreative Commons Attribution 2.0 https://www.flickr.com/photos/amerune/9294639633

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Jenkins PipelineJenkins Jobs as Code

"Jenkins file"

Imperative (aka scripted) Pipeline

Declarative Pipeline (2017)

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What is a Jenkinsfile (akaPipeline)

A file that contains the definition of a job

No need of Gui

Defines Steps, Reports, Environments,Nodes,...

Plugins can provide steps

Generic "step"

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How to write Pipelines?Visual Pipeline editor (WIP)

"Pipeline Syntax" link in jobs

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Scriped pipelinenode ("Ubuntu && amd64") stage('checkout') checkout scm stage('build') sh 'make' stage('test') sh 'make test'

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Real World Scripted Pipelinenode ("Ubuntu && amd64") checkout scm

stage('build') try sh 'make' catch(err) currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE' publishArtifacts('err.log') throw err stage('test') sh 'make test' step([$class: 'JavadocArchiver', javadocDir: "target/site", keepAll: true])

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Declarative Pipeline (1/2)pipeline agent label("Ubuntu && amd64") options timeout(time: 235, unit: 'MINUTES') timestamps() ansiColor('xterm') stages stage('build') steps sh('make')

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Declarative Pipeline (2/2)pipeline post always junit params.jUnitReports

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Declarative vs scriptedDeclarative checkout code by default

Declarative get a workspace "OOTB"

Declarative enforces everything in stages

Declarative allow Pipeline-wide wrappers (e.gansiColor, timestamps)

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Going further with PipelineGlobal Libraries Plugins

Job DSL Plugin

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Jenkins NodesCC0 Public Domain https://www.flickr.com/photos/133259498@N05/27077266322/

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Docker Docker DockerRun jobs inside containers

Clean, short lived containers

Easy to update

Docker Plugin

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Docker nodes patternBuild Container

Tag it with a tag "candidate"

Push it to your registry

Run normal testing

Run actual builds with that "candidate"

If success -> tag with "release" && push

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In practiceDocker Plugin config automated with groovy

Candidate and Release tags are setup asslaves

They get two labels: "image" "tag" (e.g. "build-centos-7" "candidate")

Jobs get a parameter "tag"

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In the build Jenkinsfilepipeline agent label("build­centos­7 && $params.tag")

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In the docker-build JenkinsfiledockerImage = docker.build("build­centos­7", "­­no­cache")dockerImage.tag('candidate')docker.withRegistry(url, credentials) dockerImage.push('candidate')

node("build­centos­7 && candidate") sh('test­script')build job: 'myjob', parameters: [string(name:'tag', value:'candidate')] dockerImage.tag('release')docker.withRegistry(url, credentials) dockerImage.push('release')

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Pros/ConsUpdated containers won't block the builds (e.gon packages updates)

Containers stay up to date

Don't forget that builds release artifacts(sometime you don't want that in nodes tests)

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ConclusionPublic Domain https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:YellowOnions.jpg

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Jenkins can be FULLYautomated

My recommendations:


Jenkins Job DSL


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You can go furtherI am happy to talk about:

Jenkins master in Docker container


... I use that but did not fit in this timeslot

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Julien Pivottoroidelapluie

[email protected]

Inuitshttps://[email protected]
