
Stefan Kanev: Clojure, ClojureScript and Why They're Awesome at I T.A.K.E. Unconference 2015

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Page 1: Stefan Kanev: Clojure, ClojureScript and Why They're Awesome at I T.A.K.E. Unconference 2015


Page 2: Stefan Kanev: Clojure, ClojureScript and Why They're Awesome at I T.A.K.E. Unconference 2015

Clojure & ClojureScript

Stefan Kanevhttp://skanev.com/@skanev

I.T.A.K.E. Unconf26 May 2015


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twitter: @skanev github: skanev blog: http://skanev.com/

Page 5: Stefan Kanev: Clojure, ClojureScript and Why They're Awesome at I T.A.K.E. Unconference 2015

Clojure from 10,000 feet

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A modern LISP, hosted in the JVM, with a focus on concurrency

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A modern LISP, hosted in the JVM, with a focus on concurrency

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LISP: “that language with the parentheses”

also: a subculture

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“LISP is too hip, even for me”

– a hipster

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a * b + c * d

(+ (* a b) (* c d))

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homoiconicitydata is code, code is


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A modern LISP, hosted in the JVM, with a focus on concurrency

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Sans the antiquities:car cdr lambda

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Way better design

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Less parentheses

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A modern LISP, hosted in the JVM, with a focus on concurrency

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Stable platform

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Access to full Java ecosystem

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Occasionally a huge P.I.T.A.

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A modern LISP, hosted in the JVM, with a focus on concurrency

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parallelism vs. concurrency

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Breaking a problem down to smaller parts that can be computed at the same time

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Synchronising a number of independent processes that are fighting for the same resources

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(func arg-1 arg-2 …)

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(println "Hello world")

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(+ 1 2)(< x y)

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(+ 1 2 3 4 5 6)(< u v w x y z)

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(+ (* a b) (* c d))

(+ (* a b) (* c d))

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(defn say-hello [who] (println "Hello" who "!"))

(say-hello "Doctor")

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OMG Parentheses!Or should I say:

((o) ((m)) (g) ( (( (( (( )) )) )) ))

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Parentheses in LISP are not unlike metric time

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(defn classify [age] (if (<= 13 age 19) "Teenager" "A normal person"))

(classify 18) ; "Teenager"

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(defn factorial [n] (if (= n 1) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))

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(defn fib [n] (cond (= n 0) 1 (= n 1) 1 :else (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))

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(fn [x] (* x 2))

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(map (fn [n] (str "Mr. " n)) ["Anderson" "Bond" "Bean"])

; ("Mr. Anderson”; "Mr. Bond" ; "Mr. Bean")

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(filter prime? (range 2 100))

; (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41; 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97)

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(defn prime? [n] (not-any? (fn [x] (zero? (rem n x))) (range 2 (inc (Math/sqrt n)))))

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Data Structures

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maps (hashes)vectors (arrays)


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“Modifying” a structure creates a copy containing the change.

The original remains unmodified.

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multicore ❤ immutable

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The “originals” are maximally reused

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a ! (3 2 1)

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a ! (3 2 1)

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a ! (3 2 1)b ! (conj a 4) (4 3 2 1)

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a ! (3 2 1)b ! (4 3 2 1)


5cc ! (conj a 5)

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Hash Table



{:foo first, :bar second}



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Hash Table



Hash Table




(conj table :qux 1024)

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not that simple

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Vectors(“arrays” in other langs)

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Vectors are represented by treesEach node has 32 children

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… ⨯

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325 = 33 554 432

326 = 1 073 741 824

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“essentially constant time”

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Software Transactional Memory

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concurrency 101

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100 € +50 € ⨯2

How much money will the account have?

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300 €250 €

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100 €

+50 € = 150 €

x2 = 300 €

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100 €

x2 = 200 €

+50 € = 250 €

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100 €

200 €

150 €x2+50

100 €100 €

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100 €

150 €

200 €


100 €100 €

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state mutation is modelled as a transaction

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if two transactions “get in each others’

way”, one of them will restart

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(def account (ref 100))

; Thread 1 - Uncle Scrooge(dosync (alter account (fn [n] (* n 2))) (println "Scrooge: set to " @account))

; Thread 2 - Donald Duck(dosync (alter account (fn [n] (+ n 50))) (println "Donald: set to " @account))

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100 €

300 €

150 €x2 +50100 €

100 €


x2150 €

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safe, easy, no deadlocks

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Powerful instrument allowing expressive code

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Also known as:the mother of all metaprogramming

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MacroCodeSome other


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Outputs on STDOUT. We want to have the result in a string instead.

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PrintStream original = System.out;ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

try { PrintStream fileStream = new PrintStream(output); orgStream = System.out; System.setOut(fileStream);


} finally { System.setOut(original);}

String output = output.toString();

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(with-out-str (do-stuff))

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(with-out-str (do-stuff))

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String output = withOutStr { doStuff();}

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(unless (hungry?) (sleep) (eat))

(if (not (hungry?)) (sleep) (eat))

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(defmacro unless [condition consequent alternative] `(if (not ~condition) ~consequent ~alternative))

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unless (isHungry()) { sleep();} else { eat();}

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(cond (= n 0) 1 (= n 1) 1 :else (+ (fib (- n 2)) (fib (- n 1))))

(if (= n 0) 1 (if (= n 1) 1 (+ (fib (- n 2)) (fib (- n 1)))))

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DSLDomain Specific Languages

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(source if-let)(source await)

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Very dynamic

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REPL Oriented Programming

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