Configuration, Maintenance, and the Awesome Tools I Can’t Live Without! Angela Dugan [email protected]

Stldodn 2014 TFS Care and Feeding

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Keeping TFS well maintained and happy for the long haul. Also covers some of my favorite power tools that no admin should live without

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Configuration, Maintenance, and the Awesome Tools I Can’t Live Without!

Angela Dugan

[email protected]

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Polaris Solutions ALM Practice Mgr since Jan ‘12

Been in the software industry since 1999

Runs the Chicago ALM User Group


Has a *possibly* unhealthy love of Halloween

Shameless self promotion

Polaris Solutions- http://www.polarissolutions.com/

Chicago Visual Studio ALM User Group - http://www.chicagoalmug.org/

Twitter: @OakParkGirl, @ChicagoALM, @TeamPolaris

Blog - http://www.tfswhisperer.com/

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Managing TFS Templates

Managing TFS Security

Other TFS Admin Tools

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Get it right the first time!

Before you move forward with TFS, think about the things you cannot easily change:

• Server architecture/topology

• Project structure/hierarchy

• SCM strategy(Centralized vs. DCVS)

• Process templates

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TF Server

Project Collection 1

Team Project C

Roll-up team

Sub-Team 1

Sub-Team 2

Project Collection 2

Team Project A

Team Project B

Web Team

Mobile Team

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TPC = Collection of *tightly related* Team Projects

TPC = SQL Database

Can be backed up and restored individually

No sharing of:

Work Items

Source Code



Build Controllers

Team Project Collections CANNOT be renamed

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TF Server

Project Collection 1

Team Project C

Master team

Sub-Team 1

Sub-Team 2

Project Collection 2

Team Project A

Team Project B

Web Team

Mobile Team

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Team Project <> “Project”

TP = Logical view of subset of TPC data

Team Projects Contain

1 Process Template & SCM tool

1 SharePoint portal (optional)

1 Reports site (optional)

Work Items, Source Code, Reports, and Queries CAN cross Team Project boundaries.

BUT… no sharing of Work Item Templates and Definitions, Build Definitions, Areas and Iterations, Work Items cannot be MOVED to another Team project, only copied

Team Projects REALLY cannot be renamed

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TF Server

Project Collection 1

Team Project C

Master team

Sub-Team 1

Sub-Team 2

Project Collection 2

Team Project A

Team Project B

Web Team

Mobile Team

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Named group of users

Provides narrowed scope for viewing work items and status

Can be used to secure access to Team Project artifacts

Each team has their own planning tools and views

*Does not have to map to traditional people teams

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Teams can be categorized into sub-teams

Teams are allocated their own, isolated backlogs based on mapped areas

Teams are flexible, can be easily retired and recreated as needed


May not map to your existing usage of Areas

Teams cannot be shared across Team Projects

Teams are flat user lists

Team capacities do not “roll up” automatically to parent teams

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Absolute minimum TFS administration overhead

Easy sharing of code, work items, builds, etc.

Allows for organizational portfolio management in TFS

Great in theory, complicated in practiceCan result in very deep hierarchies of Areas and Iterations

Builds folder may get crowded and unwieldy

All users must agree on a process template (not always easy)

Security can be VERY complex if granular artifact isolation is required

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Consideration Recommendation

Codebases are being shared Create New TP or Add to Existing TP

Database level artifact isolation required (compliance) New Team Project Collection

Organizational portfolio management needed ONE Team Project

Desire to minimize administration overhead Create New TP or ideally Add to Existing TP

Ability to easily scale due to database growth New Team Project Collection or split TPC

Need to hand off code/project to client New Team Project Collection or split TPC

Need a new process template or SCM (TFGit) New Team Project

Teams don’t want their code and work items “touching” Couples counseling

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Managing TFS Templates

Managing TFS Security

Other TFS Admin Tools

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Agile, CMMI, Scrum included

Many free 3rd Party options

Customize to match YOUR process

Defines:Who is on your team?

What can people do?

How should they do it?

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Behind the scenes it’s just a bunch of XML Files

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Don’t customize before evaluating OOB first!

Yes you can customize. But SHOULD you?

Keep a “sandbox” TPC (ideally a test TFS instance) for piloting customizations

Keep changes additive whenever possible

Keep customization consistent across Team Projects if possible

Apply an ALM process to releasing and testing customizations

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It’s just XML. Manage it like any code!

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TFS Structure and Anatomy

Managing TFS Templates

Managing TFS Security

Other TFS Admin Tools

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Team Foundation Server Instance

Team Foundation Server Team Collection

Team Foundation Server Team Project

Team Foundation Server Teams

Team Foundation Web Access

SharePoint Site Collection

SharePoint Sites

Reports Server

TFS group security and permissions can be found here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/ms252587.aspx

SharePoint security here: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint-server-help/manage-membership-of-sharepoint-groups-HA101794106.aspx?CTT=5&origin=HA101794118

Pre-defined roles for SSRS can be found here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/ms157363.aspx

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TFS Permissions Managed via Admin Console and Web

Permissions Limited to Team Projects

Permissions Inherited via Group Membership

SharePoint Permissions Managed via Central Admin and SharePoint Site Security

Permissions can be scoped to Collection or Site

Permissions Inherited via AD Group Membership

Reporting Permissions Managed via Reports Server Site

Permissions can be scoped to Server or Project Folders

Permissions Inherited via AD and/or SharePoint Group Membership

Yes, there are THREE separate places to manage security!


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Permissions are inherited from group membership*.

Permissions can be allow, deny, or “not set”. For almost all permissions, deny trumps


If permissions are not explicitly set to allow, they are implicitly denied unless an allow has

been inherited via group membership (“inherited allow”).

If a user belongs to multiple groups, and ANY one group has a specific permission set to

deny, that user will not be able to perform tasks that require that permission.

TFS, TPC, and TP Administrator level permissions CANNOT be edited.

*With build, version control, and work item related artifacts, explicit permissions that are set on a particular object override those that are inherited from the parent

objects. This allows you to do things like allow a user access to a root source control folder, but deny them access to one of that folder’s branches.

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Managing TFS Templates

Managing TFS Security

Other TFS Admin Tools

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TFS Power Tools: TFS extensions for managing TFS resources

and providing advanced capabilities.

CodePlex Add-Ons: community based, often authored by

Microsoft employees, not officially supported

Visual Studio Gallery: similar to CodePlex, officially supported by


Third-Party Plug-ins: usually free, extends TFS capabilities

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TFS Power Tools:TFS Admin ReportsTFS Backup and RestoreCheck-in Policy Add-on PackProcess EditorBest Practices Analyzer

CodePlex/VS GalleryTeam Project Manager

Third-Party ToolsAttrice Sidekicks

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Activity LogEvery command that every user has executed against TFS for the last 14 days.

TFS Job MonitoringTFS Background Job Agent schedules and queues jobs within TFS

Total Run Time - How long jobs take to Execute

Number of Jobs Run - Number of times jobs are run and status

Average Run and Queue Time - Number of jobs executing at a particular time, average time that they waited in the queue, and average run time

Job Queue - which jobs are currently queued, their priorities and when they are expected to start.

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Used to be a Power Tool, now an OOB Feature with TFS 2013

Backups up TFS related databases

Nightly, Manual or Custom

Full, Differential, Transactional

Allows for TPC-level Restore

Notifications Available

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Code Analysis

Custom Path

Forbidden patterns

Work Item Queries

Found in TFS Power Tools: http://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/f017b10c-02b4-4d6d-9845-58a06545627f

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Work Item Definitions


Form Layout

Global Lists

Open/Edit from file or server


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Scan TFS Instance

Hardware AND Software

Detect Security Issues

Lists non-default settings

Detects non-compliance with

best practices

Recommends remediation


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Free TFS Analyzer Tool:View team project activities

View and edit SCM settings

View branch hierarchies

View and edit security group and settings

View and edit build templates

View and edit build definitions

Compare templates

View and edit process configuration

Supports TFS 2008+


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Visualization and Admin Add-On for TFS

Plugs right into Visual Studio

Provides additional features around:


Security and Permissions

Code Review

SCM History and Labels

FREE, yes, I know!http://www.attrice.info/

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Grant H’s blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/granth/

DTDPS TFS Deployment Program: http://bit.ly/1xdH2IH

Angela’s Slide decks: http://www.slideshare.net/angelabinkowski

Angela’s blog: http://www.tfswhisperer.com/

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Platinum Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

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Quick access to conference info

Build your custom agenda

Anonymously rate the sessions you attended

Share with the Twitter-verse

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