Ed Brill Director, Product Management IBM Lotus Software Successful social networking for business collaboration

Successful Social Networking for Business Collaboration

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From the Bowling Green State University 3rd Conference on Students Global Competitiveness -- Presentation on how social networking can be used for collaboration in business

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Page 1: Successful Social Networking for Business Collaboration

Ed BrillDirector, Product ManagementIBM Lotus Software

Successful social networking for business collaboration

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© 2008 IBM Corporation

Data to PeopleData to PeopleUser ExperienceUser ExperienceSocial NetworkingSocial NetworkingSharingSharingTrust, ReputationTrust, ReputationEnd User ContributionEnd User ContributionMore it used more valueMore it used more value

Web 1.0Web 1.0 Web 2.0Web 2.0

2 Web 2.0, Social Networking and Enterprise Value

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© 2008 IBM Corporation

Demand for Growth

Innovators grow faster

75% of CEOs indicated that collaboration was important to innovation

Top sources of innovation were employees, business partners and customers

“It's not what work you expect Employee #1234 to accomplish per person-month of work.

It's the work you never expected would happen, that suddenly creates new business.”

Drives a Need for Innovation

IBM Institute for Business Value, CEO Study 2006

3 Web 2.0, Social Networking and Enterprise Value

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© 2008 IBM Corporation

Changing Demographics

19% of the entire American workforce holding executive, administrative and managerial positions will retire in the next five years

Source: Beazley, et. al, Continuity Management, Mackay, Alan. “Mature Age Workers: Sustaining Out Future Labor Force.” An Ageless Workforce - Opportunities for Business' Symposium Conference Paper. August 27, 2003. www.ageing.health.gov.au/ofoa/wllplan/aawpapers.htm, Time to act quickly on aging.” The Japan Times Online. August 23, 2002 www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?ed20020823a1.htm, A. Paulli, “Pension systems and gradual retirement in Italy”, September 2000, p.17

In the year 2000, there were more people receiving pensions in Italy than people working (22 versus 21 million)

Within the next seven years, 33 million people in Japan (26% of the population) will be over 65 years old

By 2016, the number of individuals aged 60-64 in Australia is expected to almost double

Drives a Need to Empower New Generation of Business Leaders

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Changing Nature of Work

Work environments are more complex– Matrixed organizations– Organization changes– Mergers / Acquisitions

Work environments are more disconnected

– Global companies– Outsourcing – Remote workers

More interactions with unknown people

Drives a Need to Connect Dispersed Workforces

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© 2008 IBM Corporation

% trust somewhat or completely

Source: Forrester Research and Intelliseek

Low Trust in Advertising

“Indicate your level of trust in the following types of ads”

Drives a Need to Connect Consumer in Communities

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Old way / New way

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Old way / New way

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© 2008 IBM Corporation

Old way / New way

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Wrong way

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© 2008 IBM Corporation

Very Wrong WayLast year consultant Sara Radicati published a negative report about IBM's Notes e-mail product. That led to organized outrage from bloggers who, it turns out, are consultants who make money installing Notes. She says her firm, the Radicati Group in Palo Alto, Calif., was deluged with obscene phone calls and e-mails, a common element when blogs go negative. "They were trying to disable my business," she says. "It was obscene, vile, abusive, offensive stuff. These are a bunch of sickos."

The anti-Radicati bloggers got an endorsement of sorts from an executive at IBM. Ed Brill, an IBMer who works on Notes marketing and publishes his own blog (edbrill.com), responded on July 23 last year to Radicati's bearish Notes report. He questioned whether she had ties to Microsoft and referred readers to two other blogs with far blunter assertions.

Within days bloggers had posted "investigative" articles "exposing" her as corrupt and unethical, claiming she was a "shill"who took bribes from Microsoft.One blogger said she was doing something shady by operating a group that helps small companies find venture funding. Bloggers linked to one another's sites and posted on Brill's blog and elsewhere, creating an echo chamber in which, through repetition, the scandal began to seem genuine. Six days after the attacks began, a Notes consultant in the U.K. gloated on Brill's blog:"The Radicati Group?Their analysis is now meaningless …. Their name has been blackened, their reputation in tatters."

Radicati fought back by responding on her own Web site, but the smear job hovers online, appearing when you Google her name or start with Brill's mostly diplomatic site and then work your way through its links. One step away is IBM itself, which has a Notes site that once linked into Brill's. That link has since been taken down. Radicati says IBMignored her pleas to stop Brill from linking to the hate sites. IBM says it has nothing to do with Brill's blog.

A week after that flap IBMer Brill fired up the swarm again, issuing a call to arms against research firm Meta Group for similar sins. "Y'all did such a good job on the last report … " his blog entry began. Sure enough, soon Meta was being "investigated" by bloggers and "exposed" as Radicati was. Gartner, which now owns Meta, declined to comment.

No wonder companies now live in fear of blogs.

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© 2008 IBM Corporation

It’s more than fun

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IBM Software Group | Lotus software


The Power of Participation

Connect to undiscovered information & experts

Discover new relationships

Execute better business decisions

Capturing, packaging and reusing user created content

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Wisdom of the Crowd – ratings, comments, tags

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Bringing customers into the community

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Twitter: Like being at a networking cocktail party

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© 2008 IBM Corporation

Search increases value with “people”

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Experts on the topic 1 Click Away

Tagged Websites 1 Click Away

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© 2008 IBM Corporation

ROI Model: Role Interaction Patterns

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Customer Sales




CRM with “Expert Links”

RewardsFor assisting






Sales Process Example

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© 2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Social Software Strategy


















Delivering the most complete set of

collaboration and social software services that enable rich

integration with Portal, Notes &

other applications you use everyday

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IBM Software Group | Lotus software


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© 2008 IBM Corporation

IBM Social Software Can Help Meet Today's Business Imperatives

Need to increase efficiency and

effectiveness of business processes

using existing resources and people

to enhance productivity

Organizations must tap into the

intellectual capital of the entire value chain, correlating

insights and anticipating

opportunities and threats.

Create a competitive advantage that is

sustainable in today's business dynamic

climate by leveraging innovation from

across your value chain and creating

stronger relationships



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IBM Software Group | Lotus software

Your inbox is a catalyst for productivity Moving from it interrupts your workflow and introduces opportunities for distraction.



E-mail,Calendar, Contacts


Activities Personal Library, Blogs

Feeds, Widgets, Live Text

Composite Applications,

Business Mashups

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© 2008 IBM Corporation

“BlueIQ” - Driving Social Software use across IBM

...in 40 Countries

540+ Ambassadors... “Volunteer Army” of Social Software Ambassadors

IBMers helping other IBMers

Clinics – help individuals get started 1:1

“Lunch & Learn” sessions – education on to how to use social software

“Jumpstart” engagements - internal "consulting" to help enable team

Identify use cases, best practices, and tools – by role, by task

Make it easy to get started

Generate “buzz” & Share successes

Tap Early Adopters as grassroots evangelists

Drive change tops down, bottoms up, sideways…

encourage experimentation

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© 2008 IBM Corporation

Lotus Connections is already at work in IBM

CommunitiesIBM hosts over 2,000 online communities, each with shared resources and discussions. More than 800 are private communities.

BlogsIBM’s BlogCentral has 15,544 blogs, 138,803 entries with 66,117 users and 32,911 tags.

DogearIBM’s internal Dogear system has 693,702 total bookmarks with 1,778,571 tags and with a user population of 15,530.

ActivitiesIBM’s internal Activities service contains 64,284 unique activities with 583,254 unique entries and with 90,602 registered members.

ProfilesIBM’s internal BluePages application provided the basis for Profiles. BluePages holds 651,099 profiles and serves over 1 million searches per week. It is the hub of both user requests and all applications authentication for IBM.

Data is as of Dec 31, 2008

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© 2008 IBM Corporation

People around the world

IBMers around the world

Other IBMers in Gail's country




Gail's manager

Jim’s manager







Frequent e-mails

Infrequent e-mails

Wikis + Blogs + SN

Connections means connections!

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IBM Software Group | Lotus software


Social patterns, Semantic Content and DiscoverySocial patterns, Semantic Content and Discovery

•Value created by participation•Search evolves to discovery

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29 Web 2.0, Social Networking and Enterprise Value

•Social networking is part of the fabric of our lives today

•Companies can distinguish themselves in the eyes of customers and the marketplace by engaging

•Elasticity, puffery, and authority are the victims of social networking

•...but innovation is the differentiator today, anyway

•There is much more than technology required to be best-in-class and win in the market