Final product survey analysis I carried out a survey for my target audience to gather responses on how successful or unsuccessful the magazine I produced was and whether it actually appealed to the audience. Doing this allows me to evaluate the work I have produced in more detail with aid of the target audience. The first question asked was “From looking at the front cover, what genre of music will be inside?” The responses are as followed: As you can see, the majority of the people selected Country, which in fact was the genre of music I was aiming at. However, you can see that 1 people selected Gangster. This shows that I brought in the right features to appeal to the country audience and it fits in with the theme that I was aiming for. This question alone allows me to see whether I have been successful, particularly as I know that it was recognizable as country. The second question asked was “What does the title Country Pop suggest to you?” The responses are shown below: The results that I collected from this question were some of the ones that I wanted to portray with the title. When coming up with the name for the magazine I Rebecca Hammond

Survey analysis

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Final product survey analysis

I carried out a survey for my target audience to gather responses on how successful or unsuccessful the magazine I produced was and whether it actually appealed to the audience. Doing this allows me to evaluate the work I have produced in more detail with aid of the target audience.

The first question asked was “From looking at the front cover, what genre of music will be inside?” The responses are as followed:

As you can see, the majority of the people selected Country, which in fact was the genre of music I was aiming at. However, you can see that 1 people selected Gangster. This shows that I brought in the right features to appeal to the country audience and it fits in with the theme that I was aiming

for. This question alone allows me to see whether I have been successful, particularly as I know that it was recognizable as country.

The second question asked was “What does the title Country Pop suggest to you?” The responses are shown below:

The results that I collected from this question were some of the ones that I wanted to portray with the title. When coming up with the name for the magazine I wanted to show feelings of happy and calm but also joyful as I believed this all went very well with the

country ‘free’ kind of genre I was aiming for. As you can see from the results there were 9 votes for happy and 5 votes for both joyful and calm and I am happy with these results I have collected. However one person selected that they thought the title comes across as scary. This is not really a result that I was expecting as I believed it didn’t really suggest scary but it allows me to evaluate my work more and maybe this area could have been improved.

Rebecca Hammond

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The next question that I asked was “What does the font in the magazine suggest?” The answers are shown in the table below.

As you can see there is a variety of different results collected here. I am pleased with the majority, for example there were 9 votes for sophisticated and as it is aimed at females from around 18 to 25 and I thought that if it was too childish it wouldn’t interest the target audience and make them

pick it up. I am also pleased with calm, playful and intellectual getting votes for as these again fit the style of magazine I wanted to achieve. However you can see that I got some results that I wasn’t really hoping for, childish and edgy. I didn’t want to produce a childish magazine as it was for more adolescent females than children. And again edgy adds a kind of scary theme which I was not going for at all.

The question after this was “Do you think the magazine is mainly aimed at..” The results are shown in the table below.

As you can see to the left, there were a variety of options to choose from to decide which target audience best fits the magazine. 99% of the results (18 votes) were for adolescent females which I

wanted as this was the target audience I was aiming for. 1 person selected everybody and another was for male adults. Maybe they selected male adults as the front cover featured a female band and a male audience may see that as attractive and appealing. And I wasn’t too disappointed with somebody selecting everybody as this may show the magazine will be successful and appeal to others and not just the target audience.

Rebecca Hammond

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The next question was “Do you think the images on the front cover are effective?” The results are shown below.

I am very pleased with the results that I have received here. Only one person said that the imaged were not effective so I should have

probably spent more time improving them. But everybody else said that they were effective. Another part of this question was saying why they thought so. The following are what responses I received:

Looks professional. Well taken. Appeals to girls. Models stand out from background. Goes well with the genre, easy to see, models stand out from background. It looks good and fits with the theme. Fits the genre and stands out. Background a little too dark. It stands out. They look sophisticated and country. Too dark. Good setting, enough space for cover lines, eye contact.

I am proud of these responses as they have both criticisms and what went well. It allows me to really see how effective the images are and I believe that other than an issue with the lighting the images worked well with the theme of the magazine.

The next question asked was “What does the colour scheme suggest to you?” The responses are featured below.

As you can see, they were allowed to select more than one option that they believe fits the question asked. The main response that I got was the answer feminine. I am glad that 17 people selected this as that was what I was trying to put across to the audience to hook them in

Rebecca Hammond

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and target at the right group. Happy and musical both received 10 votes, closely followed but both dull and boring received a vote each which indicates maybe I need to focus more on making it look more appealing.

The next question asked was “Is the contents page set out nicely and easy to read?” The results are shown in the table below.

As you can see to the left, 19 people selected the yes to the question and only one person said no. This shows me that the page is mostly set out well and easy to

read for the majority but maybe I need to look into ways I can aim at others as well to make sure it suits everybody. Nobody selected the needs a lot of improvement though so this shows me that it is actually a success.

The next question asked was “Is the price of £2 appropriate?” The answers are shown below:

As you can see all 20 people selected ‘very good price’. This shows me that people are pleased with what it is prices at and that they

would be will to pay this price for the magazine. This could indicate that the magazine could be successful as people do not believe that the magazine is too expensive.

The next questions was “On the double page spread, do you believe that it is set our professionally?” The answers are shown below.

Again all people selected yes for this answer. This allows us to know that people like the way it is set out and that the design is good. I am glad with the results I collected for this

question. Another part to this question to say why they thought it was good or not.

Rebecca Hammond

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The answers are below:

Set our very well. Looks like a real one. Looks well presented, like you would find on a shelf. Looks like one you would find on a shelf in a store. Different. Easy to read. Looks like a publisher created it.

The final question asked was “Which of the following cover lines do you believe is the main feature?” The answers are shown below.

As you can see to the left, everybody that answered this question selected the right answer. This shows that the main story is well recognizable on the front cover and that it stands

out like I wanted and needed it to. The fact that one person didn’t answer this question, may show that they didn’t know the answer showing that maybe it wasn’t very recognizable to that one person.

By doing this survey analysis, it allows me to see how successful the magazine actually is. From looking at the results I have collected all together, I can see that the magazine is very successful and targets at the right audience that I want to do it and that it does all the things I wanted it to do. However some of the results I received did show that maybe it needed a little bit of improvement to make it the best that it could possibly be.

Rebecca Hammond