SEATTLE SUSTAINABLE Design Lab for Sustainable Food Systems!

Sustainable Food System

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A presentation used for Sustainable Seattle's Elementary Education Classes.

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Page 1: Sustainable Food System



Design Lab for Sustainable Food Systems!

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What is Sustainability?• Meeting the needs of today without

compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs

• What do we all need?


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Other words for food?

• Eats• Grub• Chow • Vittles• Feed • Pabulum• Nutrition• Subsistence

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Where do we get our food?

• From the grocery store

• From boxes• From far away!

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Where do we get our food?• Bananas from Chile• Candy from Chicago•

• Shrimp from China• Beef from Brazil

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Where do we get our food?

• Trucks• Trains• Airplanes

How did you get to school? How long did it take?

Food travels and average of 1,500 miles!

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Where do we get our food?

• From a Farm!• From a Market!• From a Garden!

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Where do we get our food?Duwamish tribe traditionally ate• Salmonberry & Strawberries

huckleberries• Fiddleheads, Salal & root

vegetables• Shellfish & Salmon• Duck, Beaver, Raccoon, Otter

and Bear• Deer and Elk

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Where do we get our food?

• Other local foods today

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Who Cares?You! • We need food to stay

alive• Foods can help us

to be healthy – or unhealthy

• Eating is fun• Food is a big part of our culture! We eat

certain food for holidays, birthdays…

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Who Cares?Animals Bees &

butterflies pollinate

Birds & snakes keep pests away

And other animals enjoy a garden!

Can you see the bee?

Can you spot the worm?

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Who Cares?

• Farmers, People who prepare our food, sell our food and take care of the waste

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Who Cares?• People who are poor

and can’t afford to buy food and homeless people do not have a place to cook food

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Who Cares?Our Planet -A closed system. Water systems Soil systems Air systems

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Who Cares?Water systems! When we use pesticides too

much, instead of birds and snakes

Earth and water are polluted Bees, butterflies and birds

die Streams are not healthy for

playing or fishing

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Who Cares?Soil systems! When we grow without taking

care of the soil, and generate too much waste, the earth can’t catch up.

Garbage piles up The earth stops being able to

grow food

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Who Cares?

Air systems! When we eat food from far away, planes, trains and trucks pollute to get us the food Air gets polluted Green house gases come from burning fuel, and so the climate is changed. Unhealthy air to breathe and unsafe weather!

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It’s all connected!

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What can you do?

• Plant a garden and share the food from it!• Eat food that is grown locally! Ask your

parent. Ask the clerk at the grocery store! Ask at the server at the restaurant!

• Don’t buy food that has a lot of packaging! Less waste is better for the planet.

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What can you do?What do you want to do when you grow up?• Urban farmer and/or local food producer – cheese

maker, baker, or cook• Restaurant or cater – serve local and healthy foods• Local economist – research and develop ways to

have a healthy economic system• Educator- teach and inspire people!• Politician – help change laws for a healthy food

system here and in the world

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Design Challenge

• You have just been made President of the World. You know there are people who are starving and there is so much garbage that the rivers, lakes and the ocean is full of garbage.

• What are you going to do?

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Emerging People, Projects and IdeasDream a Sound Future Competition

Sustainable Seattle's Dream a Sound Future Competition invites visionaries to lay the path to our future where Seattle and central Puget Sound communities, economies, and ecosystems

Imagine Seattle and the Central Puget Sound in 2100:

What does it look like? How do you get to work? Where do your children play? What do you love about your community?How will you make the changes you want to see?

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Sustainable Seattle

Our future is ours to define.

Our vision is ours to realize.

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Thank you!!!