TEDx Sponsorship Sarge Salman, PhD for TEDxWeekendVienna June 2015 [email protected]

TEDx Sponsorship 2015

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TEDx  Sponsorship  Sarge  Salman,  PhD  

for  TEDxWeekendVienna  June  2015  

[email protected]  

Page 2: TEDx Sponsorship 2015


[email protected]  

Bal(more,  Maryland,  USA  2013  –  Present  >1,100  AMendees  

Page 4: TEDx Sponsorship 2015


•  Thank  you!  •  TEDx  Rules  •  What  TEDx’s  Do  

[email protected]  

Page 5: TEDx Sponsorship 2015


•  Funding  •  Crowdfunding  •  Unacceptable  Sponsors  •  Sponsor  Approval  •  ContribuDons  

•  Editorial  Control  •  Stage  •  Products  &  Giveaways  •  Social  Media  •  Video  Sponsor  Logos    •  Press  Releases  

[email protected]  

Page 6: TEDx Sponsorship 2015


•  Funding  –  Volunteer  endeavor  –  Zero-­‐sum  accounDng  

•  Crowdfunding  •  Unacceptable  Sponsors  •  Sponsor  Approval  •  ContribuDons  

•  Editorial  Control  •  Stage  •  Products  &  Giveaways  •  Social  Media  •  Video  Sponsor  Logo  •  Press  Releases  


[email protected]  

Page 7: TEDx Sponsorship 2015

TED’s  TEDx  RULES  •  Funding  

•  Crowdfunding  –  No!  

•  Unacceptable  Sponsors  •  Sponsor  Approval  •  ContribuDons  

•  Editorial  Control  •  Stage  •  Products  &  Giveaways  •  Social  Media  •  Video  Sponsor  Logo  •  Press  Releases  


[email protected]  

Page 8: TEDx Sponsorship 2015

TED’s  TEDx  RULES  •  Funding  •  Crowdfunding  

•  Unacceptable  Sponsors  – Weapons/AmmuniDon  –  Tobacco/cigareMes  –  Adult  products/services  

•  Sponsor  Approval  •  ContribuDons  

•  Editorial  Control  •  Stage  •  Products  &  Giveaways  •  Social  Media  •  Video  Sponsor  Logo  •  Press  Releases  


[email protected]  

Page 9: TEDx Sponsorship 2015

TED’s  TEDx  RULES  •  Funding  •  Crowdfunding  •  Unacceptable  Sponsors  

•  Sponsor  Approval  –  Check  TED  Sponsor  List  

•  ContribuDons  

•  Editorial  Control  •  Stage  •  Products  &  Giveaways  •  Social  Media  •  Video  Sponsor  Logo  •  Press  Releases  


[email protected]  

Page 10: TEDx Sponsorship 2015

TED’s  TEDx  RULES  •  Funding  •  Crowdfunding  •  Unacceptable  Sponsors  •  Sponsor  Approval  

•  Contribu(ons  –  <100  AMendees:  $10,000  Total,  excluding  venue  costs  

–  >100  AMendees:    $20,000  Max/sponsor  


•  Editorial  Control  •  Stage  •  Products  &  Giveaways  •  Social  Media  •  Video  Sponsor  Logo  •  Press  Releases  

[email protected]  

Page 11: TEDx Sponsorship 2015

TED’s  TEDx  RULES  •  Funding  •  Crowdfunding  •  Unacceptable  Sponsors  •  Sponsor  Approval  •  ContribuDons    


•  Editorial  Control  –  “Sponsors  have  no  editorial  control  or  veto  power  over  your  program”  

•  Stage  •  Products  &  Giveaways  •  Social  Media  •  Video  Sponsor  Logo  •  Press  Releases  


[email protected]  

Page 12: TEDx Sponsorship 2015

TED’s  TEDx  RULES  •  Funding  •  Crowdfunding  •  Unacceptable  Sponsors  •  Sponsor  Approval  •  ContribuDons    


•  Editorial  Control  

•  Stage  –  “Sponsors  may  not  present  from  the  stage.  Sponsor  logos  cannot  be  displayed  on  a  TEDx  stage”  

•  Products  &  Giveaways  •  Social  Media  •  Video  Sponsor  Logo  •  Press  Releases    

[email protected]  

Page 13: TEDx Sponsorship 2015

TED’s  TEDx  RULES  •  Funding  •  Crowdfunding  •  Unacceptable  Sponsors  •  Sponsor  Approval  •  ContribuDons    


•  Editorial  Control  •  Stage  

•  Products  &  Giveaways  –  Branded  products  may  be  given  away  

•  Social  Media  •  Video  Sponsor  Logo  •  Press  Releases    


[email protected]  

Page 14: TEDx Sponsorship 2015

TED’s  TEDx  RULES  •  Funding  •  Crowdfunding  •  Unacceptable  Sponsors  •  Sponsor  Approval  •  ContribuDons    


•  Editorial  Control  •  Stage  •  Products  &  Giveaways  

•  Social  Media  –  “You  are  not  allowed  to  promote  your  sponsors  on  TwiMer,  Facebook  or  any  other  social  media  properDes”  

•  Video  Sponsor  Logo  •  Press  Releases    

 [email protected]  

Page 15: TEDx Sponsorship 2015

TED’s  TEDx  RULES  •  Funding  •  Crowdfunding  •  Unacceptable  Sponsors  •  Sponsor  Approval  •  ContribuDons    


•  Editorial  Control  •  Stage  •  Products  &  Giveaways  •  Social  Media  

•  Video  Sponsor  Logo  –  “May  only  be  shown  on  one  slide  at  the  beginning  and  end  of  each  video.  This  slide  must  be  3  seconds  long  at  maximum”  

•  Press  Releases  


[email protected]  

Page 16: TEDx Sponsorship 2015

TED’s  TEDx  RULES  •  Funding  •  Crowdfunding  •  Unacceptable  Sponsors  •  Sponsor  Approval  •  ContribuDons    


•  Editorial  Control  •  Stage  •  Products  &  Giveaways  •  Social  Media  •  Video  Sponsor  Logo  

•  Press  Releases  –  All  press  releases  must  be  routed  through  TEDx  Media  Liaison  

 [email protected]  

Page 17: TEDx Sponsorship 2015


•  Funding  •  Crowdfunding  •  Unacceptable  Sponsors  •  Sponsor  Approval  •  ContribuDons  

•  Editorial  Control  •  Stage  •  Products  &  Giveaways  •  Social  Media  •  Video  Sponsor  Logos    •  Press  Releases  

[email protected]  


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[email protected]  

•  $/£/¥/€  •  In-­‐kind  •  Other  

Page 19: TEDx Sponsorship 2015

TEDxVail  (Kat  Haber)  

•  Hotel  stays,  restaurants  •  Vail  Resort  discounts  •  Tesla-­‐test  rides  

[email protected]  

Page 20: TEDx Sponsorship 2015

TEDxJacksonville  (Doug  Coleman)  

•  InvitaDon  to  "Visionaries  Dinner"  

[email protected]  

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TEDxTrondheim  (MarDn  Hassel)  

•  Local  co-­‐working  space  gives  free/discounted  storage  space  and  meeDng  faciliDes  

•  IT-­‐company  gives  tech  support  and  hardware  to  enable  livestreaming  

[email protected]  

Page 22: TEDx Sponsorship 2015

TEDxEroilor  (Vlad  Gliga)  

•  Furniture  for  lounge  area  •  Hair  &  make-­‐up  for  speakers    

[email protected]  

Page 23: TEDx Sponsorship 2015

TEDxArnhem  (Amy  van  Son)  

•  Gim  bag  •  Crew  shirts  •  Community  of  Arnhem  collects  pieces  of  old  red  wood  to  make  the  stage  sign  


[email protected]  

Page 24: TEDx Sponsorship 2015

TEDxNBU  (Dessislava  Boshnakova)  

•   For  our  biggest  sponsor  we  organize  networking  acDviDes  during  the  breaks  


[email protected]  

Page 25: TEDx Sponsorship 2015

TEDxSanDiego  (Mark  LoveM)  

•  InnovaDon  Alley:  an  external  venue  where  we  blocked  off  a  downtown  street  and  hosted  20  startup  companies  

[email protected]  

Page 26: TEDx Sponsorship 2015

TEDxItaewon  (David  Choo)  

•   Kyobo  Book  Centre:  pamphlet  introducing  TED  speakers'  books  and  TEDxItaewon  speakers'  books  

[email protected]  

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[email protected]  

Thank  You!    

Sarge  Salman  [email protected]