The Apache Way In The Cloud: Open PaaS Platforms Powered by Apache Software

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Apache software has been long known to be a key piece of technology behind revolutionary innovations in large scale data systems coming out of Yahoo!, Google, Facebook and the likes. PivotalONE aims at bottling up that secret sauce and making it available to the enterprises enabling business to deliver big data analytics-enabled software at the same internet scale. The key ingredient, however, remains the same: the software created by ASF members. James discusses the impact that community driven development has on rapid enterprise adoption and the future directions for the open PaaS platforms.

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The Apache Wayin the CloudApachecon 2014

James Watters


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Our credentials: open source at Pivotal

The four Cs: code, community, collaboration, & commerce

Collaboration models in the era of strategic OSS

The purpose motive and direction of the Cloud Foundry project

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Open Source at Pivotal

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Personal History: Lessons Learned in OSS

Timing 10 years too late, reactive

Business Motivation Protect/revive an existing business in decline

License Corporate created

Self Interest “Open Solaris Exists for our interests“—SVP

Collaboration 980 Sun Engineers

Outcome Acquired by Oracle, shuttered

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No Negotiation on this Standard

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Invested In a Cloud Hosted Version Since Day One

Pivotal Web Services. Run by the Cloud Foundry Experts.

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Cloud Foundry Open Source Dojo

Pair programing with IBM, SAP, Swisscom, Altoros, Cloud Credo: all send developers to San Francisco HQ of Pivotal for intensive 8 week residencies

Work directly on the CF OSS engineering team and innovate together with us

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IBM Bets $1B On Cloud Foundry

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Industry Transformation

In the beginning…

Open vs Proprietary

Open Source is the new Open Standard

Open Source as a strategic asset

Purpose Motive as competitive differentiator

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Daniel Pink: Purpose Motive

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Collaboration Models for Strategic OSS




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The Industry Standard: Cloud Foundry Foundation

more to come…

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Purpose Motives for Cloud Foundry

Proprietary services should not define the cloud consumption model; treat an IaaS like hardware

Both enterprise and startup developers should “have nice things”

Give disparate OSS communities a common OSS cloud consumption engine

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Google Cloud and CF Share a Vision

Fully managed serving stack

Run App files or Dockerfiles

OS management, logging and monitoring

Declarative deployments, provisioning and health checking

Raw infrastructure

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A Cloud Consumption Platform for OSS

CF-ERS (Apache Tomcat,

Node, Ruby, Docker..)

Apache Hadoop

Jenkins Service




Cloud Foundry BOSH

Apache Cassan-


Cloudstack EC2 Openstack

Multi-Cloud Declarative Service Deployment, Operations

Elastic managed runtime service integrated into leading data services; all scaled and managed by CF BOSH

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Faster and Easier than Amazon: Tomcat + ERS

Cloud Foundry Runtime Amazon Beanstalk

Lightweight containers, seconds to thousands of instances

Heavy VM overhead and waste, several minutes to change scale

12 Factor Compliant Bindings Some in-app configuration files

Built-in logging Retrieve logs from each VM..

Instant Blue/Green updates DNS changes in Rt 53, hours

Any cloud AWS Only

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Cloud Foundry Elastic Runtime in Enterprise

• Generational architecture shift happening in enterprise

• Cloud Foundry Elastic Runtime viewed as innovation leader for cloud era of applications

• Apache Tomcat at the core of enterprise use of ERS

• Key moment for OSS in enterprise middleware….

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Instant Apache Hadoop on Google Cloud


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Proof Point: Faster and Easier than AWS


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Cloud Independent Software Delivery

Simple, Developer Friendly Commands and API

• CF Push [Appfile]• CF Push [Docker]• Or IDE based control,

Eclipse, STS, Intellij,etc.

Operational Benefits for Every Application

• Instant Dynamic Routing• Streaming Logging Agg• ID/team/RBAC/Policy• Application performance

management• Auto-scaling, scheduling• Four layers of built-in

Availability and health management

Built-in and Ecosystem Services

• MySQL HA• Redis • Rabbit MQ• HAWQ Analytics• Elastic Pivotal HD• Elastic Search• Mobile Back End• Jenkins • Cassandra

Deploy, Operate Update, Scale Platform on Any IaaS

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…This Time Around

Timing Rapid push to launch and open source early

Business MotivationCreate a new open community and build a new company around it

License Apache 2, Industry standard

Self InterestLeap of faith to make CF OSS bloom and find the right business along the way--CF Foundation

Collaboration Github, Dojo and Community Pairs…

Outcome Looking bright …

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Summary Code, Community, Collaboration, & Commerce are all important

considerations for OSS

Open source is the leading edge of industry innovation and has usurped open standards

The ASF is the right choice in many situations

For multi-faceted collaboration around a collection of projects forming a platform, consider a dedicated foundation

Common cloud delivery architecture is key opportunity for OSS community to solve vs. proprietary IaaS bound approaches

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Thank You

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