designers interact between industry, users and other actors industry consumers design

The catalytic effects of changing design and cultures

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Page 1: The catalytic effects of changing design and cultures

designers interact between industry, users and other actors




Page 2: The catalytic effects of changing design and cultures
Page 3: The catalytic effects of changing design and cultures
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Page 5: The catalytic effects of changing design and cultures
Page 6: The catalytic effects of changing design and cultures

Brutal use of resources

Page 7: The catalytic effects of changing design and cultures

Is this the end user? 98% of products are thrown away within 6 months

Image source: Chris Jordan

source: Edwin Datschefski & United Nationa University

Page 8: The catalytic effects of changing design and cultures

Brutal with people

Image source: Edward Burtvnskv

Page 9: The catalytic effects of changing design and cultures

Valuable resources are wasted

Image source: Maciej Dakowicz

Page 10: The catalytic effects of changing design and cultures

designers can influence how people consume, use, behave …




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Page 12: The catalytic effects of changing design and cultures

new context

Source: NewScientist.com

Page 13: The catalytic effects of changing design and cultures
Page 14: The catalytic effects of changing design and cultures


design innovation


Page 15: The catalytic effects of changing design and cultures

Culture is the way in which a group of people solve problems and reconciles dilemmas (Schein, 1985)

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"innovation changes the values onto which the system is based” (Schumpeter, 1930)

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Creativity is the ability to recognise unusual patterns and relationships and produce novel ideas or things.

Page 18: The catalytic effects of changing design and cultures

Social innovation addresses social needs. It is based on using people, trust and creativity to make something reliable within a community

“ “

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Enabling technology Social needs

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Community housing for elderly people sharing collective spaces

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Responsible innovation is conscious of the societal impacts of technology. It caries the science ethical along the innovation process.

“ “

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Page 24: The catalytic effects of changing design and cultures

An innovation is an idea that is further developed so that it is

reliable on a meaningful scale. (Senge, 2006)

Idea Innovation

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Page 26: The catalytic effects of changing design and cultures

Does scale respect Identity?

Image source: Robin Collyer, Yonge Street, Willowdale, 1995

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"innovation changes the values onto which the system is based” (Schumpeter)

Does scale respect well-being?

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Page 30: The catalytic effects of changing design and cultures

Google translates cultures

new context