Jakob Voss The original hypertext system and Wikipedia We were promised Xanadu draft slides for discussion presented at Fachhochschule Hannover June, 14 th 2010

The original hypertext system and Wikipedia

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First discussion draft of a presentation about WWW, Wikipedia and Ted Nelson's Xanadu

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Page 1: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia

Jakob Voss

The original hypertextsystem and Wikipedia

We were promised Xanadu

draft slides for discussion

presented atFachhochschule Hannover

June, 14th 2010

Page 2: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia

Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010


● Wikipedia● WWW● Xanadu● Comparision● Discussion

Page 3: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia

Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

Jimbo Wales in: Robin Miller: Wikimedia Founder Jimmy Wales Responds. Slashdot (2004-07-28)

“Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access

to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing.”

Page 4: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia

Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010


● Wiki-based open content encyclopaedia● Quick editing● Versioning● Hypertext (pages, links, discussion pages...)● Open Content license (CC-BY-SA)

● Founded 2001 (by accident!)● More than 200 language editions,

10 of them with > 500.000 articles

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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010


● Infrastructure● donations and volunteers● Wikimedia foundation and local chapters

(among them Wikimedia Germany)● MediaWiki software

● Largest general reference work(s)● Other Wikimedia projects

● Commons, Wikiquote, Wikisource …● Projects only partly connected

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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

Some more Wikipedia features

● Redirects and disambiguation● Media inclusion via Wikimedia Commons● Templates (Infoboxes…)● Categories (Thesaurus)● Interwiki links (mono-directional)● Extracted data (DBPedia, Personsearch…)● ...

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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

Wikipedia revision history

http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gdańsk&oldid=221829087 (“Permalink“)


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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

Internet Archive snapshotshttp://web.archive.org/web/*/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gdańsk


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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

Information Management: A Proposal (1989)Tim Berners-Lee



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Page 10: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia

Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

World Wide Web

● invented in 1989 by Berners-Leeto connect distributed databases

● limited to a mono-directed graph, no history● original concepts reintroduced: collaboration

(“Web 2.0”), data integration (“Semantic Web”)

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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010


Ted Nelson



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A File Structure for the Complex, theChanging and the Indeterminate (1965)

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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

“HTML is precisely what we were trying to PREVENT – ever-breaking links, links going outward only, quotes you can't

follow to their origins, no version management, no rights management.”

Ted Nelson's Computer Paradigm, Expressed as One-Liners (1999)

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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

Gary Wolf: The Curse of Xanadu. Wired Issue 3.06 (1995)

“Xanadu, a global hypertext publishing system, is the longest-running vaporware

story in the history of the computer industry. It has been in development for

more than 30 years.”

Page 14: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia

Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

Concepts of Xanadu

● Deep links to document fragments● Transclusion● Versioning● Docuverse (parallel texts)● Strechtext (levels of detail)● Rights management

Page 15: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia

Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

Some properties of Xanadu

(4) Every user can search, retrieve, create and store documents.

(5) Every document can consist of any number of parts each of which may be of any data type.

(6) Every document can contain links of any type including virtual copies ("transclusions") to any other document in the system accessible to its owner.

(7) Links are visible and can be followed from all endpoints.

(8) Permission to link to a document is explicitly granted by the act of publication.

Xanadu FAQ (2002-04-12)http://xanadu.com.au/general/faq.html#2

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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

Some properties of Xanadu

(4) Open editing

(5) Compound documents

(6) Transclusion

(7) Bidirectional links

(8) Reuse and linking allowed


✓ partly (on-topic only)

✗ very limited

✗ very limited

✓ yes (inside one wiki)

✓ yes

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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010


Wikipedia● Open content only● Nobody is paid● Reuse and mixing

encouraged but difficult to track

Xanadu● Any content● Micropayment● Reuse and mixing

easy and tracked

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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

Common properties

● Both are “closed systems”● In Wikipedia backlinks, version history etc. do only

work inside a Wiki (not even between languages) References to external resources are plain text only

● In Xanadu there is no “outside of the system”

● Both support mixing and changing of content● Wikipedia solves the rights (but does not track all)● Xanadu is based on mixing and linking of content

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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

How can we do better?We were promised Xanadu!

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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

Limitations of the WWW

● Structured data ✗● Collaboration ✗● Backlinks ✗● Changes ✗● Split & Merge ✗

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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

Limitations of the WWW

● Structured data ✓ Semantic Web ● Collaboration ✓? “Web 2.0”● Backlinks ✗● Changes ✗● Split & Merge ✗ “Mashups”, “Copy & Paste”

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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

Limitation: Backlinks

● How do you easily get the resourcesthat link to a given resource?

● Possible solutions● HTTP Referrer ✗● Notify link targets (Pinkback etc.)● Harvest links (crawler)

● Open Questions● Not integrated into basic Web infrastructure ● No open link databases to query!

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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

Limitation: Changes

● How do you track changesin documents on the Web?

● General solution● Versioning and Diff

● Practical solution● Adding history to the Web

● Open questions● Which standard?● How to diff specific file types (see: split & merge)

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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

Adding history to the Web

● URL identifies the currentversion of a Web resource

● Some create new URLs for each new version● Old versions may also be available elsewhere

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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

Adding history to the Web

● Memento Web Project (work in progress!)● Additional HTTP-Header● Typical requests

● “get the resource as it was at time X”● “get the list of changes between X and Y”

● Related techniques● Feeds of changes (ATOM, RSS) and OAI-PMH

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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

Limitation: Split & Merge

● How to track merge and split on the Web?● Problems

● Compound documents and document parts● Clone & Merge instead of Copy & Paste● Existing standards (Xpointer etc.) failed

● Existing solutions● Distributed Version control systems (git, hg, bzr…) ● OAI-ORE (Object Reuse and Exchange)

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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

Deep links in Xanadu

“An identifier for any portion/span of text (of whatever version) can be constructed. This is in

fact the main innovation of Xanadu.”

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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

version 1

version 2

version 3

version 4

text A

text F

text C

text D

text B

text E

text G





change change

version 5



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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

text C

text D text E



parallel text

Types of changes

text A

text B

parallel text


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Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act

towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”

„All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.“

„Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich an Würde und Rechten geboren.“



„All human beings are equal.”

extract (sense changed)

Page 31: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia

Jakob Voss: The original hypertext system and Wikipedia draft slides for discussion. June 14th, 2010

Types of changes (to discuss)

● Some practical examples● Simple extract (quote)● Modfied extract (thumbnail, abstract … )● Translation, review

● Some general types● branch (sth. “new”)

– Split (to branches that may be joined again)● modify (expand, remove, same document)● merge/combine (transclusion, aggregation)

– Insert into an aggregation