The Quest for Peace: Dark Moon Saga 3, Chapter 3.75

The Quest for Peace: Dark Moon Saga 3, Chapter 3.75

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Page 1: The Quest for Peace: Dark Moon Saga 3, Chapter 3.75

The Quest for Peace: Dark Moon Saga 3, Chapter 3.75

Page 2: The Quest for Peace: Dark Moon Saga 3, Chapter 3.75

Rumours of an all out attack on Olympus had spread far and wide; even to the farthest regions of the world. They knew that Olympus had

to be vulnerable if it was attacked, like an open invitation for other pantheons to take over. Zeus had been repelling attempted invasions

of the other pantheons successfully, but even he was growing weary of the constant battling. It was only after the third attempt by a leader of

the Asian pantheon in China, did he beg Solan for help in stopping them. Naturally he did this in private and not under the ever watching

eyes of the other gods; he didn’t need their jibes and comments should they oversee him begging Solan for help.

Solan quelled the other gods who were trying to invade Olympus and got them to see the value in an alliance against Xylen and his ever

growing legions of evil, tainted souls. This valuable alliance also gave them warning about Xylen’s attempts to collect blood of the various pantheons, and how they should be wary of those inside their ranks who would be tempted to steal it for Xylen. Solan turned out to be a

great asset in making the negotiations work smoothly, and Zeus knew that. Zeus would be careful from now on when he got a request from

him to take some time to himself.

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A young stranger took in the sights around him; he had just arrived in Hidden City and he hoped that he hadn’t missed his landing point. His

magic was always going awry and it sometimes teleported him into places he’d rather not be. The house was situated overlooking a cliff that led down into a raging river hundreds of feet below. If he was off by only a few more feet, he’d have fallen right into the raging river currents and be swept off to gods’ know where. It was the Gateway House, according to the universal translator he had with him; if not, he’d be lost. His Greek was non-existent and he doubted very much

that anyone would speak English around here.

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Hex Rightway allowed the warm Mediterranean breeze to tousle his newly cut brown hair, at least the area was pleasant enough to be in.

Rubix was totally different compared to Hidden City, he only hoped that his immune system would not be too overwhelmed by the warm Greek climate. He figured it was time to go and knock on the door and meet these people who were supposed to get him settled in the city. He had come a long way to find a tutor who could show him how to control his

magic properly and without always being followed by disasters, after all, he had a legacy of his own to protect. As a Guardian, it’s his job to know

how to protect his charges properly.

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Nico: Good you made it, we were worried you’d gotten sidetracked or lost. Welcome to Hidden City Hex, my name is Nico and this is my brother Akio. As the sons of Hermes, it is out duty to educate and

inform all new travellers to this place about the rules and dangers of being here.

Akio: Also we’re going to give you a damper to wear while you are here.

Hex: A damper? What’s a damper?

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Nico: It’s a talisman that you must wear to hide your power level. In this city, if you are any stronger than a half god it becomes far too

dangerous to be alone here.

Akio: It’s just a protection measure, don’t worry; it won’t leave you powerless and unable to defend yourself.

Hex: Protection from what?

Nico: Not what, who. We will explain, please sit.

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Akio: It’s been a while since we’ve had any visitors here, they prefer to stay away from us as much as possible. You see, we are at war with an entity known as Chaos. Chaos is an ancient evil that has set its sights on Earth and is massing an army to take over. Chaos looks for anyone who has a high power level and tries to convert

them to evil, to serve in the armies that will spread over this land like a plague.

Hex: Sounds delightful, so this is why I need the damper thing?

Akio: Yes, as a warlock your powers would be enough to attract its attention.

Hex: You know that about me just from spending a few minutes talking to me? My powers have always blown up in my face so to speak, why would I be of any interest

to Chaos?

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Akio: Good question. You are not from this place, therefore you become instantly stronger and more of a prize to Chaos. You carry with you the magic and power of

your own world whenever you travel.

Hex: I see. So why does the damper make me invisible to this Chaos?

Akio: Because there are so many half gods running around this city that Chaos hardly cares about them. Chaos will ignore you, unless you show strong evil

tendencies; which I am guessing you won’t be doing.

Hex: You would be right in that assumption.

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Hex was given a small silver talisman on a red chain to wear; he was worried it would be something weird looking. Akio and Nico informed

him that as soon as his tutor arrived he would be leaving with him, but for now they suggested he take the time to learn some skills so that he

might be better off once he started training.

Hex: So what is my tutor like?

Akio: He’s one of our best, and he’s very well liked. You’re lucky he agreed to train you. His duties on Olympus kept him pretty busy.

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Hex: Wait, so he’s a god?

Akio: Yes he is.

Hex: I never knew they still existed.

Akio: Welcome to Hidden City. My brother and I also gods. Our father allowed us to take the ambrosia once Chaos arrived here, it was our

protection against it.

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Akio: Fair warning though; he’s in the middle of another mission so be aware that he might not always be around.

Hex: Oh, I don’t want to be a bother. I mean if he’s got something else to do I can wait until he’s finished.

Akio: No, don’t worry about it. Being with him now is the best and safest place you can be at the moment.

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Hex: Can I ask what mission he’s on?

Akio: I would rather you ask him when he arrives. We are just told that he has a mission, not what it’s about. Our only job is to mind the

Gateway House for arriving visitors.

Hex: That sucks. I mean wouldn’t you want to know what’s going on up there?

Akio: Of course, but Zeus made it clear that we’re on a need to know basis.

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Hex: I know the feeling, back home there’s this organization called the Supernatural Court that is like our ruling party. They don’t always tell me what’s going on either,

most of the time I’m left guessing or on my own to figure things out.

Akio: You’re a Guardian right? That must be frustrating not knowing how to protect your charges.

Hex: Yeah, but I make due. No one’s died yet that wasn’t supposed to so I guess that’s a good thing. But that’s also why I came here, to learn what they won’t teach

me back home.

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Akio: You’ve come to the right place that’s for sure. He is the best we have.

Hex: I look forward to meeting him, I will be a great student.

Akio: Keep in touch too, okay? I’ve come to like you and wouldn’t want anything to happen to you here.

Hex: Of course. Count on it.

Nico called up to them; the tutor had arrived.

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Hex was surprised to who his tutor was. He was a really powerful White Warlock.

Hex: So you’re my tutor?

Solan: Yes, my name is Solan Sharpe and you must Hex Rightway. Nico and Akio told me about you.

Hex: Good things I hope.

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Solan: Did they tell you that you will be joining me on my mission?

Hex: No, they said they’d leave that to you to tell me.

Solan: I see. Well you will be, you will join me and that surly looking guy over there. We have a very important mission to accomplish.

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Aiden: You never said we’d be bringing along a rookie. How are we supposed to look after him and finish the mission at the same time?

Solan: Make due. He came to us for help and in this situation we could use all the help we can get.

Aiden: I am not babysitting him.

Hex: I swear, I won’t get in your way.

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Hex: I can hold my own, don’t worry about protecting me.

Aiden: You’re mortal; sorta…

Hex: Elfin, yes but I do have nearly the same lifespan as a normal human.

Aiden: And that’s supposed to reassure me? What can you do kid?

Hex: I am a warlock…currently neutral but I do have the power.

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Aiden pulled a face; “Oh yeah, that’s really gonna save your ass if Chaos decides he wants you to be his bitch. This is a really bad idea


Solan: Well you’re gonna have to deal with it. He’s staying with us.

Hex was already sure he wasn’t going to like this guy, already he’s managed to insult him three times in ten minutes.

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Aiden: Do I not get a say in this? After all, we are going after Chaos here. We’ve already seen what he can do, and what he did to your father. Remember him?

Yeah, they will torture him, hurt him and they will strike at him through you or his family. I don’t want to risk the mission’s success because we have to babysit

some foreigner who has no idea what he’s walking into!!

Solan was flabbergasted; he knew Aiden would be difficult, and despite what he said he was really starting to act like Dalen.

“So what was it you told me up on Olympus? Oh yeah, you aren’t your father. Well it sure looks like he’s making a show through you.”

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Aiden stopped; he was acting just like Dalen.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to go off on you like that. I just don’t like having things dropped on me last minute, that’s all.”

Solan: I would hope that you are. You promised me you weren’t going to be like him.

Aiden: You’re right, you’re right. I won’t let it happen again.

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Akio: Are you sure you can trust him?

Solan: I want to; but he makes it so hard sometimes. He has a lot of Dalen in him, despite what he claims.

Akio: I remember Dalen being a lot more level headed than he is now. I mean we fought together side by side before, I knew that I could always

count on him to have my back in battle; but now I’m more afraid he’s going to stick a dagger in it. Be careful Solan.

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Nico: Hex is a valuable ally to have by your side, he has more power than he knows about inside. Even I can tell that.

Solan: I know; I can feel it just below the surface. He just needs to remain in control of his emotions, that’s the reason for his magic backfiring on him.

Nico: Which makes you all the more better to be his teacher; you can show him how to control his emotions when casting spells.

Solan: I know, but I will have to tell him that I can control his emotions, I don’t want to do it without his consent.

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Solan: Are you ready to go? We have a stop to make before we can really get started on our mission. It’s also where I would like to begin your training. It’s a sacred place with a lot of latent natural magic, you would benefit greatly from

learning there.

Hex: I am ready whenever you are. I can’t wait to get started.

Solan: Good, now do you happen to get an upset stomach? Because we have to teleport and to a mortal it can be like wrenching your insides over and over.

Hex: Teleport?

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Solan: Yes, it’s the only way to get where we’re going. It can make mortals sick if they’re not prepared for it.

Hex: Okay…I guess if it’s the only way to get there…I’ll be fine.

Solan: Alright then, hang on tight to me or you could end up somewhere else.

Hex: Story of my life. I’m ready.

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In a blink of an eye; they had arrived. Hex didn’t even feel the movement between Gateway House and here, it was like nothing.

Hex: That was it? Where are we?

Solan: Yeah, I suppose I am better than I think at teleporting people. This is the sacred grove, the people here are called Adriel Guardians.

They are the ones we needed to see.

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Aiden: Drinn!! You’re alive!!

Drinn: I could say the same for you, we thought you were Exiled.

Aiden: You can thank Lady Starr for that, she saved my ass.

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Drinn: We thought you were lost to us. None of us could sense you’d come back here.

Aiden: Lady Starr told me about that too; apparently my Exile made me immune to all kinds of scrying and searching by anyone while I’m here.

Drinn: Good, then that means when we bust into my former master’s hideout, he won’t see you coming.

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The next morning they began Hex’s training.

Solan: Okay, let’s start small. I want you to show me how to remove all the leaves around here.

Hex: Like off the trees?

Solan: No, off the ground. Show me Folium Deletus.

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Hex: You sure about this? That spell uses fire…fire and I don’t get along very well.

Solan: I have faith in you; just remember to focus on the spell, don’t let your emotions cloud your sight.

Hex: Yeah, okay…here goes.

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Hex raised his wand; he spent last night reading from the tome and he knew he understood how to cast the spell; but aiming it was the hard part. Then Solan goes

and stands right behind the leaf pile he was going to cast on; Hex felt the hesitation in the wand, it shook in his hand.

Solan: Hex, emotions. Don’t hesitate.

Hex: But…you’re right there, what if I hit you?

Solan: Don’t hesitate; just do it.

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Hex willed his raging stomach to calm; he focussed his attention on the spell and blocked out everything else. Suddenly, it was so clear; he

could see the spell work in his mind’s eye. It was like he had just awoken from a dream, a smile crept over his face.

“Folium Deletus!!”

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An orange beam shot out of his wand, the leaves sizzled then vanished. His jaw dropped to his knees; the tree wasn’t in flames,

Solan wasn’t even singed. It worked.

Hex: Well, I’ll be damned. It worked.

Solan: You see; once you clear your mind and focus on the spell it all becomes crystal clear. You can’t fail if you focus only on the task at


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Solan: Now, let’s take the next step. You know all the White spells right?

Hex: Yes, but what one did you have in mind?

Solan smiled; “One of my favourites. Bemoodus Simae.”

Hex: WHAT??!! That one? But…that’s cast on a person, not just dead leaves!!

Solan: You can do it, just remember to focus on the spell and not the emotions.

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Solan: I want you to cast it on Drinn. He’s always in a bad mood and it could really pick up his spirits.

Hex: And then he’ll turn around and filet me for casting a spell on him…I don’t know if I can do that.

Solan: I know you can; Drinn won’t hurt you for it, he agreed to be a test subject for you.

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Solan could feel the nervousness in his student; the dancing orange colour was bright and strong, as long as Hex could remain calm and turn his colours green he would do fine. Once he had that under control, Solan would tell him exactly

what mission he was going to be a part of. Saving Reias from Xylen would require them to have another white-lighter on their side, he knew innately that Batalia

had already turned Callisto to the Darkness; the birth of a witch, of any alignment, was felt by everyone in tuned enough to pick it up. Solan prayed that

Hex would be powerful enough to take on Callisto; for he would have enough trouble taking on Talia. He only hoped that he would not have to escort Hex’s soul

to the Elysian Fields, should he die against her. He did not need that on his conscience too.

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Drinn: Alright kid, just watch where you aim that thing okay?

Hex: Just don’t move, and I will hit my target.

Hex calmed his heart; he felt the same clarity overtake him as he chanted the spell’s name. He aimed his wand at Drinn’s head; where it

was supposed to go.

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Drinn: Whoa…head rush. *grins placidly*

Hex: I did it, and he’s not dead!! YES!!

Aiden: Way to go kid. Not many can affect an Adriel like that. Remind me to stay off your bad side.

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Aiden: Hey, wait…am I already on it?

Hex: Well you weren’t exactly good in making a first impression on me.

Aiden: Crap…

Hex: Hmm, I may reconsider.

Aiden: You wouldn’t…

Hex: *grins*

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Hex: I can’t believe I did that. How’d you know I wouldn’t mess up?

Solan: Something you should know about me Hex; I can see and read people’s emotions as colours. When you’re nervous and hesitant you glow bright orange; when you’re calm and

collected you’re a lush green colour. I also have the ability to maintain and control the emotions of others as well.

Hex: So you were controlling me?

Solan: No, I would never do that without your consent. What you did was of your own making, you calmed yourself all alone, I had nothing to do with it.

Hex: I see. So are you going to tell me what mission we’re going on now?

Solan: Yes, I will. It’s a long story so we should talk after dinner.

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Part B:

After Hex was informed about the nature of their mission, he was really glad to be a part of such an important event. Nothing in his line of work back in Rubix had prepared him for such a mission as this; he had his

share of troubles with heiresses and the family villains Ralph and Ariel; but so far no one had died as a result of their actions, save for Elizabeth and Orlando. But they were brought back eventually. When Solan told

him about what happened to the entire second and third generations of this Quest he was shocked into silence. He was even more solemn when

he was told about this legacy’s main Guardian, and Solan’s father, Reias. This mission was a rescue and recovery of Reias, he had never faced one as evil as Chaos/Xylen before; Hex only hoped he would be

able to help them save Reias.

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The kids of generation seven were well into their Sophomore of college by now; Ilea, the seventh generations heiress had not slowed down in her conquest of the

male species. Her sister and cousins were already talking about who they wanted to settle with while she was still content to have fun with her title as

heiress and the riches that came with it. So when she saw the pale, black-clad stranger standing off to the side of the gazebo, she had to talk to him.

Ilea: I sure haven’t seen you around here, are you new?

“I don’t get out much.” he replied.

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His eyes glittered like polished onyx stones, Ilea felt instantly attracted to him.

Ilea: Lucky for me you did decide to come out today, what’s your name sexy?

“Call me T.”

Ilea: Well T, nice to meet you.

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Ilea: As a token of my affection, let me present you with this simple rose.

T: How…interesting.

Ilea just smiled, her killer smile that made any man melt at her feet.

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It was an odd gesture; something he was not used to feeling. But strangely enough, he enjoyed the feeling, which shocked him more

than anything.

“One more for my trophy list.” Ilea thought.

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Once more back at college, she was already planning her next conquest. The pale stranger known as T was only one of the many she

planned to woo while she still had the freedom to do so. Ilea wasn’t the only one who could play this game; Aerin Stacks, the son of Pollux and Jane, was pretty good at playing it himself. The two of them had known each other since childhood, and he always had a secret desire to be with her. He had fallen for the heiress, much sooner than he had anticipated he would. His siblings tried to make him keep his options open, because Ilea was the one expected to carry on the Quest. Aerin

didn’t listen to them, his mind was set on her.

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And it seemed the feeling was mutual on her part. She wasn’t quite ready to choose her spouse yet, there was still a whole other half of

college to get through first and lots more guys. Why settle for only one now?

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Back in Hidden City…

Morpheus studied his play carefully, his brother had him beat…unless he changed that. And he could tell that Thanatos had his mind on other things.

“Stop that. You know you can’t have her.”

Thanatos: What are you talking about?

Morpheus: Please, your mind is filled with her face. I can tell.

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Thanatos: You don’t know a damn thing. And stop trying to cheat, you’re not exactly hiding your thoughts that well either.

Morpheus: She’s the heiress to the Peace God’s line; you can’t have her.

Thanatos: I know that, any child of mine she birthed would die as soon as it took breath. I can’t give her living children.

Morpheus: Then why won’t you forget about her if you know that?

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Thanatos: I am supposed to hate the mortals; despise them but when I think of her, I just can’t hate her.

Morpheus: Ah, because she’s not exactly fully mortal; not that you appreciate gods any more than mortals, but she’s carrying godly blood. And being so close to the end, it’s become stronger. She has the allure of Aphrodite but none of her

responsibilities as such.

Thanatos: You almost sound convinced of that yourself.

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Morpheus: She’s good for fun, but nothing more than that. And well you could use the touch of a good woman.

Thanatos: Had she been fully mortal, my touch would have killed her, so that is unlikely to occur.

Morpheus: Up here maybe, but down in the Underworld… she could easily survive birthing your children.

Thanatos: As you said brother, she’s good for fun and nothing more.

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Thanatos: Besides, if she knew I was Death incarnate, she wouldn’t want me near her anyway.

Morpheus: Don’t sell yourself short brother, I see her dreams and they are filled with much of you. I believe you may have underestimated her

affections for you.

Thanatos: I find that hard to believe; who wants Death after them? No one, that’s who.

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Morpheus was not wrong; even gods can dream. And not always of things he would send them. Thanatos did really want to believe that

Ilea would not reject him, should she learn of his true nature; that she could see herself loving him. But common sense is oftentimes much

more realistic than a fleeting dream. His myopic nature was sometimes overbearing and crushing when it came to finding any sort of positive

feelings towards mortals and gods; even though there was much darkness, Thanatos still found a light.

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To feel the warmth of her soft skin against his own cold flesh was very comforting. Her heart beat steady and true while she lay sleeping

soundly in his arms, he could not help but smile. This must be happiness; it was something he knew nothing of but found it to be


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He realized then, he didn’t want her to go. Thanatos wrapped both arms around her, in fear that she was but a phantasm created to

torture his mind and soul.

“Don’t leave me Ilea…I beg of you…don’t leave.”

She sighed gently in her sleep; he had no idea if she even heard him at all. Whether or not she did, it felt better to speak his feelings aloud.


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His dream was nearly gone by the time he awoke again, but when she called him for another date he was sure that his dream could still come


Thanatos: I was surprised you called me again. I’d thought you’d forgotten me.

Ilea: No, I was just busy T, that’s all I had a final that I had to cram for. It’s all good now though.

Thanatos: I see.

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Thanatos wasted no time showing her how he felt, if this was only going to be temporary then he wanted to make sure it lasted forever in

his memory. And she seemed to be interested in him as well.

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Very interested…

Thanatos had to admit, it felt good to be with her outside his dreams it gave him hope. And hope was rare for a god like him to feel, especially

with times are they are now. A part of him enjoyed the rampant death and destruction all around him brought about by the mortals’ fears of Chaos, it kept him busy. He was still satisfied with the fear he instilled in them when he came calling, but more recently he had been feeling different about it…

almost sorry for them…almost.

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Althea was more than glad when Bell called her over, she was eager to see how well he grew up. And it appeared he grew up well indeed. The black jacket and

bad boy rock star thing he had going on drove her wild. And the wings…they only added to his appeal.

Althea: You look amazing Bell!! I was half expecting to beat off the fan girls to get to you.

Bell: It’s the look, chicks love the look.

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Bell: I am glad you came though. I missed you.

Althea: Me too. I was worried you’d forgotten about your high school girlfriend.

Bell: Naw, I could never forget you Thea. I wanted to make this special tonight.

Althea: Oh? How so?

Bell smiled; “I think you know.”

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Romance sims…pffft.

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Bell: Llama, I swear if you cost me the high score I’ll kill you.

Llama: Vo Gerbits!!

Bell: Where’s the Cow when you need it?

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Unlike his cousin Ilea, he preferred to share his life and his love with only one person. He couldn’t fathom why she felt she had to “spread the love” to every walking Y chromosome that crossed her path. It seemed almost unbecoming of an heiress to such an important Quest. Bell had heard she

was spreading something around and it wasn’t the love, it was a reputation. And not a good one. His grandmother must be rolling in her

grave over Ilea’s indiscretions. His grandmother loved and cared for only one man her entire life, one would think that her granddaughter-heiress

would share the same ideals.

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Bell’s cousin Minos, shared the same idea. One woman, one lover. For him it was Seiya. The family still knew very little about her, Minos kept pretty quiet about her past when he spoke of her. As long as she didn’t mistreat their oldest cousin, they were content to wait patiently until

the time was right and Minos would tell them about her.

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They are cute together. And more of Dee’s genes in the blood line couldn’t hurt right?

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Some days were more eventful than others, tree fires and the fire dance were always a chance when

the rain was falling…

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The main house spent a lot of time studying for the upcoming Junior

Year of college. Even Ilea had managed to put her conquest on hold for a session of cramming

with her little sister.


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Solan had taken a chance to speak with Bliss before heading out. He wanted to know if he was doing alright after Pandora’s death.

Solan: Hey. Nice night huh?

Bliss: Yeah, I thought you were heading out? Why are you back here?

Solan: I came to check on you, we didn’t get a chance to talk after Pandora.

Bliss: Thanks, but I knew it was coming. I was prepared.

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Solan: Come on deception is not your colour.

Bliss: I hate it when you do the colour thing. But yeah, I lied. I wasn’t prepared for her to go so soon. I thought I had more time.

Solan: We always do, but rarely is it the case. You never prepare for someone you love to die…

Bliss: Ah now the truth comes out. You worry for Reias don’t you?

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Solan: That obvious huh? Yes, I do worry about my father and my children, my grandchild.

Everyone down there at the mercy of Xylen.

Bliss: I know the feeling. My grandchild is the heiress and a big juicy, target for Xylen. She

doesn’t seem to be taking her role or her situation seriously. I see her philandering

down there with the young men, and believe it or not, even old Thanatos. She’s playing with

fire and she will get burned.

Solan: Thanatos? I am shocked by that, he hates mortals.

Bliss: Not her. My gift from father tells me that he’s in love with Ilea, and she only sees him as a temporary thrill. If he finds out she’s

playing him…he’ll probably kill her.

Solan: And the hits keep coming; man how are you ever going to survive this?

Bliss: I’ll have to. I knew the risks when I agreed to father the sixth generation of the Quest, though this one didn’t figure into my

decision. I never expected one of my descendants to catch the eye of one of the

most dangerous gods we have here.

Solan: So what are you going to do?

Bliss: Well I don’t want her to hate me but I have to tell her to stop playing around with Thanatos at least, he’s the one I’m afraid of

the most.

Solan: You know that won’t go down well with her.

Bliss: I do, which is also another reason I’m going to miss having you around. You’re

good at diffusing tense situations before they blow up.

Solan: I know; it’s something I have also thought about. With my father in trouble, the

legacy is my responsibility to protect…

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Just as Bliss feared; Ilea was becoming fast attached to Thanatos. Even when she saw another hot guy walk by, her mind always went back to him; his pale skin, dark ebony hair, his mysteriously hypnotic obsidian

black eyes…he haunted her waking times as well as her sleeping ones. It confused her, scared her even that her thoughts were so consumed by


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Who was T, and why did he have such a strong effect over her? Why can’t she shake him from her mind? Every little bit of time she spent wrapped in his arms, her head was swimming with thoughts, feelings

and images that frightened her but at the same time intrigued her sense of adventure and danger.

He was hot, there was no doubt of that. His eyes were especially entrancing; such an unusual colour…pure black.

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Ilea didn’t want to settle for one man, she wanted to enjoy sampling many of them. Her Romantic nature demanded it of her, but her heart and loyalty to her family’s Quest made her second guess her inherited

nature. That side told her to settle with the man that consumed her every being. That it must be love if he’s all she thinks about when

parted from him.

Nowhere in her mind did it factor in that maybe there was a reason for him always being in her thoughts…something not quite human…

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Thanatos: Don’t leave me Ilea, stay with me.

Ilea’s head was swimming, like being in a dream. She smiled gently, unaware of what she was speaking.

“I love you T, I won’t leave you. I am yours.”

Thanatos: Good. I want you to belong solely to me, be my consort.

Ilea: Okay…

End of Entry Thirty-Nine.

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Solan, Aiden and Hex are leaving on their mission to locate and rescue Reias from Xylen, Bliss is worrying for his granddaughter

and heiress for the next generation, falling prey to the whims and desires of Thanatos, the God of Death. Are Thanatos’

affections and feelings for Ilea real, or are they just another form of cruelty that he is known for causing on others?

Will the next generation be born in the Underworld, to a father whose very touch can kill without so much as a second thought?

I would like to thank Super Frog (Sam) for giving me Hex to use, his integration into the plot would have either come in the form

of being trained by Perseus in an Interlude chapter, or being sent to Solan and be drawn into the main plot line. I guess we both decided that being a part of the main plot line and the

rescuing of a fellow Guardian would be so much better than an Interlude. I think all of you are in agreement right?