A centre of expertise in digital information management www.ukoln.ac.u k www.bath.ac.u k UKOLN is supported by: The Tools of our Trade: AACR2/RDA and MARC Guest lecture at London Metropolitan University 15 th March 2010 Ann Chapman Community and Outreach Team

Tools of our Trade (RDA, MARC21) 2010-03-15

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Guest lecture on cataloguing standards (RDA, MARC) for cataloguing module at London Metropolitan University.

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  • 1.UKOLN is supportedby: The Tools of our Trade: AACR2/RDA and MARC Guest lecture at London Metropolitan University 15 thMarch 2010 Ann Chapman Community and Outreach Team

2. What are our Tools?

  • AACR/RDA= content standard for resource description and access
  • MARC= communication and exchange format providing a structure for encoding the content of bibliographic and authority data
  • Related to:
  • ISBD= rules that organise the display of a bibliographic description of an item in a catalogue
  • FRBR= a entity-relational model of the data required to find, identify, select and obtain resources

3. ISBDs

  • International Standard Bibliographic Descriptions
  • Developed 1969 onwards by IFLA
  • Defined seven areas of description and their order
    • Title
    • Statement of Responsibility
    • Edition
    • Resource specific information
    • Publication details
    • Physical description
    • Series information
    • Notes and standard identifiers


  • Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Records
  • IFLA study; report published 1998
  • Entity-relationship model that defines:
    • Tasks : find, identify, select, obtain
    • Resource relationships : work, expression, manifestation, item
    • Entity relationships : people, corporate bodies (agents) concepts, objects, events, places


  • Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules
    • A content standard for bibliographic description and access
    • Bibliographic not just books
    • Built on other, earlier sets of rules
  • Key principles
    • One principle entry per resource
    • Catalogue from item in hand
    • Chief source of information

6. AACR timeline

  • 1967 UK and US editions
  • 1978 Second unified edition, consistent with ISBDs; several further revisions
  • 1997 Toronto conference on AACR2
  • 1998 FRBR
  • 2005 Develop RDA not AACR3
  • 2010 RDA launch (provisional)

7. AACR 2

  • Part 1: Description
    • Chapter 1: General rules
    • Chapters 2 -12: Resource type - specific rules
    • Chapter 13: Analytic entries
  • Part 2: Headings, Uniform Titles, References
    • Chapter 21: Choice of access points
    • Chapters 22 26: Construction of access points
  • Appendices
    • A: Capitalisation, B: Abbreviations, C: Numerals, D: Glossary, E: Initial articles

8. Whats wrong with AACR?

  • Increasingly complex
  • Lack of logical structure
  • Mixing content and carrier data
  • Hierarchical relationships missing
  • Anglo-American centric viewpoint
  • Written before FRBR
  • Not enough support for collocation
  • Unclear relationship with MARC Format

9. RDA The Aims

  • Rules should be easy to use and interpret
  • Be applicable to an online, networked environment
  • Provide effective bibliographic control for all types of media
  • Encourage use beyond the library community
  • Be compatible with other similar standards
  • Have a logical structure based on internationally agreed principles
  • Separate content and carrier data
  • Examples more of them, more appropriate

10. Who is working on RDA?

  • Joint Steering Committee (JSC)
    • 1 representative each from: ACOC, ALA, BL, CCC, CILIP, LC
    • JSC reps consult with their constituency
      • In UK, CILIP/BL Committee on RDA plus specialist groups (e.g. Rare Books Group, IAML(UK & Ireland)
  • And in the period 2005 to 2009
    • RDA Editor: Tom Delsey
    • RDA Project Manager: Marjorie Bloss

11. And also

  • Task focused working groups
    • RDA GMD/SMD Working Group
    • RDA and ONIX Initiative
    • RDA Examples Working Groups
    • RDA MARC Working Group
    • and
    • DCMI RDA Task Group

12. How is RDA being developed?

  • Draft (responses revised drafts further responses, etc.) acceptance
  • Latest draft released 17 Nov. 2008; responses from:
    • France, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden
    • ISSN International Centre
  • Final product the publishers ( ALA , CILIP, CLA)

13. RDA Timelime

  • 2005
    • Prospectus and draft of chapters relating to description
    • Content and carrier studies
  • 2006 and 2007
    • Further drafts of chapters on description and access
    • Work on appendices and glossary
  • 2008
    • Screenshot demo in August at IFLA conference
    • Draft for consultation released in November
  • 2010
    • Launch of online product (announced as June 2010)
  • 2010 2011
    • Work on deferred issues

14. RDA Outline Structure

  • Introduction
  • Attributes
    • Sections 1 to 4 (chapters 1 to 16)
  • Relationships
    • Sections 5 to 10 (chapters 17 to 37)
  • Appendices A to M
  • Glossary

15. What will RDA look like? - 1

  • Section 1: Recording manifestation attributes
    • Ch. 1 General guidelines
    • Ch. 2 Identifying manifestations and items
    • Ch. 3 Describing carriers (technical description)
    • Ch. 4 Providing acquisition and access information (terms of availability, etc.)

16. What will RDA look like? - 2

  • Section 2: Recording attributes of work and expression
    • Ch. 5 General guidelines (incl. construction of access points for works and expressions)
    • Ch. 6 Identifying works and expressions (e.g.uniform and collective titles , etc.)
    • Ch. 7 Describing additional attributes of works and expressions (incl.nature and coverage of content, intended audience,etc.)

17. What will RDA look like? - 3

  • Section 3 : Ch. 8, 9, 10, 11 Recording attributes of person, family and corporate body (=name headings )
  • Section 4 : Ch. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Recording attributes of concept, object, event and place (=subject headings )
  • Section 5 : Ch. 17 Recording primaryrelationshipsbetween work, expression, manifestation and item
  • Section 6 : Ch. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Recordingrelationshipsto persons, families and corporate bodies associated with a resource

18. What will RDA look like? 4

  • Section 7 : Ch. 23 Recordingsubject relationships
  • Section 8 : Ch. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 Recordingrelationshipsbetween works, expressions, manifestations and items
  • Section 9 : Ch. 29, 30, 31, 32 Recordingrelationshipsbetween persons, families and corporate bodies
  • Section 10 : Ch. 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 Recordingrelationshipsbetween concepts, objects, events and places

19. What will RDA look like? - 5

  • Appendices
    • A: Capitalisation
    • B: Abbreviations
    • C: Initial articles
    • D: Record syntaxes for descriptive data (ISBD, M21, DC)
    • E: Record syntaxes for access point control data
    • F: Additional instructions on names of persons
    • G: Titles of nobility, rank, etc.
    • H: Conversion of dates to Gregorian calendar
    • J, K, L, M: Relationship designators
    • Glossary
    • Index

20. Using RDA

  • Analyse the resource being described
    • What is the content type?
    • Held in what carrier form?
    • To what other resources is it related?
    • To which persons, families or corporate bodies is it related?
    • To what concepts, events and places is it related?

21. One rule for all

  • Mostly:
  • Rules apply to all content types
  • Rules apply to all media types
  • With
  • Examples of application to specific content and media
  • Occasionally:
  • Rules apply to specific materials or contents (e.g. treaties, religious texts, music)

22. Words, words, words

  • Can look opaque or going round in circles
  • Trying to avoid reference to specific content and carriers
  • Hope to improve wording over time
  • Use as the preferredsource of informationa source forming part of theresourceitself that is appropriate to (a) the type of description and (b) the presentation format of theresource .
  • Meanspreferredsource of informationmay vary according to:
  • Comprehensive or analytical description
  • Multiple pieces, early print, moving images, or all other materials

23. RDA What will it be?

  • Online resource (full text)
    • Free open access June to 31 Aug. 2010
    • Free month trial (not confirmed)
    • US $325 for first user (sliding scale multiple users) http://www.rda-jsc.org/rdapricing.html
    • Library schools likely different but not decided
  • Potentially:
    • Concise text
    • Tailored texts (law, music, serials, etc.)
    • Training resource
    • Incorporation into LMS cataloguing modules

24. RDA and beyond

  • RDA aims to be:
  • Independent of communication formats
  • Compatible / better aligned with other similar standards
    • Archives: ISAD(G)
    • Museums: Cataloging Cultural Objects

25. RDA and MARC

  • Mapping RDA and MARC 21
    • Report issued in Nov. 2006; various proposals subsequently go through MARBI process
  • How will RDA impact on MARC 21?
    • Some new fields / subfields are being defined
  • How will MARC 21 impact on RDA?
    • Data provisions in MARC 21 not covered in current draft of RDA

26. MARC 1960s

    • Library of Congress project
      • Database of catalogue records
      • Production of catalogue cards
    • US & UK versions
      • Reflected differing cataloguing practices
      • Developed in parallel but not identical ways

27. MARC 1970s

  • Variant formats developed
      • Based on either US or UK formats (AUSMARC, DANMARC, KORMARC, etc.)
      • USMARC developed 8 material formats (Books, Serials, Maps, etc.)
  • UNIMARC developed in 1977 by IFLA
      • Intended as exchange format
      • Used as the Bib format in some countries (e.g. France)

28. MARC Recent changes

  • Expansion of USMARC to a family of formats
    • Bibliographic, Holdings, Authority, Classification, Community Information
  • Integration of USMARC bibliographic format
    • Previous 8 formats integrated
  • Widespread adoption of MARC 21
    • Some countries simply adopt USMARC
    • 1997 USMARC & CANMARC become MARC 21
    • 2003/4 MARC 21 enhanced by UK proposals; British Library adopts MARC 21
    • 2006/7 MARC 21 enhanced by German proposals: this will enable libraries to move from MAB to MARC 21

29. MARC Structure

  • Leader
  • 0xx control numbers, coded data
  • 1xx primary access point
  • 2xx description, GMD, edition, publication
  • 3xx physical description
  • 4xx series
  • 5xx notes
  • 6xx subject access points
  • 7xx additional access points
  • 8xx series added entries
  • 9xx local fields

30. Maintaining MARC 21

  • Twice yearly MARBI meetings
    • Discussion papers
    • Proposals
  • UK and MARC 21
    • BIC Bibliographic Standards Group
    • [email_address]
    • http://www.bic.org.uk/16/Bibliographic-Standards/

31. Some MARC changes for RDA

  • New fields
    • 336 Content Type (Bib, Auth)
    • 337 Media Type (Bib, Holdings)
    • 338 Carrier Type (Bib, Holdings)
    • 370 to 377 (Auth) (e.g. field of activity, occupation, gender, family information, associated language)
  • New codes
    • New codes in 007 (Bib, Holdings)
    • New codes in 008 (Bib)
    • See more detail at: http://www.loc.gov/marc/formatchanges-RDA.html

32. MARC and XML

  • MARC has alpha-numeric 3-digit tags
    • 100.1 Personal Name
    • 245 $a Title $b Subtitle
  • XML has element labels

33. Looking into the crystal ball

  • FRBR
    • Potential influence on cataloguing systems
    • Authority records, uniform titles, work records
  • OPACs
    • Multiple interfaces for different audiences
    • More flexible search interfaces and displays
    • Enhance for accessibility - supports all users
    • Links (actual resources, restrictions, supporting or associated resources)
  • RDA
    • Potential use outside the library domain

34. Contact details

  • Ann Chapman
  • University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY
  • [email_address]
  • http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/bib-man/
  • http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/ukoln/staff/a.chapman/

35. Creative Commons Licence

  • This licence allows the slides to be reused and, if necessary, modified for non-commercial use provided acknowledgements are given to Ann Chapman and UKOLN and the same licence is used for such modified resources.
  • http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/