Project part-financed by the European Union Sustainability Standards for New Homes in the UK: the Code for Sustainable Homes Kate Aspinall

TrIsCo UK Study Tour: Code for Sustainable Homes

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Project part-financed by the European Union

Sustainability Standards for New Homes in the UK: the Code for

Sustainable Homes

Kate Aspinall

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Project part-financed by the European Union

Quick, non-technical tour of the Code • Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) in the UK

• Brief description of how sustainability standards for housebuilding have evolved in the UK

• The Code for Sustainable Homeso Structure and key aspectso How it applies to RSLs and to other constructorso Examples

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Project part-financed by the European Union

The Role of Registered Social Landlords (RSLs)

• Main providers of publicly funded homes in the UK. • Development part-funded by government grants - £8.4 billion in

2008 -11 programme - 155,000 homes per year. Funding goes to RSLs, local authorities and approved private developers.

• Must meet conditions for receiving public subsidy (Social Housing Grant) including financial probity and standards of management as well as quality of design and sustainability.

• Progressive increase in standards expected, always in excess of Building Regulations and the private sector.

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Project part-financed by the European Union

Evolution of Sustainability Standards• Building Regulations - set basic standards for all aspects of

construction includind energy efficiency - mandatory for all construction. Baseline on which other standards are built.

• EcoHomes certification scheme - newbuild– Part of BREEAM certification programme– Voluntary for private housebuilders– Became mandatory for RSLs, progressively higher ratings required– Applied to the whole development, not individual homes

• EcoHomes XB for refurbishment projects– Voluntary

• CSH - national standard for the sustainable design and construction of new homes from April 2007.

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Project part-financed by the European Union

Code for Sustainable Homes – Scope

• Introduced April 2007• From May 2008, mandatory for all new homes to have a CSH rating.

• Ratings included in the Home Information Pack on sale of property.• Private developers can opt for a “nil-rating” – don’t even have to

achieve the lowest level of the Code.• Introduces minimum levels of performance in nine key areas• Mandatory and optional elements make it flexible• Scoring system at six levels• Assessed at design stage and post-construction

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Project part-financed by the European Union

Key Performance IssuesEach homes is awarded credits in respect of:• Energy and CO2 Emissions• Water• Materials used• Surface water management• Waste management• Pollution• Health and Wellbeing• Management• Ecology

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Project part-financed by the European Union

Scoring System• Six levels, each achieved by meeting:

o the mandatory standard appropriate for that level, ANDo a proportion of the “flexible” standards

• Each level represents a progressive improvement on the baseline of Building Regulations – including Level 1.

• Level 3 – currently required for RSL projects.• Level 4 – current “exemplary performance”.• Level 5 – represents 100% reduction in CO2 emissions• Level 6 is the “Zero Carbon” home• The home is scored against each category to arrive at a % score to

establish overall rating.

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Project part-financed by the European Union

Mandatory elements• In order to attain every level a minimum performance MUST be achieved in:

• CO2 emission rates• Indoor water use• Materials• Waste• Surface water run-off

• To attain Level 2 – 6, progressively higher minimum standards in:• CO2 emission rates • Indoor water use.

• To attain Level 6, the home must also meet Lifetime Homes standards.

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Project part-financed by the European Union

Mandatory elements – CO2 emissions

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Mandatory elements – water use

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Project part-financed by the European Union

“Flexible” elements• Beyond the mandatory elements, developers can gain credits from

the other elements to achieve the overall score.• Choice in how to achieve the Level rating they are seeking.• Not all elements are equal – environmental weighting factor is

applied to each category to emphasise those elements that are seen as more environmentally significant.

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Project part-financed by the European Union

The• Main

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Project part-financed by the European Union

Scoring• Have the four mandatory categories been achieved?

If they have not all been met then the home is zero rated, regardless of scores achieved for other elements.

• Have the minimum scores been achieved to gain the mandatory credits for CO2 and water use for the Level sought?Rating determined by the lowest score, so both are needed to meet the requirements for a higher Level.

• Have the credits from mandatory and flexible elements achieved the totals necessary to achieve the Level sought?

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Assessment• Carried out by approved CSH Assessor• Programme of assessor training licenced by the BRE• Assessment must be by use of the approved calculation tool• Submitted to the BRE• Approval/certificate issued

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Project part-financed by the European Union

Carbon Emissions • By far the most important element – 15 credits available• Heaviest weighting• Building Regulations establish a Target Emissions Rate (TER)*• Home is assessed for its Dwelling Emissions Rate (DER)*• Percentage improvement of DER compared with TER establishes

the credit achieved.

* kg of CO2 per m2 per annum arising from energy use for heating, hot water and lighting

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Carbon Emissions Reduction

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Project part-financed by the European Union

How the Code applies to RSLs• Publicly subsidised, so always expected to lead the private sector

on standards.• All schemes funded after April 2007 to achieve Level 3 or higher.• Additional grant for higher scoring schemes.• From April 2010 need to achieve Level 4.

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Project part-financed by the European Union

The Zero Carbon HomeCSH Definition:

Government intention is for all new homes built to be Zero Carbon by 2016

“Where net carbon dioxide emissions resulting from ALL energy used in the dwelling are zero or better.

This includes the energy consumed in the operation of the space heating/cooling and hot-water systems, ventilation, all internal lighting cooking and all electrical appliances.”

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Project part-financed by the European Union


• RSLs – Level 3 now being met for all schemes• Both schemes we are visiting meet Level 3 in different ways, using

different construction methods.• Later phases of the West of Waterlooville site will have to meet

Level 4 – how?• Costs of meeting the higher standard varies according to RSL’s own

requirements and the demands of the location, planning requirements and so on.

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The• The

Examples – Level 4Vale Street, Lambeth, London – L&Q Housing

• First development in London to achieve Level 4• Winner of the What House? Award for Sustainable Development• Super insulated walls, wider

cavities.• Use of lime mortar• Triple glazing• Communal biomass boiler• Solar electricity• Green roof• Nesting boxes for birds

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Project part-financed by the European Union

The• The

Examples – Level 45Mid Street, South Nutfield, Surrey – Raven Housing Trust

• First Level 5 RSL scheme• SIPS construction• Triple glazed windows• PV roof panels• Biomass boiler, underfloor heating.• Heat recovery unit• Rain water harvesting• Digitally controlled showers with

monitoring system• Environmental planting scheme• Data system linked to

public transport information

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Other Developers• Reference to the Code also used to distribute other funding e.g. Low

Carbon Investment Programmeo Focus on renewable materials – timber, natural insulation &c

• Other bodies have built exemplar projectso BRE Innovation Park

o The Lighthouse – Code 6o The Renewable House

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The• The

The Kingspan Lighthouse


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The• The

The Renewable House


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Project part-financed by the European Union

Further information:

Code for Sustainable Homeshttp://www.communities.gov.uk/planningandbuilding/buildingregulations/legislation/codesustainable/

Building Regulations: Energy efficiency requirements for new dwellings - a forward lookat what standards may be in 2010 and 2013www.communities.gov.uk/publications/planningandbuilding/energyefficiencynewdwellings

BREEAM Code for Sustainable Homes informationhttp://www.breeam.org/page.jsp?id=86

Building Regulations Part Lhttp://www.planningportal.gov.uk/england/professionals/buildingregs/technicalguidance/bcconsfppartl/bcconsfppartlappdoc/bcconsfppartl1aappdoc

DCLG Sustainable Development Action Planhttp://www.communities.gov.uk/publications/corporate/sustainabledevelopment2007-08