10YFP Sustainable Consumption & Production Collective Impact Approach

Unep 10 yfp collective impact presentation

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10YFPSustainable Consumption & Production

Collective Impact Approach

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3BL Associates is Bahrain's first social impact consultancy and think-do-tank, which focuses on multi-stakeholder sustainable and regenerative development in the MENA region.


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SCP Platform

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5 Conditions for Collective Impact Success

1. Common Agenda shared vision for change & common understanding of problem

2. Shared Measurement Systems Agreement on ways IMPACT will be measured and reported.

3. Mutually Reinforcing Activitiescoordination of differentiated activities through a mutually reinforcing plan of action.

4. Continuous CommunicationCommunication between meetings using web-based tools.

5. Backbone Support OrganizationsCollaboration needs a supporting infrastructure


Source: FSG Social Impact Advisors

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Natural Models: Life Principles

Evolve to Survive Be Resource (Material and Energy) Efficient

Adapt to Changing Conditions

Integrate Development with Growth

Be Locally Attuned and Responsive

Use Life-friendly Chemistry

Continually incorporate and embody information to ensure enduring performance.

Skillfully & conservatively take advantage of local resources & opportunities.

Appropriately respond to dynamic contexts.

Invest optimally in strategies that promote both development and growth.

Fit into and integrate with the surrounding environment.

Use chemistry that supports life processes.

Replicate Strategies that WorkRepeat successful approaches.

Integrate the UnexpectedIncorporate mistakes in ways that can lead to new forms and functions.

Reshuffle InformationExchange and alter information to create new options.

Use Multi-functional DesignMeet multiple needs with one elegant solution.

Use Low Energy ProcessesMinimize energy consumption by reducing requisite temperatures, pressures, and/or time for reactions.

Recycle All MaterialsKeep all materials in a closed loop.

Fit Form to FunctionSelect for shape or pattern based on need.

Maintain Integrity through Self-renewalPersist by constantly adding energy and matter to heal and improve the system.

Embody Resilience through Variation, Redundancy, and DecentralizationMaintain function following disturbance by incorporating a variety of duplicate forms, processes, or systems that are not located exclusively together.

Incorporate DiversityInclude multiple forms, processes, or systems to meet a functional need.

Combine Modular and Nested ComponentsFit multiple units within each other progressively from simple to complex.

Build from the Bottom UpAssemble components one unit at a time.

Self-organizeCreate conditions to allow components to interact in concert to move towards an enriched system.

Use Readily Available Materials and EnergyBuild with abundant, accessible materials while harnessing freely available energy.

Cultivate Cooperative RelationshipsFind value through win-win interactions.

Leverage Cyclic ProcessesTake advantage of phenomena that repeat themselves.

Use Feedback LoopsEngage in cyclic information flows to modify a reaction appropriately.

Build Selectively with a Small Subset of ElementsAssemble relatively few elements in elegant ways.

Break Down Products into Benign ConstituentsUse chemistry in which decomposition results in no harmful by-products.

Do Chemistry in WaterUse water as solvent.

Source: Biomimicry 3.8

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Project Phase Strengths

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SCP Main Themes

(a) Consumer information;

(b) Sustainable lifestyles and education;

(c) Sustainable public procurement;

(d) Sustainable buildings and construction;

(e) Sustainable tourism, including ecotourism.

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Be Lazy for Efficiency

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Nature Doesn’t Waste

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Systems Instead of Silos




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An Eco-System for Sustainable Education


Building Challenge

(Sustainable Construction)

NGOs Business

Youth Sci-Tech

Student Magazine

(Sustainable Lifestyles; Consumer


NGOs Business

Youth Sci-Tech


MAGAZINE TOPICS Concrete Lab Instructables: Build a Solar Panel Ecotourism Energy Water Food Composting Green Chemistry Eco products & services Etc…..

Student Agriculture

Project (Sustainable Lifestyles; Consumer


NGOs Business

Youth Farmers


Indigenous Communities

Learning by Doing & Teaching: Contribute to Curriculum

Learning by Doing & Teaching: Contribute to


Learning by Doing

& Teaching: Contribute

to Curriculu


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Cross-Curricular Learning

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Business Needs to Be Part of the Solution

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[email protected]


Twitter: @3BLassociates
