Uses and Gratification Theory

Uses and gratification theory

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Uses and Gratification Theory

Page 2: Uses and gratification theory

Uses and Gratification Theory, what it is.

• Blumer & Katz uses and gratification theory is a approach to understanding why people seek out specific media outlets and different content to reach self fulfilment and happiness. The theory explains how users proactively search for media that will meet a specific need but enhance knowledge, social interactions and diversion .

• The user has four basic needs• Information• Personal identity • Integration and social identity • Entertainment

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• Finding out about certain events and conditions in intermediate surroundings

• Seeking advise of a practical matters and helping to make life decisions

• Satisfying curiosity and general interest • Learning- Self education• Gaining a sense of security through lack of ignorance

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Personal Identity

• Reinforcing personal values • Finding models of behaviour • Identifying with valued aspects of media• Gaining an insight and finding yourself

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Integration and Social Interaction

• Gaining an insight into other peoples circumstances (feeling empathy)

• Identifying with others, there for feeling a sense of belonging • Social interactions and conversation • A substitute for real life companionship• Helping to carry out social roles • Enabling one to connect with family, friends and society

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• Escaping, or diverting from problems • Realxing • Getting cultural enjoyment • Filling time/boredem• Emotional realise • Sexual arousal

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Satisfying curiosity and general interest

Able to identify with people in image, as they are a couple and are posed in everyday clothes, which is seen as a social norm

Able to see a model of behaviour , through the facial expressions, the man has a mischievous look on his face which promotes the desired aspect of deviance

Entertains as it gives an cultural insight and a time for one to relax

It gains a sense of security through knowledge as the reader is gaining an insight into someone life through an interview