Visual Rhetoric, September 30, 2013

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Page 1: Visual Rhetoric, September 30, 2013
Page 2: Visual Rhetoric, September 30, 2013


1) Logos– grades coming soon2) Next class: Clients visiting3) Discussion: how do we talk to clients? 4) Activity: What does “steampunky” mean and

how might we do it? 5) Think big-sky– what might we want/need out of

a printer?

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Logo Grades

Max and I are still collaborating on final comments/grades for the logos, but you will get those soon. No worries. Unless you didn’t turn them in. Then… worries.

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The Client

On Wednesday, then perhaps again on Monday (a week from today) we will spend a portion of class with our clients.The two coming Wednesday are Dr. Heidi McKee, the director of Professional Writing, and cris cheek, the Director of Creative Writing.

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When we deal with clients…

You must remember that when we deal with clients– even if they are people we know because they’re from the university– we are entering into a professional relationship with these folks. The next few slides are some key things to remember.

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Key point 1: THIS is pre-professionalization at its finest. Act like the professional you want to be.

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Key point 2: You represent Miami; think about what that means.

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Key point 3: You represent this class.

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Key point 4: You represent me and Max.

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Key point 5: The client is ALWAYS right.

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Key point 5.b: We might later do something other than what the client asked for, but by the time we do that, it won’t be that the client was wrong… it’ll be that we saw something the client would like.

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Key point 6: R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Find out before you come to class what it means to me.

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Key point 7: LISTEN hard to the client. It’s okay to ask clarifying questions, but don’t make the client repeat things. That’s bad, and it makes you look like you’re not attentive.

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Key point 8: Be appropriate. Just in general– don’t ask a question at the wrong time.

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Key point 9: Take notes. Not only is it important to have notes, but it shows you’re listening.

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Key point 10: Always say thank you.

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So let’s…

I’d like to do a little activity here. Get into your teams, and brainstorm some questions.

Then I want you to practice asking them of me and Max.

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So let’s…

I’d like to do a little activity here. Get into your teams, and brainstorm some questions.

Then I want you to practice asking them of me and Max.

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With our remaining time

In your teams, I want you to think through two things and come up with some thoughts. Email them to me right before you leave:1.How can we merge the old with the new– sort of “steampunky”— for this?2.What special things might we need from the printer?

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For next class…

Focus on coming in with good questions, and start thinking about design concepts.

There are readings, but we won’t talk about them until next week, so just keep up.