Underwri(en by: Presented by: Presented December 9, 2015 Connect with Your Customers in Our Modern World: With apps, data, mobile, and cloud

[Webinar Slides] Connect with your customers in our modern world with apps, data, mobile, and cloud

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Page 1: [Webinar Slides] Connect with your customers in our modern world with apps, data, mobile, and cloud

Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

Presented  December  9,  2015    

Connect  with  Your  Customers    in  Our  Modern  World:    

With  apps,  data,  mobile,  and  cloud  

Page 2: [Webinar Slides] Connect with your customers in our modern world with apps, data, mobile, and cloud

Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

AIIM  Presents:  

Connect  with  Your  Customers  in  Our  Modern  World:    With  apps,  data,  mobile,  and  cloud  

Nathaniel  Palmer  BPM.com  

Host:  Theresa  Resek  Director  AIIM  

Malcolm  Ross  Vice  President  of  Product  Appian  

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Introducing  our  Featured  Speaker  

Nathaniel  Palmer    

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Meet  Your  Customers  for  the  Next  20  Years  

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

ConnecHng  with  Your  Customers  in  Our  Modern  World  Means  MeeHng  Constantly  Changing  ExpectaHons    

Meet  Your  Customers  for  the  Next  20  Years  

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

Saint  Peter’s  Square  2005  

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

Same  Scene,  Different  Reality  

2005   2013  

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

“60%  of  smartphone  or  tablet  owners  who  switched  primary  banks  

in  the  fourth  quarter  said  that  mobile  banking  capabiliNes  were  an  

“important”  or  “extremely  important”  component  in  their  decision  

to  switch,  versus  only  48%  surveyed  6  months  earlier.”    

Source: Mobile Financial Services Tracking Study,” AlixPartners, March 2014

There  is  a  War  Underway  for  Your  Customers,    and  it  is  Happening  on  Their  Phones  


ConnecHng  with  Your  Customers  in  Our  Modern  World    Means  MeeHng  Constantly  Changing  ExpectaHons    

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

Amara's  Law:  Long  Run  vs  Short  Run    

“We  tend  to  overesHmate    the  effect  of  a  technology    in  the  short  run  and  underesHmate  the  effect    in  the  long  run.”    -­‐  Roy  Amara  

Chief  Scien;st,    Ins;tute  for  the  Future    

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

Leveraging  Process  AutomaHon  for  Real-­‐Time  Customer  ConnecHons  

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

SOURCE:  FutureRobot  

Managing  Change  in  an  InnovaHve  Way    to  Improve  Business  Agility  

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

What’s  Possible  With  Joining  BPM    and  Real-­‐Time  Customer  Engagement  

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

Bringing  Apps,  Data,  Cloud,  and  Mobile  –    to  Best  Connect  with  Your  Customers  

SOURCE:      Nathaniel  Palmer.    “BPM  Everywhere”    (FSI  2015)  

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

Digital  Disruptors  Leverage  Apps,  Data,  Cloud,    and  Mobile  to  Be]er  Connect  With  Your  Customers  

20th  Century  Infrastructure  Ownership  Economies  of  Scale  Supply  Chain  Control  Customer  Lock-­‐in  

Proprietary  Advantage    

21st  Century  Infrastructure  Access  Network  Effect    Technology  Innova;on  Happy  Customers  

Disrup;ve  Innova;on  

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

“The  Ba]le  Is  For  The  Customer  Interface”    -­‐  TechCrunch  

20th  Century  Infrastructure  Ownership  Economies  of  Scale  Supply  Chain  Control  Customer  Lock-­‐in  

Proprietary  Advantage    

21st  Century  Infrastructure  Access  Network  Effect    Technology  Innova;on  Happy  Customers  

Disrup;ve  Innova;on  

“Uber,  the  world’s  largest  taxi  company,  owns  no  vehicles.  Facebook,  the  world’s  most  popular  media  owner,  creates  no  content.  Alibaba,  the  most  valuable  retailer,  has  no  inventory.  And  Airbnb,  the  world’s  largest  accommodaNon  provider,  owns  no  real  estate.  .  .”  

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

How  Less  is  More  Today  

20th  Century  Infrastructure  Ownership  Economies  of  Scale  Supply  Chain  Control  Customer  Lock-­‐in  

Proprietary  Advantage    

21st  Century  Infrastructure  Access  Network  Effect    Technology  Innova;on  Happy  Customers  

Disrup;ve  Innova;on  

Today’s  Digital  Disruptors  have  access  to  the  same  compuHng  power  and  customer-­‐engagement  capacity  as  any  Fortune  100  CIO  –  with  none  of  the  legacy  burden.      

And  so  do  you  and  your  compeHtors.    The  only  quesHon  is:  will  you  be  disrupted  or  the  disruptor?  

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

The  Ba]le  for  Customers  is  the  Interface    

20th  Century  Infrastructure  Ownership  Economies  of  Scale  Supply  Chain  Control  Customer  Lock-­‐in  

Proprietary  Advantage    

21st  Century  Infrastructure  Access  Network  Effect    Technology  Innova;on  Happy  Customers  

Disrup;ve  Innova;on  

ConnecHng  with  your  customers  in  our  modern  world  require  the  right  mix  of  apps,  data,  mobile,  and  cloud  –  but  the  point  of    connecHon  (where  and  how  you  connect)  is  increasingly  the  app  interface.    How  you  build  your  apps  defines  your  customers’  experience.      

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

#1  –  “Older  IT  systems  cannot  be  changed  or  adapted  as  fast    as  we  would  like”  

#2  –  “Growing  maintenance  burden  on  exisHng  legacy  applicaHons  consumes  precious  resources  and  budget  be]er  spent  elsewhere”  

#3  –  “Customers  expect  easier  ways  to  interact  with  us  and  our  systems  (such  as  via  web  and  mobile  apps)”  

BPM.com  Survey  of  1,000  Mid-­‐sized  Firms:  Top  3  Challenges  

BPM  Was  Made  to  Solve  Real  Problems  and  Enable  ConnecHng  with  Your  Customers  

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

What  BPM  Has  TradiHonally  Looked  Like  

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

What  it  Should  Look  Like  (and  today  indeed  can)  

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

1.  Data-­‐Driven  =  knows  what’s  in  the  payload  (knows  context  of  work)  

2.  Goal-­‐Oriented  =  drive  towards  defined  outcome,  self-­‐opNmizing  

3.  AdapHve  =  changes  course  in  response  to  evolving  operaNonal  context    

4.  Intelligent  AutomaHon  =  leverages  rules,  goals,  business  events  and    context  (e.g.,  operaNonal  intelligence)  to  expand  the  envelope  of    what  can  be  automated  

5.  Redefining  the  Customer/ApplicaHon  Interface    

How  BPM  is  Evolving  (and  has  evolved)  

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

“Wearable  compu;ng  assures  especially  that  processes  become  more  straighPorward,  the  quality  increases  and  idle  ;me  decreases”    -­‐  Dr.  Webster    Re-­‐envisioning  the  structure  of  the  task  –  not  as  a  single,  discrete  unit  of  work.    Remove  the  disHncHon  between  what  supports  a  task  and  the  task  itself.    

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

CreaHng  Agile  SoluHons  With    a  BPM  ApplicaHon  Plahorm  










Standard IDE BPM Platform

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

Re-­‐envisioning  IT  Architecture  


Data  Tier    (typically  a  ;ghtly  coupled  database)  

ApplicaHon  Tier    (typically  an  App  


PresentaHon  Tier    (typically  an  Web  


Earlier  BPM  PlaRorms  and  

Event-­‐Driven  ApplicaUons  

Follow  a  Model–View–

Controller  (MVC)  SoXware  

Architecture  and  Present  

Tasks  via  Worklist  

Metaphor;  Focus  is  on  

Horizontal  Scalability.    

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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  

Modern  BPM  and  the  4-­‐Tier  Architecture  


Services  Tier    (pulls  data  from  both    

internal  and  external  sources)  

Delivery  Tier    (op;mizes  delivery  for  plaPorm)  

Client  Tier    (na;ve  to  each  plaPorm)  

AggregaHon  Tier    (integrates  services  and  data)  

Client  Tier  and  Delivery  Tier    are  Separate  to  Allow  Data    and  ApplicaUon  CapabiliUes    to  be  Delivered  Specific  the    Client-­‐side  Environment  


The  Data  Tier  and  AggregaUon  Tier  Replace  More  Tightly-­‐coupled  Data  and  ApplicaUon  Containers  With  SOA  Services  Microservices      

BPM  architecture  is  being  transformed  into  separate  Uers  –  moving  away from the Worklist paradigm  and  fundamentally  rethink  the  architecture of tasks  be  a  collecUon  methods  and  capabiliUes  to  perform  work    

Page 26: [Webinar Slides] Connect with your customers in our modern world with apps, data, mobile, and cloud

Ask  Nathaniel  for  a  preview  chapter  

[email protected]    BPM.com  

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Connect  with  Your  Customers  in  Our  Modern  World    Malcolm  Ross,  VP,  Product  

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Page 29: [Webinar Slides] Connect with your customers in our modern world with apps, data, mobile, and cloud
Page 30: [Webinar Slides] Connect with your customers in our modern world with apps, data, mobile, and cloud

The  Sokware  InnovaHon  Challenge  



Only  20%  of  IT  Spend  is  on  Digital  InnovaNon  

80%  of  IT  Spend  is  on  Maintenance  of  Current  Systems  

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What  If……  

What  If  You  Could  Switch  Your  Maintenance  and  InnovaNon  Spend?  



80%  of  IT  Spend  on  Digital  InnovaNon   20%  of  IT  Spend  on  


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The Agile Platform

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Agile’s  Promise  

Agile  enables  teams  to  deliver  value  faster    by  removing  fricNon  between  parNcipants  and  frequently  delivering  increments  of  funcNonality  for  validaNon  by  key  stakeholders.  


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iteraHve    development  

 fast  innovaNon  

 conHnuous  improvement  

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The “Fail Fast” Platform ????

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Fail  Fast  

“I  have  not  failed,  I’ve  just  found  10,000  ways  that  won’t  work.”  -­‐    Thomas  Edison  

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The  InnovaHon  Challenge  



Only  20%  of  IT  Spend  is  on  Digital  InnovaNon  

80%  of  IT  Spend  is  on  Maintenance  of  Current  Systems  


“With&Sprint&Direct&2&You,&it’s&as&if&we&are &&adding&5,000&additional&stores.&However, &&these&mobile&stores&are&continuously&on& &&the&move&based&on&customer&demand.” &&Sprint&CEO,&Marcelo&Claure&

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Breaking  Down  the  80%  



What  is  in  this  80%?  

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infrastructure  management    



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secure,  current,  and  high  performance  



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intent  turned  into  applicaHon  



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franken-­‐stack  sokware  soluHons  

IT  Maintenance  




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evolving  user  experiences  



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sogware  innovaNon  should  be…  

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easy      +      powerful  …to  build    …to  use  …to  change  


works  on  all  devices  scalable  &  secure  always  current    

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works  on  all  devices  

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99.95%  upNme  SLA  

world-­‐class  security  internaNonal  privacy  standards  


cloud  naHve  scalable  &  secure    

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One  Unified  App  Plahorm    

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enterprise  mobility  

dynamic  case  management  

business  process  management  

one  plahorm  for  your  success  plahorm    as  a  service  

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thank  you    

[email protected]    

Whitepaper:  “The  New  Economics  of  ExperimentaNon”  



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Underwri(en  by:   Presented  by:  Visit  aiim.org/bpm  

Business  Process  Management  Resource  Center

Want  more  informaUon  on  this  topic?    

Learn  how  to  analyze,  standardize,  mobilize,  and  automate    business  processes.  

 Access  Industry  Tutorials,  Research,  Webinars,  and  Expert  Advice  Blogs    

-­‐  all  in  one  place    

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About  AIIM  

AIIM  is  the  Global  Community    of  InformaNon  Professionals    

 AIIM  believes  that  the  informaNon  systems  we  use  at  

work  should  be  simple,  secure,  and  available  anywhere,  anyNme,  and  on  any  device.    

 Our  mission  is  to  improve  organizaNonal  

performance  by  empowering  a  community  of  leaders  commi(ed  to  informaNon-­‐driven  innovaNon.  

 Learn  more  at  www.aiim.org