What grunt?

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What grunt?

An introduction to Front end compilation


More devices

More software

More specialization

Web Dev

Back end front end

Optimization in both sides

Large process broken into pieces

Dependencies handled separately

FrontEnd compile

Assets are minimized

Files are concatenated

Less requests

Static page size reduced


Manage source code dependencies

Jquery, Angular, etc

Dependencies listed in bower.json

Common folder: bower_components

Each app has its bower config


Manage compile tasks

Usually every task is a plugin

Plugins are grunt dependencies

Dependencies are in package.json

Common folder: node_modules

Several apps can share grunt configs

Grunt in action

Several tiny tasks

Single responsibility principle

Automate repetitive tasks

Separate prod from dev


Setup configs

Export configs

The final task is a node module

Grunt config

Define grunt final tasks

Where grunt modules are used

Grunt config

Initial Config vs Merge
Set once vs prepend

Custom tasks definition

Group several tasks into one

More explicit to user

Custom tasks definition

Task renaming

Extend support for tasks without targets

Development tasks


Console debug

Fast browser refresh

JSHint task

Inspired in JS lint

Verify syntax of javascript source code

Search for warning and errors

Include source task

Inject several files references into code

No forget about new files

Anyt type of file, js, less

Include source task

Source: index.html.template

Include source task

Result: Index.html

Wiredep task

Smart injection of bower dependencies, js and css

Wiredep task

Source: index.html.template

Wiredep task

Result: Index.html

Less task

Compile less into CSS

A main less file with @imports

Only 1 css file as output

Ng templates task

Compiles all the HTML into a JS file

Usage of $templateCache

Watch task

Observe files

Execute an action after modifications noticed

Don't need to re-run tasks manually

BrowserSync task

Proxy the server

Use an unique instance through different devices

Inject source code live in browser after changes (live reload)

Production tasks

Optimization of everything

Output is what user will get

Ng templates task

Same as before and:

Optimization by reducing


Unneded attributes, etc

Less task

Same as before

Yep, not even optimization

UseminPrepare task

Specifies list of files to concatenates

Reading index.html

Further tasks can process one file instead of a few

UseminPrepare task

Files inside comment concatenates in one file

Concat task

Actually concatenates the files specified by useminPrepare task

Uglify task

Remove unnecessary JS code

Warning for security with compiler bugs

PostCSS task

PostCSS is the new black

My fav post processors: minify css and autoprefixers

Copy task

Copy other files to the prod directory

Usually, they aren't optimized yet

Usemin task

Replace references in index.html to optimized version

Runs after optimized files are in prod directory

Imagemin task

Optimize images

Output is saved in prod directory

Usually metadata is removed

Not all the images are optimized but all are moved

Htmlmin task

Optimize the final index.html

Templates were already optimized in the js


Thanks to Scott Rippey!


Lucio Martinez GitHub project:https://github.com/lucio-martinez/what-grunt