Who we are (tff)

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  1. 1. The Focus Farm is an interactive agencyspecialized in PRINT & VISUAL IDENTITY.Photography is the key to stimulateurban PROJECTS across a multitude of profiles.Through the new age MODEL defined as collaborativework-flow,a PLAY!ground is borne & filled with ACTIVITIESDirection suggests mobility viaIncubatorInspiring ideasThe know-how dialectic becomes a skillful TECHNIQUEto wonder & appreciate.Core business runs world-wide.Pro-active experiences coming from a pool of resourcehighlights the impact where BEAUTY meets the EYE.
  2. 2. IDEAS are created, stretched to take shape & designsproceedCreation of IDEAS are dispersed!With space, mobility is no problem.Core business runs world-wideIDEAS are exchanged, entering a scape of environmentand IMAGINATION and CONCEPTION andOur spectrum of CONCEPTS vary from seasonsto room to space to ground to mobil ideasA room created from ideas that stretch from objects lyingaround to things flying above our heads.IDEAS are created through a spectrum of infinite travelColors & Psychedelia.Collaboration is significant in the process of finding the bestsolutions.Through the new age MODEL defined as collaborativework-flow,a PLAY!ground is borne & IDEAS exchanged.