PaaS for Educa,onal Environments Marco Monaco Solu,ons Architect Almaviva Spa

WSO2Con EU 2015: PaaS for Educational Environments – Almaviva

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Page 1: WSO2Con EU 2015: PaaS for Educational Environments – Almaviva

PaaS  for    Educa,onal  Environments  

Marco  Monaco  Solu,ons  Architect  

Almaviva  Spa    

Page 2: WSO2Con EU 2015: PaaS for Educational Environments – Almaviva

Research  Project:  “Ci>à  Educante”  

Re-­‐engineer  Learning  Processes  with  the  use  of  the  most  innova,ve  technologies  and  methodologies  

Kick  Off:  September  2014  Dura,on:  36  Months  

Aims:  4  Deliverables:  92  

The  main  goal  is  to  design  and  implement  applica,ons  and  methodologies  in  order  to  support  the  learning  process  in  the  context  of  smart-­‐ci,es.  

A  Full  Cloud  Environment  is  required  to  support  the  en5re  system.  

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Solu,on  Architecture  

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PaaS  Focus  

Decision  Criteria  

OpenSource  License  

Project-­‐level  Drivers  

Flexibility   Scalability   Usability  

SoXware  Selec,on  has  been  performed  on  different  solu,ons:  WSO2,  Cloudify,  CloudFoundry  and  OpenShiX  


OpenSource   OSGI  Model  

Supported  by  Apache   Autoscaling  Features  

Compa,ble  with  OpenStack   Puppet  (Flexibility)  

Support  for  .NET  and  IIS   GUI  (User  Friendly)  

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Architectural  Implementa,on  

Simple  WSO2  Private  PaaS  installa,on  with  internal  MySQL  DB  and  external  Puppet  Master  on  the  

Private  Network  


orm  Req



Non  Cloud  Applica,ons  

High  Available  

High  Scalable  


Some  Applica,ons  are  not  suitable  to  work  in  Cloud  

Plaborms  must  be  HA  (Ac,ve/Ac,ve,  in  Fail  Over,  ecc.)  

Plaborms  must  autoscale  during  peaks  

Plaborm  can  be  mul,-­‐,ered  (Data  –  Applica,on)  

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Cartridge  Implementa,on  

Elas,c  Search  Cartridge:  Automa,c  cluster  management,  simple  just  like  deploy.  

Simple:  Cloud  Enabled  Applica,on  

Alfresco  or  Exo:  DB  can’t  scale  horizontally  and  Plaborm  must  be  spawned  in  1  click.  Stratos  miss  the  Cartridge  Grouping  support,  but  deals  very  well  with  OpenStack,  so  we  was  able  to  use  Trove  and  Sahara  services  to  spawn  DB  and  Shared  FileSystem.  

Medium:  Mul,,ered  Plaborm  

Some  Applica,on  are  wri>en  in  ASP/.Net  and  require  IIS.  Stratos  is  JAVA,  plus  Puppet  is  available  for  Windows.  We  made  the  por,ng  to  MicrosoX  of  Cartridge  

Agent  and  shell  scripts  and  it’s  done  J  

Hard:  MicrosoX  IIS  (ASP/.Net)  

Three  types  of  scenario  for  cartridges:  

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Next  Steps  

•  SoXware  Development  finaliza,on:  •  Unique  GUI  for  EndUsers  to  provide  access  to  all  pla6orms  

(Exo  with  Java  Portlets)  •  SSO  features  between  pla6orms  •  API  infrastructure      

•  Docker  Container  migra,on  •  Now  using  Docker  directly  on  IaaS  layer.  •  Almaviva  will  try,  in  the  near  future,  to  support  Apache  

community  and  WSO2  for  Stratos  development  in  order  to  enable  Docker  on  future  versions.  

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Thank  You