XFT Syntek flipchart final_3.29.13_small2 giannetti

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As we talk together today, I want to make you a few guarantees and help you to know what to expect from our conversation.

u  First of all, this is not going to be about hype and emotions. I am going to lay out for you some basic facts and allow you to make an informed decision.

u  Next, I want you to understand that what I am going to show you is a product and opportunity that is fully based upon a need, not a want. It isn’t about pills and lotions and potions, it is about a basic everyday need.

u  Then I am going to show you how you can gain control over your financial destiny by determining how much money you WANT to make, not how much money someone else is willing to ALLOW you to make, and then you can decide to take action accordingly.

u  And finally, I guarantee that over the next several minutes I WILL show you how you can and will absolutely SAVE money, and if you decide to, you will MAKE money as well.


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Not about hype and emotions

Based on a NEED, not a WANT

Control your financial destiny

You WILL save and make money

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We have some significant problems plaguing our nation and the world around us. We have: u  Rising unemployment. u  Increased taxation. u  And global emissions problems leading to poor air quality and environmental damage. u  Then there are rising fuel costs, which increase the cost of living-not only transportation, but

for all basic necessities, including electricity in areas that are run by generators. u  And to top it all off, we constantly deal with poor fuel quality that either damages vehicles

or makes them run at a less-than-optimal performance.

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Rising Unemployment

Environmental impact of harmful emissions

Rising fuel prices

Poor fuel quality

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What if I told you we have a solution to these growing concerns, and that you have the opportunity to take advantage of it?

Let me introduce you to Xtreme Fuel Treatment. This comprehensive fuel treatment has been used around the world for over 20 years to save people money and preserve engine life. XFT provides 4 main benefits to the user:

1. It works to substantially improve your fuel economy

2. Prolongs the working life of your engine

3. Enhances horsepower and performance

4. Reduces emissions by up to 33%

Let me give you an example of how this works. If you and I both drove to be at this presentation, the difference between us would be that while I was driving here money was being put into my pocket instead of being pushed out the tail pipe. There is no question concerning how this product will personally benefit you. It has been tested and retested; it works. And it will save you money. Period. NOTE: This is a great place to share your personal experience with the product as well as other examples of people you know who are using the product. Real-world testimonials will always be the best examples.

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Revolutionary fuel treatment that has been successfully used for over 20 years in large multinational corporations to:

Increase Fuel Economy

Prolong Engine Life

Enhance Horsepower and Performance

Reduce Emissions up to 33%  

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You may be sitting there thinking, “I’ve heard of something like this before and it didn’t work,” or “If this works so well, why haven’t I heard about it until now?” Great questions. Let me answer them. u  First of all, nothing out there is like XFT. This is a unique and different product because it is

comprehensive. XFT doesn’t take a single approach to treating fuel, but rather it treats the fuel in multiple ways, such as lubrication, fuel system cleaning, and it even contains key components that target fuel economy and emissions.

u  XFT cannot be purchased on store shelves. Most products off the shelf only target one main

benefit anyway, unlike XFT’s more comprehensive approach. They are also often inferior in their quality, their chemistry, and most of them use fillers that can be harmful to your vehicle. XFT uses no dangerous chemicals and no fillers, which makes it perfectly safe for all engines.

u  Next, it’s unique because it is built with Award-winning chemistry that has been proven to

work for over 2 decades. This product is the complete solution and will save you more money than you will spend to buy it. NOTE: This is a good place for a personal example of your own cost savings.

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Comprehensive fuel treatment—all-in-one solution

Available ONLY through Syntek Distributors

Superior to all store-purchased products—Much more cost effective

Safe for all engines

Unique chemical formulation

You will save more than you will spend

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But don’t take my word for any of this. Xtreme Fuel Treatment has been used, tested, and the results have been documented for over 20 years through professional independent tests on equipment ranging from small personal-use engines to major industrial engines.


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Real-World Usage

Numerous Independent (3rd party) Carbon Mass Balance Tests

Large industrial companies have been using this product for many years

Carbon Mass Balance Tests are globally accepted as a very reliable measurement of fuel economy and particulate emissions.

Time tested and has proven results


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Think about this for a minute:

u  How many people do you know that use fuel? u  How many people would love to save money on their fuel bill? u  How many people are tired of rising fuel costs? u  What about your personal finances? Are you sick of working for nothing? u  How many people are hurting financially and are desperate to find a solution?

What if YOU could offer them not only savings on their fuel consumption, but also offer them the financial hope that they really need? NOTE: Share your own experience here. Why did YOU join Syntek Global? What are you working for? How is it benefiting YOUR life?

EVERYONE uses fuel in one form or another: in their vehicle, at work, or in generators to power their home. XFT will work for all of it. This product works in every combustible engine and every time it is put in the tank, the owner saves money. And that is what we are all about—offering others a solution that can save them money!

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Everyone Buys Fuel…

NOT FUEL! During hard times, people cut out many things.

What if you could offer them a way to save?

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That is where Syntek Global comes in. One of Syntek’s founders has been working with this product selling it to large industrial companies around the world for nearly 20 years.

u  In 2008, with rising fuel prices and the need for a solution, the decision was made to bring this product to the hands of the general public.

u  Since that time, Syntek Global has been expanding around the world and XFT has been used for over 6 billion kilometers or 3 billion miles.

u  It is a patented product to which they hold the rights, but instead of holding those rights exclusively, they allow people like you and I to offer this much-needed solution to those that we know and pay us through a lucrative compensation plan while doing it.

u  Syntek Global has already helped thousands of people on their road to financial freedom and YOU have the opportunity to be one of them.

NOTE: If you have had a personal experience with the company, or the founders of the company, this is a good place to share that experience and highlight what a great company Syntek Global is.  

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Brought to the general public in 2008

International Expansion

XFT has logged over 6 billion kilometers ���(3 billion miles) of successful use worldwide

Patented and industry-leading products

Lucrative compensation plan and world-class distributor awards

Helping thousands achieve financial freedom

YOU have the opportunity to share and achieve


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We have a product that solves global problems, and a company with the rights to that product that is allowing you to participate. So now what? At the very least, you now have the knowledge you need to save money on your personal fuel use. But what else is there? What is the opportunity?

u  Syntek Global decided instead of paying out millions of dollars in advertising, they would rather pay you

and me to get the word out about XFT. We share this product with others, and we get paid a commission for doing it.

u  This is not just any kind of income, however. This is residual income. Because once someone uses XFT,

they will love the product and use it again. Each time they purchase the product, you get paid, even though you only introduced it to them once. This works whether they buy it one more time or a thousand more times.

u  But that’s not all. Syntek Global also allows you to build a team of people that may be interested in sharing this product and you have a chance to make residual income off their sales as well. You are not limited to your own neighborhood. You can expand your team to any place in the world that Syntek Global does business.

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Save money

Share with others to make money

Make residual income

Build a team

Expand globally

Now What?


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There are huge financial rewards for deciding to build this as a business.

u  First, you can build a sales team where you make commissions on all the sales activities that happen within your team. However, Syntek Global is unique. They pay you on two different compensation plans so you have a chance to make money in two different ways on all sales that come from your team.

u  Second, there are tremendous perks such as cruises and car incentives, monthly reward programs, diamond watches and rings, iPads and big screen TVs, and even cash bonuses and expense accounts.

All of these earnings come from various ways you get paid:

u  You can earn 25% immediately on anything you sale.

u  You earn commissions from the sales of your team.

u  You also earn bonuses on team activities, including the ability to match a portion of their paychecks.


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2. PERKS Leadership Cruises and Car Incentives Reward Programs, Diamond Watches and Rings Ipads and Big Screen TVs Cash Bonuses and Expense Accounts

3. MULTIPLE WAYS TO GET PAID 25% on Sales Team Commissions including Check Matching Bonuses

1. DUAL COMPENSATION Get paid on both

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Now, you might be thinking, “Hey, this makes a lot of sense. It’s an opportunity to engage in the fuel industry, with a product that solves a global need and a company that will pay me well to share it.” But you may not be sure you know how to do it.

Maybe you have never done anything like this before. Not to worry. We have business partners with a combined experience of over a hundred years that have come together and created a training system that is so simple to use. It will walk you through the basic steps to get your business started and growing. All you have to do is follow the system.

This system has worked for people of all ages, backgrounds, and experience. It is a proven system that you have immediate access to when you decide to pursue this business.

NOTE: This is a good place to reaffirm that anyone can do this business. Syntek Global has people from 20 to 80 years old, men and women, and all nationalities, and nothing determines success except for the effort given. The 1-2-3 system is step-by-step and will help you succeed like it has others. Share your personal story if applicable.

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COULD YOU REALLY DO THIS? We have successful business partners of every age, occupation, and background

We teach you how Awesome training system for new distributors makes learning easy to duplicate

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Basically, you just need to make a decision.

One of the many huge benefits of Syntek is that you have the power; you have the choice. You are in a win-win situation.

You can choose:

u  To simply be a customer of the product and benefit immensely from the product as you SAVE money.

u  Or to take advantage of this growing opportunity by becoming a distributor of Syntek Global. Then you can build the life you have always wanted, using Syntek as the vehicle to get there while you save AND make money.


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Become a Business Partner

Enjoy the benefits

Save much more than you spend on the product

Order online or over the phone

Shipped directly to you

Enjoy the benefits

Receive monthly commissions and weekly bonuses for all personal sales and team volume Customers purchase directly from your website (that we create for you)

Complete training

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If you decide you would like to start by being a customer--wonderful. We have thousands upon thousands of happy and satisfied customers around the world and we are excited for you to be one of them. We encourage you to begin by taking our 6-tank challenge. After 6 tanks of fuel use, the results will speak for themselves.

NOTE: If this is what they would like to do, take a moment to find out more about what kind of vehicle they drive, how many vehicles they have, and what their fuel needs are so that you can help them get enough product to use effectively.


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1 (10 ml) or ¼ ounce foil pack

Treats 75.5 liters (20 gallons) of fuel

1 (5ml) or ⅛ ounce foil pack

Treats 38 liters (10 gallons) of fuel

Take Our 6 Tank Challenge!

After 6 tanks of fuel, the results speak for themselves. Thousands of consumers all over the world now use XFT every time they fill up their tank.

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If you can see the vision like I have, that you have an opportunity right now to make a decision that will impact the rest of your life, you should become a distributor. As a final test, ask yourself these questions:

u  Do you know people who use fuel that would like to save money?

u  Are you the kind of person who likes to help others, and would like to make sure that everyone you know is not spending more than they should on fuel?

u  Are you done living your life by someone else’s time clock?

u  And most important, would you like to make the kind of income that will change the financial future of your family?

If you are finding yourself answering yes, then this business is for you. We have two options for engaging as a distributor with Syntek Global.

u  The first option is a 250 PV Starter Kit. The second option is a 500 PV Starter Kit. New distributors can purchase Starter Kits at discounted prices. The kit includes product, information, and marketing tools critical to your success in the business. Each kit strategically contains exactly what you need to get your business moving. If you are hesitant about the expense, don’t be. You really can’t afford NOT to do this business. We teach you how to use the product you receive to build your business, but if for any reason this experience does not go as expected for you, we have an answer for that too. If you simply use all of the product in your Starter Kit for your personal consumption, you will save more than the original cost! So you get all the potential of a successful business, without any of the risk.  

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250 PV Starter Kit 500 PV Starter Kit

*See Local Pricing

DISTRIBUTOR… Multiple Distributor Kit options…

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One of the greatest struggles in our time is having the financial means to do what you would like. Syntek Global gives people the chance to overcome this challenge and live their dreams. We enable people to achieve their personal definition of success.

Our question to you is what is your personal definition of success and when do you plan on arriving there?

NOTE: This is a great time to really talk to them about what their goals and dreams are. What are they trying to accomplish in life? Do they have a plan? Have they realized yet that if they don’t start taking action toward that plan it will NEVER happen? Share your own personal experience as well.

Syntek Global has helped people all over the world achieve their goals and live the lifestyle they have always dreamed of. As always in Syntek Global, the choice is yours. We look forward to working with you.

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I’m glad you’ve made the decision to be part of the Syntek Global team. Here are the steps to getting started that you need to take immediately: u  First, you need to submit your application. You can do this in 1 of 2 ways: Either go online to your sponsor’s mysyntek.com site, click enroll,

and fill out the information, OR fill out a paper application, include your sponsor’s ID number, and deliver it to your nearest Syntek Global local office.

u  Next, you need to fund your Starter Kit. If you used a credit card during enrollment, this process is already complete. However, if you are

depositing funds into an approved Syntek Global bank account in your local area, instructions on exactly how to do this are given on the confirmation screen immediately upon submitting your application online, OR your local office has the details of how to do this.

u  Once you have submitted your application and funded it, you need to take your receipt to your local Syntek Global office to do your basic

training and pick up your Starter Kit. u  Now that you have your kit, immediately begin using and sharing the product provided with others. Now it is time to set up your

distributorship so you can succeed. u  You need to set up your AutoShip. Your AutoShip is a basic amount of product that you will purchase each month that will give you product

for personal use, and to share. The points earned from purchasing that product each month will activate you to receive a paycheck from earned commissions.

u  It is critical to set up your commissions account so that you can access funds once you’ve earned commissions. The set up process varies by

the market you are in, but please realize you will have an active part to play in setting up your commissions account whether through ProPay, Payoneer, or your local bank. Please talk to your business partner or your local office to ensure your commissions account is established properly.

u  The next step is to set up your MySyntek website. This website has been created over a number of years using the vast experience of all of our

top leaders to compile everything you will need, including tools to help you build your business, detailed information on the product and the company, and key training to enable your success in this business. This website also gives you an online presence that allows you to build your business anywhere in the world that Syntek Global operates. You should set up your website during enrollment, but if you didn’t get one, go to www.mysyntek.com and sign up. The first 30 days are FREE.

u  Finally, the biggest step to success is to get trained properly. You cannot engage in this business and expect to know everything immediately.

But we can promise you that we have created trainings that will help you know exactly what to do every step of the way to help you succeed. If you treat this business like a business, it will produce business rewards. Part of that is making sure you complete the training and give yourself the greatest possibility of success.

u  We also have training meetings and weekly meetings that can help you succeed. Make sure to participate in your local meetings and work

with your leaders to truly get from this experience what is available to you. Thank you for your time and I look forward to working together for your success.

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Submit Application

Purchase Starter Kit

Complete Getting Started Training and obtain your Starter Kit

Set up AutoShip

Set up Commissions Account

Set up MYSYNTEK Website

Follow the SYSTEM to Success