uławy Wi lane Ż ś Natural Treasures of Europe This is the place for the school’s logo – country. Edit the frame and write. Keep it small and aligned on the right to have a balanced header. Please don’t move the other features of the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.

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uławy Wi laneŻ ś

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Żuławy Wiślane are divide for three smaller areas:Żuławy Wiślane are divide for three smaller areas:• Żuławy Gdańskie – located on the left side of Wisła, containing Żuławy Gdańskie – located on the left side of Wisła, containing

western part of flatlands of delta which is locate between edge western part of flatlands of delta which is locate between edge of Lake District of Kaszuby and river Wisła. of Lake District of Kaszuby and river Wisła.

• Żuławy Malborskie – contain lands called Great Żuławy and Small Żuławy Malborskie – contain lands called Great Żuławy and Small Żuławy.Żuławy.

• Żuławy Elbąskie- contain lands located on eastern side of Nogat Żuławy Elbąskie- contain lands located on eastern side of Nogat and above Small Żuławy. and above Small Żuławy.

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In literature recalling Żuławy Wiślane there are

divergences about origin of name of this region.The genesis of word Żuławy is bonded with word „solov”- island or polish noun „żuł” which mean river residue. Other sources passes that

this name come from languange of Prussians and it

only became polonized.

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the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.BEGGINS OF SETTLEMENTSThe beginnings of settlement in Żuławy back period from about 2500 to The beginnings of settlement in Żuławy back period from about 2500 to

1700 BC This is confirmed by archaeological findings.1700 BC This is confirmed by archaeological findings. Probably Probably the deposits were found only an interim, and their emergence could be the deposits were found only an interim, and their emergence could be linked with the main activities of the human population, such as fishing linked with the main activities of the human population, such as fishing

and trawling and processing of amber. Until the twelfth and trawling and processing of amber. Until the twelfth century Żuławy area characterized by a very smallcentury Żuławy area characterized by a very small population, which population, which

resulted from the constant danger of flooding. Country resulted from the constant danger of flooding. Country of Estonians, then lying on the edge forming the delta, wasof Estonians, then lying on the edge forming the delta, was an important an important center of commerce and crafts, sustained extensive economic ties with center of commerce and crafts, sustained extensive economic ties with

Scandinavia, the Slavic tribes Scandinavia, the Slavic tribes of north germanof north german  or west pomeraniaor west pomerania. In the . In the thirteenth century began with an intense, Slavo-thirteenth century began with an intense, Slavo-

Prussian colonization, remains ofPrussian colonization, remains of which are extant to this which are extant to this day settlement and drainage systems, and many names of the towns. In the day settlement and drainage systems, and many names of the towns. In the

Middle Ages and later were the scene of Middle Ages and later were the scene of intense Żuławy Dutch then German colonization.intense Żuławy Dutch then German colonization.

•   AftAfterer the second partition of Polish territory included all of Prussia. After the second partition of Polish territory included all of Prussia. After World War II returned to Polish. These areas settled displaced from World War II returned to Polish. These areas settled displaced from

Volhynia, Vilna, and settlers from the Kashubian and KociewieVolhynia, Vilna, and settlers from the Kashubian and Kociewie

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the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.THE LIE OF THE LANDFertile alluvial soil and a complex system of drainage are the foundation of a well-developed agriculture. Deforested area, 

major cities are located on its outskirts (Gdańsk, Elblag, Tczew, Malbork), in the center region is a

small New Manor Gdansk. Żuławy Wiślane is one of the youngest Polish regions, created in the last several thousand

years. In Raczki Elbląskie is the lowest point of depression Polish (1.8 m ppm). Depressed areas represent

about 28% of the total area of the delta. The largest area of  depression extends around Lake Druzno. Surfaces rising from 0 to 5 m above sea-level are most widespread (47% occupied),

while on the surface above 5 m accounts for 25%.

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Natural flora are: riparian forest, riparian meadow on areas temporary pouring by water, thick rushes and lowland bog . Żuławy Wiślane there is abundance of


Natural Treasures of EuropeThis is the place for the school’s logo – country.

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is very thic water net – natural and unnatural. Groundwaters are

behind very shallow and there are very salty, while surface water

are very polluted . Surface water on Żuławy Wiślane lost in most cases their natural feature in

result of longterm interference of human.

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Żuławy attract with their extraordinary landscape

and with many points under the sea level. Seesigthing may

be enrich by travelling by narrow-gauge train- one of the oldest in our country. There are

also many hydrotechnical curiosity like:

• Lock „Gdańska Głowa”• Aqueduct in Grabina

• Historic drawbriges of Żuławy.

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On the railway, which connects New Manor Gdansk from the Vistula Spit coastal towns, in addition to beautiful views Żuławy landscape and

forests and beaches of the Vistula Spit, you can see some interesting sights, such as a Gothic church in Cyganku, railway bridge over the river Szkarpawie and Stutthof Museum in Sztutowo.

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New Manor Żuławy Gdansk from Zulawski and

Museum branch in Cyganku. Gathered in the

interesting historical and ethnographic collections, memor

abilia Menonitach,  settlers who came to these lands in the middle of the sixteenth century addition

to photographs or objects of everyday use,

great feeling doing lapidary rescued and restored Mennonite

gravestones. Each of the stele, the 2.5

meter high stone gravestones, a work of art decorated

with symbols and inscriptions related to the life and death.

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the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.ARCADED HOUSESThe most The most

characteristic monuments are Żuławycharacteristic monuments are Żuławyarcaarcadded houses. Frame ed houses. Frame structure erected, filled structure erected, filled

with special bricks, called the Dutch with special bricks, called the Dutch style show ambitions and capabilities style show ambitions and capabilities

of the first settlers. Each of of the first settlers. Each of the houses were markedthe houses were marked gmerkiem, gmerkiem,

which is a sign of ownershipwhich is a sign of ownership consisting consisting of a combination of lines and of a combination of lines and

circles. The wealth of the circles. The wealth of the landlord testified the number of landlord testified the number of columns in the arcade, which iscolumns in the arcade, which is

supported by the supported by the exhibitor storey from the front on exhibitor storey from the front on

several wooden pillars.several wooden pillars.

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the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.ROUTE OF MENNONITSIs an axis of development of tourism in Żuławy. On the route Is an axis of development of tourism in Żuławy. On the route

from Gdansk to Elblag combines sightseeing attractions from Gdansk to Elblag combines sightseeing attractions connected with the history of settlement in the delta of the connected with the history of settlement in the delta of the

Vistula. Man-made, well balanced historic landscape and Vistula. Man-made, well balanced historic landscape and numerous ancient objects of material culture are the biggest numerous ancient objects of material culture are the biggest attractions of the trail. Worth knowing are well preserved, attractions of the trail. Worth knowing are well preserved, often derived from medieval village żuławskich settlement often derived from medieval village żuławskich settlement systems, including a number of villages were established systems, including a number of villages were established around thearound the rectangular squarerectangular square which means nawsia which means nawsia. Very . Very

numerous are the gothic churches, or their ruins, the former numerous are the gothic churches, or their ruins, the former Mennonite cemeteries and other religious buildings.Mennonite cemeteries and other religious buildings.

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the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.MENNONITSThe members of the Anabaptist religious The members of the Anabaptist religious movement, came to Żuławy movement, came to Żuławy fromfrom Netherlands Netherlands

at the beginning of the sixteenth century. at the beginning of the sixteenth century. They behaved strict customs and rules of They behaved strict customs and rules of life, did not recognize the military service, life, did not recognize the military service, not to take office, do not swear ... Fleeing not to take office, do not swear ... Fleeing from persecution, from persecution, they they found a new home found a new home

here. here. TTheir skills in the drainage and disposal heir skills in the drainage and disposal of the fertile and fertile, but swampy landof the fertile and fertile, but swampy land had been ahad been appreciated. Hard work brought ppreciated. Hard work brought

great results: successive generations of ever great results: successive generations of ever greater wealth, and greater wealth, and for Żuławyfor Żuławy extraordinary extraordinary

economic development.economic development.

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the slide so that they stay the same at all documents.LOCK GDANSKA GLOWAThe Sluice Gdansk’s HeadThe Sluice Gdansk’s Head was built was built on on

Szkarpawie in 1895 in the regulation Szkarpawie in 1895 in the regulation of the mouth of the Vistula. of the mouth of the Vistula. It aIt allows llows navigation navigation on on Szkarpawa and protects Szkarpawa and protects Żuławy against flooding. Renovated in Żuławy against flooding. Renovated in the 90s, not open to visitors, can the 90s, not open to visitors, can can can be watchedbe watched from the outside. In the from the outside. In the past, Fortresspast, Fortress Gdansk Head Gdansk Head was an was an

important defensive important defensive outpost of outpost of Gdansk at the fork of the Vistula Gdansk at the fork of the Vistula River into two arms: the Gdansk River into two arms: the Gdansk

Vistula - Dead Vistula and ElblagVistula - Dead Vistula and Elblag’s’s - - Szkarpawa.Szkarpawa.

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In Rybin converge the In Rybin converge the rivers Szkarpawa, rivers Szkarpawa, SaintSaint, , Wisla Królewiecka and Wisla Królewiecka and

Linawa, creating a water Linawa, creating a water knot. On knot. On those rivers was those rivers was

built twobuilt two drawbridges and a drawbridges and a railway bridge rotated railway bridge rotated on on narrow-gauge line, and narrow-gauge line, and in in

the Newthe New Gdansk Manor on Gdansk Manor on river Tuga there isriver Tuga there is

drawbridge, built before drawbridge, built before World War II St.World War II St.

The End The End

Natural Treasures of Europe

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.

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