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奢華至極的土耳其皇宮 (Dolmabahce Palace in Turkey)

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Page 1: 奢華至極的土耳其皇宮 (Dolmabahce Palace in Turkey)

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Page 2: 奢華至極的土耳其皇宮 (Dolmabahce Palace in Turkey)

Dolmabahçe Palace in Istanbul, Turkey, located on the European side of Bosphorus, was the main administrative center of the Ottoman Empire.

A law that took effect on March 3, 1924, transferred ownership of the palace to the national heritage of the new Republic of Turkey

The construction, cost five million Mecidiye, Ottoman gold coin, the equivalent of 35 tons of gold. Fourteen of those tons of gold were used to gild the ceilings of the 45,000 square foot palace.

土耳其伊斯坦堡的 Dolmabah 宮殿,座落在博斯普魯斯海峽的歐洲側,是奧圖曼帝國的主要行政中心。1924 年 3 月 3 日生效的一項法律,將這個宮殿的所有權由新成立的土耳其共和國繼承。宮殿的建造耗資 500 萬 Mecidiye( Mecidiye 為奧斯曼帝國的金幣 ) ,相當於 35 噸黃金。其中的 14 噸黃金被用來將佔地 45,000 平方英尺宮殿的天花板鍍金。

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Page 4: 奢華至極的土耳其皇宮 (Dolmabahce Palace in Turkey)

Dolmabahçe was home to six Sultans, from 1856 until the abolition of the Caliphate, when the Republic of Turkey, was established in October 1923.

從 1856 年起,至土耳其共和國於 1923 年 10 月成立、廢除哈里發止, Dolmabahçe 宮殿一直是六位蘇丹的家。

Page 5: 奢華至極的土耳其皇宮 (Dolmabahce Palace in Turkey)

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder and first President of the Republic of Turkey, used the palace as presidential residence during the summers, where he passed some of the most important laws.

穆斯塔法 . 凱末爾 . 阿塔圖爾克,土耳其共和國的創始人和首任總統,將這座宮殿作為總統的夏天寓所,在那裡他核批了某些最重要的法律。

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According to his biography :Atatürk is the new name that was assigned to Mustafa Kemal unanimously as a result of the "Law on the Last Name" of 1934. Previously, this population lacked

依據他的傳記:阿塔圖爾克 (Atatürk) 是個新的姓氏,它是在 1934 年依據“姓氏法”,在一致通過下,被指定給穆斯塔法 . 凱末爾。在此之前,這是個人口極少的姓氏。

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He spent the last days of medical treatment in this palace, where he died on November 10, 1938

靠著醫療的支持,他在這座宮殿渡過人生最後的日子;他死於 1938 年 11 月 10 日。

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In the Hall of Ceremonies, the lamp is Bohemia Crystal world's largest. Weighs 4.5 tons and has 750 lights. Gift of Queen Victoria

在舉行盛典的大廳中,有著世界上最大的波希米亞水晶吊燈,重量 4.5 噸, 750 盞燈,這是維多利亞女王所送的禮物。

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Dolmabahçe has one of the largest collections of lamps Bohemian and Baccarat in the world

Dolmabahçe 宮殿擁有一個世界上最大的波希米亞和百家樂燈飾的收藏品

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Page 13: 奢華至極的土耳其皇宮 (Dolmabahce Palace in Turkey)

Famous staircase, built of Baccarat crystal, brass and mahogany著名的樓梯,是由巴卡拉水晶,黃銅和桃花心木所建造而成。

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The design and decoration of the palace, reflects the growing influence of European styles and standards of the Ottoman culture


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These are just some pieces of the vast collection of works of art in gold, displayed the Palace.


Page 23: 奢華至極的土耳其皇宮 (Dolmabahce Palace in Turkey)

Dolmabahçe, is the largest of the Ottoman imperial palaces

Dolmabahçe 宮殿是奧圖曼帝國皇宮中最大的宮殿

Page 24: 奢華至極的土耳其皇宮 (Dolmabahce Palace in Turkey)

It's huge and sumptuous, with 285 rooms, 43 large rooms, and many other specialized areas

它巨大而華麗,有 285 個一般房間, 43 個大型房間,和許多其他專用的場所。

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Page 28: 奢華至極的土耳其皇宮 (Dolmabahce Palace in Turkey)

If the Earth were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital

                               Napoleon Bonaparte.如果地球是一個單一國家,伊斯坦堡將會是他的首都。拿破崙 . 波拿巴

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Manuel [email protected]