Discovering the Natural Protected Areas of Costa Rica South Pacific Conserving the Osa Peninsula Region Costa Rica Conversation Initiatives: http ://www.nicuesalodge.com/about-playa-nicuesa /our-philosophy-of-sustainability/conservin g-the-osa-region /

Discovering the Natural Protected Areas of Costa Rica South Pacific

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Discovering the Natural Protected Areas of Costa Rica South Pacific and Osa Peninsula Region

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Page 2: Discovering the Natural Protected Areas of Costa Rica South Pacific

Manu Ecological Sanctuary Manu is a 37-year ecological project managed by a local family in a

place called Corredores, between Ciudad Neilly and Paso Canoas. It has a 100-hectare area spread over 47 ha. of primary forest; 37 ha. of secondary forest, and 16 ha. for agricultural purposes. It also offers 3 creeks and 8 ponds.

More info: https://www.facebook.com/santuarioecologicmanu

Page 3: Discovering the Natural Protected Areas of Costa Rica South Pacific

Golfito National Wildlife Refuge There are many mammals living within the Park’s boundaries, such as

the Agouti, a rodent belonging to the Dasyproctidae family; which is helpful in spreading seeds of different plants and fruits. It is possible to also find raccoons and some reptiles such as snakes and frogs.

Page 4: Discovering the Natural Protected Areas of Costa Rica South Pacific

Piedras Blancas National Park Piedras Blancas National Park is part of the Osa Peninsula

Conservation Area. It is located near La Gamba town, Puntarenas, southern province of Costa Rica. Rainforests and beaches along Golfo Dulce (pacific coast gulf), are protected under national parks regulation. Since 1991, Piedras Blancas used to be part of the Corcovado National Park, called Esquinas Sector at that time; but in 1999 it became a separate national park. Until mid-90’s, the Park was severely endangered by deforestation.

More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piedras_Blancas_National_Park

Page 5: Discovering the Natural Protected Areas of Costa Rica South Pacific

La Amistad International Park La Amistad International Park, formerly La Amistad National Park, is a

Trans boundary Protected Area in Latin America, whose management is shared between Costa Rica (La Amistad Caribbean and Pacific Conservation Areas) and Panama, following a recommendation by UNESCO after the Park was included in the World Heritage Site list.

More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Amistad_International_Park

Page 6: Discovering the Natural Protected Areas of Costa Rica South Pacific

Humedal Nacional Térraba Sierpe

The Térraba-Sierpe National Wetland is highly generous in terms of biodiversity since it has four families of mangrove, namely: Rhizophoraceae, Combretaceae, Pelliciera and Avicenniaceae (Cordoba-Muñoz et al. 1998).Along the local tours, visitors can see a number of birds and reptiles, as well as mammals that use the wetlands as a vital passageway and source of food.

More info: http://www.sinac.go.cr/AC/ACOSA/ASPs/HNTS/Paginas/default.aspx

Page 7: Discovering the Natural Protected Areas of Costa Rica South Pacific

Marino Ballena National Park Marino Ballena National Park is named after the Humpback Whales

that migrate here each year from December to April, to mate before returning to the frigid northern waters.

More info: http://marinoballena.org/

Page 8: Discovering the Natural Protected Areas of Costa Rica South Pacific

Corcovado National Park This costa rican National Park conserves the largest primary forest on

the American Pacific coastline, and one of the few remaining sizeable lowland rainforests areas in the world. Deforestation usually takes place in lowland areas because those areas are more accessible and contain the largest and most economically valuable trees. But those habitats are also usually the richest in biodiversity. Piedras Blancas and Corcovado National Parks are committed to protect these natural sanctuaries.

More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corcovado_National_Park