Greece geog2 web

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  • 1.
  • 2. When you are finished grab your passport and fix ? #3 in Unit 1
  • 3. My Map Story
    • My Italian (Italy), slow (Slovenia) crazy (Croatia) boss (Bosnia-Herzegovinia) told me to serve (Serbia) my mean (Montenegro) uncle Al (Albania) macadamia (Macedonia) nuts and greasy (Greece) turkey (Turkey). His stomach started to bulge (Bulgaria), so the doctor told him to eat romaine (Romania) lettuce, but it was moldy (Moldova). U (Ukraine) know, he said, I am still so (Slovakia) hungry (Hungary), I guess I ought (Austria) to check (Czech Republic) and see if there is any German (Germany) chocolate and fancy (France) swiss (Switzerland) cheese.
  • 4. Water
    • Once upon a time there were these strange creatures that lived in an area so black you couldnt see (Black Sea). It was so dark they didnt need clothingone day they moved out of the Black Sea and the first thing they said was marmarmarmar (Sea of Marmar). When they met someone the person said, OhDarn (Dardanelles Strait) you need clothing you should go to AE (Aegean Sea). They asked Italy for aid (Adriatic Sea). Thanks so much the creatures saidI owe you (Ionian Sea).
  • 5. In your passportWarm Up Complete sentences.
    • Draw a picture of Greece ---explain what you drew! (Use the floor for help and the back of the powerpt.
    • Greece had a lot of .
    • Because of the geography.
    • What land shape is Greece?
      • What makes it this landform?
    • Why was it hard to travel by land (1 reason) and by sea (1 reason)?
  • 6.
  • 7. Predictions
  • 8.
    • Find a place to settle! You may not settle on top of the desk as they represent the mountains of Greece and the chairs represent the larger hills of Greece.
    • You MUST stay within the outline of or else you are living in the middle of a sea (Aegean, Sea of Crete, Mediterranean, Adriatic)
  • 9. 25.2 Isolated Communities and the Difficulties of Travel
    • Most of the poleis (city-states) settled along the coastlines. There were also very isolated
    • Ancient Greeks were isolated from one another because of the mountains which made travel and communication difficult.
    • The dangers of traveling on land included rocks that could shatter wooden wheel and attacks by robbers. Dangers of traveling by water included attack by pirates, robbery, by sailors, and storms that could drive ships on to rocks and sink them.
  • 10. Summarizing Section 25.2
    • Greeces steep mountains and surrounding water forced Greeks to settle in isolated communities. Travel by land was dangerous, and sea voyages were dangerous .
  • 11. Farming
    • Using the pieces of paper see how much farm land you have available.
  • 12. Think about it.
    • What did you feel during this part of the activity?
    • Why did you settle where you did? What were the benefits of your decisions? What were the costs (drawbacks) of your decision?
    • Were other groups close enough to you so that it was easy to touch them?
    • When you attempted to claim land, did any other groups fight with you?
    • What do you think this exercise shows you about the way people settled in Greece?
  • 13. 25.3 Farming in Ancient Greece
    • 2. Greek settlements often fought each other because there was a shortage of land.
    Rocky Soil Scarce Water (no rivers, little rain) Very little flat land available Turned to raising animals Built steps into the mountain sides to make flat land
  • 14. Summarizing 25.3
    • Most ancient Greeks farmed , but land and water were scarce . They grew grapes and olives , and raised sheep, goats, pigs, and chickens.
  • 15. Not having enough land
    • What do you do if you need more food or resource but do not want to trade with another civilization?
      • War
      • OR
      • Colonize
  • 16. 25.4 Starting Colonies
    • Greek communities started colonies because they needed more farmland to feed their people.
    • First they consulted an oracle to see if their efforts would be successful. Next they gathered food and supplies, took a flame from their towns sacred fire, and began their long sea voyage. After they found a safe place with good farmland and harbors, they established a community.
    • They established colonies between 1000 650 BCE. They established the colonies in Turkey, Spain, France, Italy, Africa, and along the Black Sea.
  • 17. Summarizing 25.4
    • Many ancient Greeks sailed across the sea to start colonies that helped spread Greek culture . Colonists settled in lands that included parts of present day Turkey, Spain, France, Italy, and northern Africa .
  • 18. Trading
    • Do you have the necessities to live?
    • Could you live if that is all you have?
    • What do you have to trade?
  • 19.
    • Farmers Sing.
    • Ive been working on the farm
    • Just so we survive.
    • Ive been working on the farm
    • Taking home honey from the hive.
    • Cultivating walnuts, barley, apples, lettuce and beans,
    • Picking grapes from the vines and olives from the trees.
    • Feeding the chickens, feeding the goats, feeding the sheep and pigs.
    • Feeding the chickens, feeding the goats, feeding the sheep and pigs.
    • Someones always in the field
    • Planting, watering, and weeding.
    • Someones always in the field
    • Planting, watering, and weeding.
  • 20. Think about it.
    • When this second part of the activity began, how did you feel about the products your settlement had?
    • If you were allowed to trade, how did you feel about the products your group had when trading was over?
    • How did you feel if you werent allowed to trade with other settlements?
    • Look at the products each settlement had after trading, which settlements would you prefer to live in now? Why do you feel this way?
    • In what ways might this exercise show how geography affected the way people lived in Ancient Greece?
  • 21. 25.5 Trading
    • Some ancient Greek settlements traded to get the goods they needed.
    • Exports: Olive oil, pottery
    • Imports: grain, timber, and metal.
    • Merchant ships were built not for speed but for carrying large amounts of goods.
    • Journeys were long, and a one-way trip from the mainland could take two months.
    • The lack of compasses or charts made navigation difficult.
  • 22. Summarizing Section 25.5
    • Summary: To meet their needs, the ancient Greeks traded with other ______________________, their __________________, and with other peoples in the ____________________________ region. They exchanged ________________ oil and _____________________ for such goods as grain, timber, and ____________.
    City-states colonies Mediterranean olive pottery metal