Romanticising Tourism: A journey of loving to death

Romanticising Tourism: A Journey of Loving to Death

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Romanticising Tourism:A journey of loving to death

My Background

The Shift

Championed for the

growth of the global

tourism industry

UNWTO Secretary General, Dr Taleb Rifai

Advocated for less rather than

more global tourism

Professor Stefan Gössling (Lund University)

Climate Change

Depletion of natural


Loss of biodiversity

Pollution and Waste

DeforestationImpacts on

host communities

The Truth about TourismThe White Knight? Trojan Horse?

Development Or Disaster?

Love to Death?

Image Credit: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/jack400/love-is-blind

PositiveGlobal Initiatives

• United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO)

• International conventions• Tourism and hospitality

sectors • Tourism continues to be

regarded as a sacred cow

Ruin Or

Be Responsible?

Spiritual Gaze

Spiritual Gaze

A Spiritual Awakening

Appreciate Inter-


FeelLove and



Meaning and Purpose


Personal Meaning and Purpose

Love and Compassion

We Do Not Inherit the

Earth from Our Ancestors;

We Borrow It from Our Children
