Sweden By: Claire Stillma n

Sweden presentation

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I made this powerpoint for my class presentation. I hope everyone enjoys, espically my friends Jenny and Liv!

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  • 1. Sweden
    By: Claire Stillman

2. Where is Sweden Located?
Sweden is a country in northeastern Europe
Sweden borders Norway and Finland
Surrounding countries are Denmark, Germany, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania
If you were to compare the size of Sweden, it would be just a little bigger than California
3. All About Swedens Capital
Swedens capital is Stockholm
There are many things to do there, these are only two of many
Stockholm is home to the worlds only ABBA museum
The Vasa Museum holds the worlds only 17th century preserved ship
4. Climate of Sweden
Southern Sweden has a temperate climate
The south has cool and cloudy winters
During the summer, the south is somewhat cloudy as well
The north has a subarctic climate
The north has a much longer winter than the south does
5. Geography of Sweden
There are 25 provinces in Sweden
Sweden is part of the Scandinavian Peninsula
Sweden is the fourth biggest country in Europe
There are bays, inlets, and islands that make up Swedens geography
6. Main Culture of Sweden
Sweden has many religions, but Lutheran is the dominant one
The Others part consists of Jewish, Orthodox, Roman Catholic,Baptist, Muslim, and Buddhist.
Ethnicities: Swedish, Finnish, Greek, Danish, Norwegian, Turkish, and more
7. Swedish Currency
The Swedish currency is called the Swedish krona
The current exchange rate is0.156969 krona per U.S. dollar
8. The Languages Spoken
People in Sweden speak Swedish and Finnish
Another language that is spoken is Sami
Sami is an Indo- European language
9. Modes of Transportation
Cars are common because all highways and bridges are free to travel on
Many big cities have a bus line available
There are trains and boats to take as well
You may also travel by air, but most of the flights go through Stockholm
10. Accommodations in Sweden
In Sweden, there are hotels, castles, manor houses, bed and breakfasts, and inns
All of these range in a wide price range
A nice hotel in Stockholm would be start at about $200 and go up
11. Historical Sites
Old Town Stockholm (pictured) has so much history
The royal palace is located in Old Town Stockholm
There are many historical tours
There are also many great historical sculptures and museums to visit and see
12. Other Points of Interest
In Sweden, there is the worlds biggest hotel (pictured) that is made of all ice and snow
If anyone wants to check out the website it is www.icehotel.com
There was just recently a royal wedding for Princess Victoria, and her new husband, newly crownedPrince Daniel.
Stockholm has a many
restaurant varieties
13. The End!
I hope from my presentation, you learned a lot about Sweden, and cant wait to visit this amazing country!!