4.) vampires assistant


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4.) Vampire’s Assistant Analysis

This opening shot of a boy playing a gameboy in a coffin implies a genre of comedy horror, and the fact that he is

surrounded by darkness implies impending danger or being alone.

The whole sequence is animated which shows that a younger audience may be targeted here. The webs of DNA strands

show that a change perhaps might happen, and the gothic background

reenforces the vampire title. The strands are overlapping each other which

represent roads an journeys/paths.

The connection between all the coffins imply unity which is a

juxtaposition to the original slide which showed loneliness. The

constant references to spiders is continuous in the sequence.

Each shot is created like a story book or a narrate novel. The darkness in the back is constantly flowing or invading the clip to show that danger may be in

store for the characters such as the darkness in the first clip.

Finally the title is revealed and is part of a franchise, ‘Cirque

de Freak’. There are shadow of hands in the background and


This clip reveal the face of a character. He is unknown at this point and the red eyes are used to create a scary, dark

feeling and to show that he is dangerous or evil. The face is stylised and remains

as a cartoon.

The whole sequence represents a story line with each slide flowing onto the next one. The image of a woman with a beard is common for a ‘freak

show’ and is a stereotype. The weaving hairs lead onto a spiders web implying darkness

within all the characters. both sides of the frame are split with two different colours red and blue

implying everyone has an evil side to them.

These two puppets are shown throughout the sequence and must represent two

characters. They are symbolised as puppets to show they have no control over what is

happening or their masters. They are running which implies friendliness or being scared

and avoiding something, possibly the darkness.

The use of graveyards for horror films let alone vampires is an obvious connotation. It reveals death and adds a gothic sense. The sky is dark

and miserable and the buildings are old and church-like. The angle at which the camera is pointing emphasises the sheer power and grip the horror sense ha over you by making it look

large and domineering.

The use of the puppetry an the animation comes to play here. The tree is transformed into a decaying ribcage through zooming out with the camera. This implies the life of the tree is a contrast to the lack of

life in to corpse.

This extremely domineering character shows that there is going to be a main

antagonist within the film and that he is the controller of these two characters.

He is seen as being big and overpowering to the puppets. Dark

harsh colours are used to show his spirit and characteristics.