Making an opie


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Making An Opie

Blur: Greatest Hits Album Cover

Original Photo taken on Photobooth

In order to create the photo itself, you had to take a picture using the Mac Webcam on the application Photo booth, and then adding this to Photoshop so I could create the image.

To produce the final product Image, I started on my hair firstly adding a new layer using the Lasso Tool to section my hair, and then used the Pipette to gather the colour of my hair; I then filled the whole section using the bucket tool.

I then continued to do this for each section of the image, making new layers on each section. I followed a certain order so that the overall product would look exactly right. I also used the paintbrush tool to create the eyes, nose and mouth. The highlights I also used the paintbrush tool to add extra effect.I then completed the image by adding a new layer (Background) and filling it with a colour to finish the product.

Final Outcome:
