Q2 evaluation (1)


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How does your product represent particular social


• As my opening sequence only has one character there is only one social group represented however the one character is very in depth. For example, during the sequence he picks up a photo of a woman and a child with an emotional face, this could be interpreted differently by different audiences however some may think that they are his wife and child who he has had to leave. Therefore this creates a Dad figure and introduces the group of families.

• However he is living in a public area, which clearly shows he is a homeless character or a character on the run. Introducing the social group of homeless people, spurring lots of questions about how he ended up there. In conclusion there is really only one social group represented within my opening sequence and this is the character of a young man, possibly with a family however this is free to interpretation, some may think they are previous victims.

• But his true personality shines through his body language, he is very slouched and his facial expressions constantly show sadness and depression, but ultimately boredom; further suggesting he has been there for a long time. Part of the mystery of this character is shown through the props, as he has a sleeping bag and a gas stove this shows he has come prepared to live in the outdoors showing the homeless social group he fits into. 

• I did not want to create an over the top artificially stereotyped character, as part of the mystery is due to the character being able to be interpreted differently by various audiences. The Mise en scene shows a lot about his living conditions with his costume portraying his homeless social status. As he is wearing dark clothing, which are dirty and torn suggesting he has been there for a long time.

My Character

Previous Film Characters

Looking at previous film characters from Hancock and sniper, I noticed all of the characters have a big coat and hat to keep warm showing they are living outdoors. I tried to mimic this with my own character, by ensuring that the mise en scene suggests he is homeless, by following the common conventions from previous films.