The dance script rough


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The Dance (Working Title) Rough

Written By

Joshua Vallely

Based on, if any

AddressPhone Number



Interview 1: Grandad sits comfortably on the leather sofa, sipping his cup of black tea and watching a documentary on a flat screen television. Local newspapers are seen next to him, giving a basic sense that this man likes to read and loves to learn new things.


GRANDADYeah I'm alright, yourself?

INTERVIEWERYeah, just asking because we are about to start the interview.

GRANDAD(Laughs) Okay.k

INTERVIEWERSo. Lets start from the beginning, what were you doing on the night when you met Grandma?

GRANDADWell I was at home, getting ready, putting on my suit and organising a party i was going to have on the weekend.

INTERVIEWERDo you remember what that party was for?

GRANDADI think it was for my brother, yeah.

INTERVIEWERAnd then what happened? Did you get there by car or did you walked?

GRANDADOf course I drove there haha

INTERVIEWERWhat was it like arriving there?


GRANDADTo be honest with you, it was pretty crowded, I could barely see the parking spaces. It was filled people my age and older if I remember correctly.

INTERVIEWERWhoa, i can imagine it being a crowded place then, upon arriving, did you see some of your friends?

GRANDADWell yeah but they had their girlfriends, I was alone at the time being so I just hung around the food and drinks.

INTERVIEWERWas it good food?

GRANDAD (Laughs) No, not at all, tasted like shit to be honest.

INTERVIEWER(Laughs) Fair enough, then what happened?

GRANDADThen I saw your grandmother.

INTERVIEWERDo you remember what you felt?

GRANDAD(Describes the scene and what he felt)

INTERVIEWER Did you go up to her and ask for a dance?

GRANDADYeah, I was nervous, shaking uncontrollably in fact. She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.


Grandma is seen sitting comfortably on a chair with her cup


of tea, camera sets up, camera comforts Grandma by asking if she wants more tea, she denies the offer and makes herself comfortable.

INTERVIEWERWhat were you doing before the valentines dance?

GRANDMAI was helping my mother bring in the shopping and getting ready I suppose.

INTERVIEWERDo you remember what you were wearing?

GRANDMAA silk, pink dress, yes.

INTERVIEWERFair enough and how did you get to the dance?

GRANDMAI think my mother drove me there with my father, like your parents, they told me to be safe and just enjoy myself.

INTERVIEWER Fair enough, what were you feeling at the time?

GRANDMANervous, a little scared but quite excited. I wasn't really a party person mind you.

INTERVIEWERCould you describe what the atmosphere was like? Were there a lot of people?

GRANDMAI believe so, I knew a great number of people but all of them were busy with their partners.

INTERVIEWER Well then, I guess we both know



what happens next.INTERVIEWER (CONT'D)

GRANDMA(Laughs) Indeed. I saw him alone next to the food and drink, he was alone, at first I didn't take notice, I thought he was waiting for a date but no, he randomly came up to me and asked if I wanted to dance with him.

INTERVIEWERAnd of course you said yes?

GRANDMANot exactly, I asked if he could buy me a drink first

INTERVIEWER(Laughs) Fair enough, and what did you feel when you saw or even talked to him?

GRANDMA(Describes of what she felt at the time)


The married couple are seen sitting together happily on seats and are holding hands.

INTERVIEWERSo, thats the story?



INTERVIEWERHow long have you two been married?

GRANDMA53 years ... Yeah, 53.
