When we met at Bhiner



This is the first time i bought things oversea and i met him..

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I received my parcel on that day. I was so happy to get it because it was my first oversea purchase online.

Dear Simon: Thanks for purchasing on Bhiner, have a nice day!

But I found it wasn’t my parcel after opening it.

Simon Green,18 No.6th Street, Cacua, Manue, USA

I turned to the Customer Service to ask if they’ve mistaken my parcel with another’s. And they checked for me at once.

Bhiner to your homeMember: AquassssOrder: 12345Items: AAA dress, Size:M Add: 12, New Street, Cacua,Manue,USA

Transaction succeed

But the system showed that my parcel has been sent to my address. The Customer Service clerk told me I should turned to local express.

“We’re very sorry for sending you a wrong parcel, Miss. We’ll send someone to get your wrong parcel back and send you the right one. Sorry to beg your pardon, Miss.”

Someone knocked at the door the other day. I supposed it was the postman.

“Hi, I am Simon, I am just wondering if you got my parcel for mistaking? I checked the local express system about my parcel yesterday, and it said that they confused my parcel with yours. I saw the address on my box, it isn’t far away from where I live, that’s why I am here, Miss. Sorry for disturbing.”

“Oh, thank you! Come in please. ”

That’s how we met , and I am always grateful that god led you to me that day.

Having someone to be with me in those bright or dull days, not feeling alone anymore.

Walking along the seaside as the dawn comes.

My heart’s warm and touched even we were caught by the rain.

Tried to set up a unique home for our love in my spare time, even I am an decoration idiot.

Appreciated every moment before you go for work in the morning.

But life won’t go smoothly as we imagine.

I knew you feel under the weather when facing tons of work.

I felt the same as you do, honey

And sometimes, you didn’t even talk to me for a long while. Just dug into your data base.

That drove me mad at you.

We fell into cold war after much argument.

I saw roses on the table with fresh drops on them on someday morning.

“ I love you, and never want to make you sad nor angry, I saw the coffee you served on the desk last night. Honey. I beg your pardon.”

Love doesn’t mean promise, gifts and touching words only.

But also keep you in my mind wherever I’ve been to whatever I am doing.

Life is a film of your own.Time goes by, But love remains.

Perhaps you haven’t got enough courage to show your love to someone.

To show your love, whatever the response will be.

Or if you’re in love with a person

Maybe have been married

Hold your love, the gift what’s precious than anything could be.

Love at Bhinerwww.bhiner.com