8 Interview Thank You Note No-No's

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8 Interview Thank-You Note


Sending a post-interview thank-you note can give you a competitive edge.

But doing it wrong is worse than not doing it at all!

Here are 8 things NOT to do when writing

a thank-you note.

1. Wait longer than 24 hours to email the thank-you note.

Prompt emails mean you are interested and efficient.

2. Send the thank-you note while you are still at the interview.

Take some time to review and reflect.

3. Fax, text or snail mail the thank-you note.

Use the right technology.

4. Use a Mr./Ms. as the salutation.

You are an adult and so are they; use their first name.

5. Be too generic.

Reference particular points made in the interview or address any specific concerns that arose.

6. Be too personal.

No matter how well you “clicked” with the interviewer, this is a professional relationship and you are still selling yourself as an employee.

7. Write more than two paragraphs.

The average attention span is 8 seconds. Grab their attention, answer their questions and do it quickly.

8. Forget to have someone else proofread your note.

Errors in grammar, spelling or vocabulary could cost you the job.

Looking for help in your job search? Contact the recruiters at Smith Hanley Associates.

Paul Chatlos 203-319-4300Nancy Darian 312-629-2400

