Boost Your Business with Facebook; Part 1


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Boost Your Business: Part 1May 5, 2016 | San Francisco

RaeAnne PaeGlobal Marketing Solutions at Facebook

Customize with your story

My name is RaeAnne Pae and Im a Client Solutions Manager at Facebook. I help FinTech companies grow their business through Facebook ads.


Customize with your story

My sister owns farmland in KY, and has an event venue there. A couple of years ago I began helping her develop a strategy for engaging her community and raising awareness this great venue they have. She has a beautiful, rustic barn and courtyard that is perfect for a hosting vintage wedding. Each year I help her to fill her calendar with events by determining what her objective is, who her target audience is, and how to reach them using Facebook ads. We create ads that can reach people in the time of year they are most likely to be venue shopping and we tailor them to the parents who are likely to be searching for that perfect place to host their childs wedding. We also focus on recently engaged people who are just beginning the planning process. When someone is interested, they can reach her directly through Facebook. After an event, she adds photos to her page to give visitors examples and help them to imagine their special occasion at Stones Throw Farm. Every day people share moments on Facebook and Instagram. When you understand what matters to people, you can be what matters to them. (video next)




The world has changed

This is a sample Text and Screen Capture slide ideal for including a screen capture and supporting text.

To Replace the Picture on this sample slide (this applies to all slides in this template that contain pictures in placeholders)Press the Tab key on your keyboard to select the picture in the background, and then press Delete. (Press the Tab key on your keyboard to cycle through the objects on your slide.)From the Insert menu, select Choose and navigate to the desired photoCrop and resize picture to fill slide (hold down Shift key while resizing to maintain picture aspect ratio)With the picture selected, on the Arrange Menu, choose Send to Back to position the picture behind the text, logo and graphics.When resizing use shift and drag from a corner to maintain the aspect ratio of the image.

Note: Do not use Change Picture to replace an image inside the picture placeholder as this will change the frame size. Instead, follow the steps outlined above.

The world is mobile


People now spend more time with digital and mobile195019602000

1970198019902010. . .RadioTVDigitalMobile

SOURCE: eMarketer US, November 2015

For over 50 years, marketers relied heavily on TV to deliver their brand messages to mass audiences. Similar to the ascension of television, we are seeing the advertising industry flow to the same place the people are: places like the Facebook News Feed where all of the people that matter to you, discover what matters to them.


Data for re-concept last 4 years


SOURCE: Internal Facebook Data, Q4 2015

153 Million people visit Facebook dailyIN THE UNITED STATES...

77%of monthly visitors come back to FB everyday

138MVisit via mobile

In the US, over 150 million people visit Facebook every day. And 89% of those people visit every day via MOBILE. (Thats 135M people every day!)

SOURCE: Internal Instagram Data, Q4 2015

100 Million people visit Instagram every monthIN THE UNITED STATES...

And over 100 million people visit Instagram every day in the US as well - all on mobile.

minutes spent on mobile are on Facebook + Instagram15out ofevery

SOURCE: Nielsen Mobile Netview, September 2015.

Facebook and Instagram are two of the main stops during peoples time spent on mobile, with 1 out of every 5 minutes spent on mobile being within Facebook and Instagram.

To put this into perspective this more than the next 10 most popular apps combined!10

We are about people

Facebook is about people; about your customers

1. Key Message: Right peole. Facebook allows you to reach customers who are most likely to buy your products and services.

1.6B people share their real and authentic identity with interests, friends, location and demographics every month on Facebook around the world.

SOURCE: Internal Facebook Data, June 2015of people on Facebook are connected to at least one small business80%

You know that your Facebook Page is your best way for you to communicate with your customers, anywhere, anytime. It allows you to easily build a mobile presence where your customers already spend their time: Facebook. Over 1B people visit Facebook 14 times a day. This means your Facebook page is an easy way for people to find information about your products and services.And theyre not just finding out about you. Theyre also communicating directly with you.

It just makes sense for you to be on Facebook, and to make it the center of everything you do online.

Stat info: 80% of people in US on Facebook are connected to at least one small business. [NEED SOURCE]

It's mobile

Its Mobile Key Message: People are spending more time on mobile and Facebook has the largest mobile audience in the world. With Facebook, you can reach your customers on their mobile phones as well as manage your Page and Ads on the go using our mobile apps. Products: Mobile ad set, App analytics and measurement, PMA/AMA, Pages

RTB: 1.25B Mobile MAPA lot of time is spent by people on mobile with Google properties, YouTube, Yahoo!, MSN, AOL, Twitter and Pinterest. More time is spent on mobile on Facebook and Instagram than all of these combined. [US Only]

Pages Manager App and New Ads Manager App usage/availability stats [TBD]

29%of all media time is spent on mobile

SOURCE: eMarketer US, October 2015.

People used their phone to spend more than a quarter of their time looking at media.

Photo from (

Once you create a page on FB or an account on IG you have presence on any device.

You dont have to do anything to get it to work on all those devices. So you create a page once and no matter where your consumer is, theyll be able to see your business page in the right format for the device they are using.

It's easy

Its easyKey Message: Easily build a mobile presence where your customers already spend their timeo You can communicate with your customers anywhere, anytime through your Page

o Product: Facebook Page o RTB: 40 million small businesses around the world actively use Facebook Pages to connect with their customers

small businesses use Facebook Pages to connect with customers50M

SOURCE: Internal Facebook Data, Q4 2015

67% of Facebook users globally are connected to at least one SMB in their home country; in total, there are more than 22 billion connections between SMBs and users(10/14,

So you can:Easily build a mobile presence where your customers already spend their timeCommunicate with your customers anywhere, anytime

It just makes sense for you to be on Facebook, and to make it the center of everything you do online.

Stat info: 80% of people in US on Facebook are connected to at least one small business. [NEED SOURCE]


Q4 2015 Earnings transcript:

It works

It's ValuableIt works for businesses like yours, in driving real business objectives

1. Key Message: Measure return on every cent you spend, no matter what your business objective. While other media print, TV, radio can be expensive and hard to measure, with Facebook you can promote your business to the exact customers you want to reach for great returns that you can measure real time.

RTB: 1.More than 2M small businesses actively invest their hard-earned dollars with Facebook every month2.Retailers who partnered with FB to measure multi-channel sales life/ROAS observed 2% lift in sales, and 8x ROAS3.US FinServ companies using FB saw 14% increase in acquisitions and 21% increase in lifetime value for existing customers4. Facebook generated over $50 BILLION dollars in revenue for clients through Direct Response ads in 2014.

SOURCE: Internal Facebook Data, Q4 2015small businesses invest in Facebook advertising every month3M+

Every month, there are over 2.5M advertisers who invest in Facebook ads to grow their business. And as a result of that

Locate and target your customers with the right message at the right timeSpread the word about your businessCreate content that engages peopleContentTargetingAds

We're going to show how you to build your business on Facebook and go over 3 main sections today to get you connecting with your consumers on any device at any time.

First [[If applicable]] How to simply create a page. And then adding important details so people can find you and contact you.

If you have a Page, I'm going to talk about what you're supposed to put on that page. We'll talk about what relevant and engaging content looks like and how to start having a conversation with your customers. What do you say to them? How do you talk to them? What do they like to hear?

After that, well talk about how to amplify your reach more people and find new customers.

Lastly - and I don't mean to mention this last, because it's something that you'll do during every part of this process, but we're going to talk about how to promote your business and measure the impact of investment, and help you keep a pulse on what your customers and fans are finding engaging and to ensure you're spending your time and money as effectively and efficiently as possible. This is key to your success on Facebook


Were going to start with how to use your page to host content.21

Personal ProfileBusiness Page

So the main thing to note here is that Profiles are for People and Pages are for businesses. Ciara here, could not create an ad or content about her business and post it on her personal page. Etc. When you create content from your business page, know that you are speaking as the business, not as yourself.

One is tied to you as a person, one is tied to you as a business. What I hope you take away is that they are very different: if you use Facebook as a person, youll find it easy to create and manage a Page. Its functionality is meant to help you reach your business goals.

It's really similar as you can see here. On the left is my personal Facebook page and on the right is Jasper's market business page. They look really similar and there is good reason for that. You should be talking and connecting with your customers in a very similar way you would talk and connect with your friends and family.

The best way to think about your FB page is that it is your online store front. It's your opportunity and online real estate to tell your story, convey a message, get people to understand what your business is all about, - so when they walk into your store or order from your website, they already feel like they know who you are.

Create a page

For anyone who does not have one yet, its easy to create one just go to and walkthrough the guided flow to set get up.

Page post great for when youre on the go and have a quick message to share. Keep these short and sweet when users see a big paragraph they are more likely to skim over to the next post.


Photo post use as much as you can! They're double the size of a text post, more engaging. Keep it high quality. Dont be afraid to use your phones.


Video post some of the most engaging content on FB because of our auto-play feature.

Dont be deterred if you dont have the resources to hire a professional. Everyone has a phone in their pockets so dont be afraid to take photos with that!


100M+hours of video watched daily

SOURCE: Internal Facebook Data, Q4 2015

-Lots of stuff. But one big one is video

- Video is blowing up on FB. Consumers are now viewing over 4bn videos on FB every day, and advertisers are following suit and its not just the big advertisers like Tide and Taco Bell

-There are now a million small businesses that have posted a video on FB.

-You may want to think about telling your story using video it can be a very effective way to tell your story and connect with customers. Lots of FB advertisers are finding success here, so think about video.

Over one and a half million small businesses posted video which includes organic video posts and video ads on Facebook in the month of September alone. (Q3 2015, to Q4 earnings that stat comes from:

900 Million people use Messenger every month1

6 10 top apps are messaging apps2 out of

THE NEXT BIG THING: MESSAGINGSOURCE: 1. Internal Facebook Data, Q4 2015, 2., June 2015

Whats next with Mobile? Messaging. Messaging apps like WhatsApp and Messenger continue to gain importance and time spent as well; Facebooks Messenger App hit 800M monthly active users in 2016, and 6 of the Top 10 Apps are messaging apps, with (

Apps ( in order)Facebook WhatsAppMessengerInstagramLINEViberKakaoTalkClash of ClansWeChatTwitter

Whats next with Mobile? Messaging. Messaging apps like WhatsApp and Messenger continue to gain importance and time spent as well; Facebooks Messenger App hit 800M monthly active users in 2016, and 6 of the Top 10 Apps are messaging apps. (

Another cool feature that we recently announced: Pages now allows customers to message you. Communicate early and often with customers not only through posts but personal 1:1 conversations. Messages is a feature that allows you and your customers to communicate faster and privately on your Page.Tips:Be responsiveWrite like you talk be conversationalUse private responses for sensitive questions (billing information or questions/order statuses/topics that may include personal information.

ADD stats about how do you get that very responsive badge and how to turn messaging off

Your message is a part of their experience on FacebookON FACEBOOK...

This stat needs to be updated by the companySOURCE: Internal Facebook Data, Q1 2013

People are checking their News Feed14x per day

And when youre posting this content people are experiencing it as part of their native experience on Facebook. And I want to dive into what that means. So were looking at Toms newsfeed here post from his brother, and post from bff. Right in middle is potentially a message from a business that is trying to reach him. So lets say Tom is the type of person that we want shopping at Jaspers market. We can place a message and reach him in his newsfeed right where hes already connecting with things that he really cares about. And we know that people are really into this to because people are checking newsfeed 14x/day so its a great place to try and reach people. Lets dig in a little bit more as to the types of post youre creating and some examples of what works really well.

so he's discovering information about things he cares about --- organic foods --- right where he is connecting with other things he's deeply engaged with -- his friends and family

Important as a small business that you create really relevant content for your fans so when it shows up in their newsfeeds, it's something that adss value to their newsfeed and they want to engage with it

Needs to feel relevant or else they wont engage

Being relevant matters in News Feed

Only most relevant content appears in News FeedPage PostsFans and friends News Feed

1 There is so much content on FB; we just can't fit it all in!2 1500 stories per newsfeed each day but a person can only consume about 100-300 pieces of content3 As a company, Facebook wants preserve quality of News Feed by showing people the most relevant content to them. How do we know whats relevant? By the people and pages they interact with most.4 Our algorithm rewards great content - show it more and it gets more reach; content that gets little engagement is limited in distribution because its not relevant to its audiences.

Generate leadsDrive foot trafficBrand awarenessKnow your business goal

March 9 at 9:16am We know it's hot, but these fall bags will still look great with your sundress. Stop by our Cobbie Hill store to get 30% off!Goldy + Mac

March 10 at 9:05am We opened G+M as working moms to bring great service, mindless outfits & moderate prices to the working women of Brooklyn.Goldy + Mac

March 9 at 1:35pm You're invited! For a face-to-face fashion consultation and bonus gift.Goldy + Mac

Start by deciding what action you want your post to produce. Are you trying to push a certain product? Drive foot traffic to your store? Encourage website views? Improve trust? Identifying the purpose of your advertising will help you build posts that deliver the desired results.


Calling all early birds. Arlington Clubs signature burger & fries is just $10 before 5pm.February 23 at 2:04pm Arlington Club

Targeting older folksTargeting young people

February 20 at 12:56pm Cocktails anyone? Stop by after work and mingle with Arlington Clubs signature cocktails. Open til 4amArlington ClubKnow your audience

Know your audience

So after youve determined your business goal, you then need to figure out who your message is targeted to. Youre going to talk and post different imagery to men potentially different than you would to women. To older folks differently than you would to a younger generation. So for example, Arlington Club has a goal to drive more traffic to their restaurant during different different times of the day their first post is a picture of a lovely looking pink cocktail with a message about stopping by after work and being open till 4am. This is clearly targeted to a younger, likely more female audience. They have another post of a delicious looking burger and fries with a message calling out to the early birds about their discounted meal. This is clearly targeted to an older generation.

Now if youre sitting here and feel like Im just getting started and I have no idea who my audience is yet thats okay. Dont be afraid to try different posts and images and see how people will respond. Your fans will tell you if they like what they see and you can see whats resonating with your audience very clearly in your Page insights tool which Ill touch on a bit later. But its a great way to learn about who are the types of people coming to my page? Are they male/female/, how old are they, what cities or countries are they coming from ,etc. Its a great place to start in trying to figure out who your audience on Facebook is.


Celebrate a new menuTell an employee storyRegulars know best

February 27 at 1:19pm Meet Chef Frank Cervantes. He goes to the Union Square Farmers market to get fresh ingredients three times a week.Arlington Club

March 1 at 2.23pm Brunch is here! Open 10am-3pm on Saturdays and Sundays! 10% off with receipt from your last visit.Arlington Club

Pick a topic

I never miss Sunday BBQ, Im a rib girl, Nina Costello, local resident, Arlington Club regular & rib girl.January 18 at 2:41pm Arlington Club

Pick a topic

And most importantly you want to pick a topic that your audience will care about, and frame it in a way that would benefit them vs. just talking about yourself.. One of the biggest traps I see that businesses put too much into a post. Strip it down and extend your content schedule.

Employees = makes page personable

Highlighting whats new is a great way to re-engage past customers and help you find new customers that might be interested in your new offerings

Release: Meeting Notes (2/9/16 11:41) -----Change out alcohol image

Page Insights

Okay, so you might be asking yourself, How do I keep track of what kind of content is working on my Page? Well, Facebook offers Page Insights free to all Page owners! What is Page Insights?35


How many of you have looked at your Page Insights? Page Insights is a great place to go to understand everything that is happening on your page as well as understand the people who have connected with your business on Facebook.

Let's go over page insights first. You can access your Page Insights by clicking on "insights" right above your cover photo. Once you click on that you'll see an Overview bar with lots of different types of insights you an dig into. How many likes you've got this week, how many people are you reaching, how your posts are doing. I recommend you take some time and really dig into all the information here to really help you understand everything happening on your page. I want to talk about a couple things here to help you make better decisions about your marketing.

People Who are the people engaging with my business on Facebook? Do we have more women engaging then men? What age category do they fall into? What types of messages would my most engaged group want to see? The other interesting thing on to see here is where your fans are coming from. You can also see when the people engaged with your page are online so you know the best times to reach those folks. Is there more engagement on one day of the week over another? Is there a particular time when your fans are on using Facebook? When I worked at the SF marathon we found that our runners and fans were most engaged with the page earlier in the morning so wed often post content by 7am-8am.


How many of you have looked at your Page Insights? Page Insights is a great place to go to understand everything that is happening on your page as well as understand the people who have connected with your business on Facebook.

Let's go over page insights first. You can access your Page Insights by clicking on "insights" right above your cover photo. Once you click on that you'll see an Overview bar with lots of different types of insights you an dig into. How many likes you've got this week, how many people are you reaching, how your posts are doing. I recommend you take some time and really dig into all the information here to really help you understand everything happening on your page. I want to talk about a couple things here to help you make better decisions about your marketing.

People Who are the people engaging with my business on Facebook? Do we have more women engaging then men? What age category do they fall into? What types of messages would my most engaged group want to see? The other interesting thing on to see here is where your fans are coming from. You can also see when the people engaged with your page are online so you know the best times to reach those folks. Is there more engagement on one day of the week over another? Is there a particular time when your fans are on using Facebook? When I worked at the SF marathon we found that our runners and fans were most engaged with the page earlier in the morning so wed often post content by 7am-8am.


How many of you have looked at your Page Insights? Page Insights is a great place to go to understand everything that is happening on your page as well as understand the people who have connected with your business on Facebook.

Let's go over page insights first. You can access your Page Insights by clicking on "insights" right above your cover photo. Once you click on that you'll see an Overview bar with lots of different types of insights you an dig into. How many likes you've got this week, how many people are you reaching, how your posts are doing. I recommend you take some time and really dig into all the information here to really help you understand everything happening on your page. I want to talk about a couple things here to help you make better decisions about your marketing.

People Who are the people engaging with my business on Facebook? Do we have more women engaging then men? What age category do they fall into? What types of messages would my most engaged group want to see? The other interesting thing on to see here is where your fans are coming from. You can also see when the people engaged with your page are online so you know the best times to reach those folks. Is there more engagement on one day of the week over another? Is there a particular time when your fans are on using Facebook? When I worked at the SF marathon we found that our runners and fans were most engaged with the page earlier in the morning so wed often post content by 7am-8am.


TRANSFERRED FROM PREVIOUS VERSIONAnother question I get is how do I know how Im doing for my particular kind of business? Theres a great tool on Facebook to compare you page on Facebook to other business pages you choose to add to your Pages to Watch tab. So if Im Jaspers market perhaps I want to see how I compare to other grocery stores in the area. We can see how they are doing week over week for likes, shares, comments overall engagement relative to us. Great way to gage on Facebook how youre doing on Facebook for your particular industry.

And finally, Posts - You can also see a breakdown of how each of your posts are performing so you know what type of content most resonates with your audience. So here you can see all the posts on Jaspers Market page and you can see how each of the posts have done on their own as well as how some of them have done with additional paid promotion. If youre testing some stuff out then this is a great way to a quick side-by-side comparison of what works best.

Manage on mobile

You can also do this on the go in the Pages Manager app .We've built the ability for you to manage your page via mobile so that you can do whatever you need to do with just your phone, in a format that you're getting a lot of your other info to run your business.

Post on the go

Whats your favorite peanutbutter crunchy or smooth?

What's the Pages Manager App? Well, if youre anything like my parents as business owners, youre likely constantly on the go. For those that arent yet aware, I have great news we have an app that allows you to easily manage your Facebook presence. You can download the Pages Manager app and use it to create posts on the go. Not only can you create a post from your phone, but you can also schedule it to post at a later date and time! So, if you know youre having a great sale starting tomorrow, you can create the post today and set it to go live first thing tomorrow morning.

Look for the Facebook Pages Manager app logo in your preferred App store.

41Knowing your objectives, your customers and what conversations matter to your industry will help you create great content and drive business resultsUse the Pages Manager app to post, schedule, and share information while you're on the goStart the conversation by creating a PageUse InsightsManage on the goBe relevantTakeaways

So, I just threw a lot at you: dont worry! At the end of every section we walk through, Ill highlight key points you should remember.

Be relevant: Know your objectives, your customers and what conversations matter to your industryUse Insights: Use Insights to measure the impact of your posts and track whos engaging with your PageManage on Mobile: Use the Pages Manager app on your mobile device to manage your posts

----- Meeting Notes (1/28/16 14:53) -----Manage on the go41


Okay, now that we have a Page, lets talk about what we should do with it and how to start communicating with customers.


Broad Reach

People who matter to you

When we think about the many different ways that we can reach these people who matter to us, your customers, theres a few different options. Traditional forms of advertising like print and radio give you broad reach. You can reach subscribers or listeners within a particular area, but youre not guaranteed to reach people who have expressed an interest in your product. Thats where Facebook differentiates itself from traditional media. Because of our targeting options, we can help you reach the people who are interested in the product or service that you offer.

So you might be thinking why do I care about the billion users on Facebook if Im a local small business in [[ENTER CITY NAME HERE]]? Well the second amazing thing beyond the reach capabilities on Facebook is our targeting options. While we do have the world at our fingertips on Facebook, what you likely care about as a local business owner or even an e-commerce site here in the US is reaching the people who matter to you. Your customers and your potential customers. And Facebooks targeting allows you to do just this.


On Facebook, youre not just limited to the basics when it comes to reaching the people who matter to you.With traditional channels and many digital channels that are based on proxies, youre limited to characteristics like age/ gender/ broad interests.With Facebook, people are already sharing about what they love, where they shop, what they are interested in, we can do precision targeting from this information that people are already sharing ____________________Lets use the example of Jaspers Market that weve been using throughout the morning.

So if Im Jaspers market, I want to reach out to men and women between the ages of 25 45 who live in the San Francisco area who are interested in organic and fresh foods, who shop locally. These are targeting options that are available on Facebook. And this means that we can deliver your ads and content to people who are most likely to be interested in your product.

The second reason is that Facebook has precision targeting.

On Facebook, youre not just limited to the basics when it comes to reaching the people who matter to you.With traditional channels and many digital channels that are based on proxies, youre limited to characteristics like age/ gender/ broad interests.

Age 55Lives in OaklandHealthy food buyerPrefers small,local businessesRichard

Age 32Lives in San FranciscoIncome = $150k/yearNew ParentLeslie

All of the people who matter to you

On Facebook, you can connect with real people who are sharing information about themselves either in their profile or based on how theyre interacting with content on the site. This helps you reach the people who matter to you in a granular way - with extreme precision. When you do this, you can deliver advertising and content thats more relevant and valuable to them

How Targeting works


You can see that precision targeting at work here you can use information people put on their profiles to help build your target audience for an ad.

Targeting OptionsInterests




Facebook is one of a few companies with incredible access to data on consumers that doesnt breach their privacyfrom the information shared in profiles and to behaviors exhibited on our platform, to what we know about your life in the offline worldwe use this data to create targetable audiences in a privacy safe way. These targetable audiences are on the shelf and based on proprietary Facebook data and data from trusted 3rd party sources, such as Acxiom, Datalogix, and Epsilon.

The targeting segments are organized by targeting type: Interests, Location, Demographics, and Behavior. Interests: Reach people based on their interests, hobbies, and Pages they like on FacebookLocation: Reach people in cities, countries, and communities where you want to do businessDemographics: Reach people based on demographics like age, gender, education and moreBehavior: Reach people based on their purchase behaviors, device usage, and other activities

Both Facebook data and partner data are organized by these targeting types. For example, within Behaviors, you can target someone based on their device usage, which is powered by Facebook data, or their offline purchase behavior, which is powered by partner data.

*Note that Partner Categories are only available within Core Audiences in the US at this time; they are being rolled out gradually internationally (UK, France, Germany launching on 2/24/14 and available through your Facebook representative).

