Clouds at the TAC meeting, TNC2011, May 2011, Prague



Presentation at the 2011 TERENA Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting to introduce the discussion about clouds. Prague, TNC2011, May 2011

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  • 1. Cloudswhat to DO?
    • Jan Meijer 15 May 2011 TAC meeting

2. Cloud consolidation elasticity flexibility cost associativity automating IT delivery! 3. our users:shorter time to market 4. large scale 5. Opportunity! 6. S3: March 14, 2006 EC2: August 25, 2006 7. Amazon May 10, 2011 8. what if we don't?

  • What if MS pulls a[email_address]again? 9. NREN in 10 years: no traffic

10. You? Not your problem? build or buy? technical or business problem? Customer: $ or e=emc(2)? national hobbies or pan-EU from start? Wait for marked mop-up? 11. Preparation questions Platform/Infrastructure as a Service

  • Is your NREN considering offering PaaS to your community? 12. Do you see opportunities for Pan-European collaboration? 13. Are you looking to off-the-shelf Cloud solutions? 14. Do you see the need to establish a brokering function towards commercial application service providers (in the cloud) jointly by NRENs for the benefit of the European R&E community?

15. Here's what I think

  • pursue serious EU-wide demand aggregation and service delivery! 16. Separate setup, install, hosting, control and ownership 17. Step 1. coalition of the willing: do prototype! Coordinated talk with Amazon! EU broker! 18. Step 2: a EU-wide cloud service 19. Caveats of pan-EU service delivery (!) 20. Google-App? Building or buying: demand aggregation is king with clouds! 21. don't wait too long with delivering a service

22. are you willing to approach delivery of cycles and storage, of commodity resources, on a pan-European scale? are you willing toDO ? how to chop the elephant in consumable pieces? discuss........
