Content & Cash: The Value of Content (Cape Town Edition)

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In this session, we discuss the complicated relationship between content and cash-- focusing specifically on the conversations you need to have to scope, price, and prove the value of content work.

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CASH Content

Photo: © 1984 Betty Weinaug

I am two people.

Johnny is the nice one.

Cash causes all the trouble.

—Johnny Cash


Business expectations

To make an investment, organizations expect:

• To know exactly what our product is

• Proof of competency/quality

• Exactly how much it will cost

• Provable value and ROI

Hard numbers. Right now.



We can do it

• We know content work is valuable

• We know content is a benefit, nay necessity, for businesses

• And the business world is catching on, too



• Selling and scoping

• Estimating value/ROI

• Pricing


But first… some anger management

1.It’s not (always) about disrespect or even money.

Photo: ©2012 John Alderman

Economics is making the

most out of life. —Gary Becker


Decision making is scary

Investing in content:

• Means NOT investing in other things

• Might result in loss of:

• Money

• Time

• Other opportunities

• Professional reputation

• Emotional anguish


And hard…


• Are limited by what they know

• Latch on to things that are familiar

• Take their best guess

• Often play it safe

• And then immediately start worrying that they’ve made the wrong decision


2. Content is a harder decision than most

Photo: ©1980 Betty Weinaug

Content breaks all the economic rules

• Things of value are usually

• Exclusive

• Transparent

• Hard to replicate

• Endless supply AND endless demand


“Content strategy” is a service

• “New” industry

• Very diverse

• No obvious accreditation

• Doesn’t fit nicely into a traditional business


3.Numbers don’t need to be exact.

Photo: ©1980 Betty Weinaug

As far as the laws of

mathematics refer to reality,

they are not certain; and as

far as they are certain, they

do not refer to reality.

—Albert Einstein


Measurement is…

A set of observations that reduce uncertainty where the results are expressed as a quantity.


Exacts are impossible

Numbers reduce uncertainty:

• Approximate values

• Shortcuts for the brain

• Common vocabulary

Think about numbers as a communication tool.


Selling and scoping (building a relationship)

Photo: © 1978 Betty Weinaug

1. Do your homework

Get all the information you can, find out:

• What is the decision?

• What impacts that decision?

• What else do you need to know?

• What experience do stakeholders have with content?

• Is there a budget?


The goal:

Make a confident decision that’s beneficial to everyone.


2. Narrow down the need

What’s the buyer buying?

• Good or service

• Service

• Strategy

• Planning

• Designing products or processes

• Implementation

• Creation


3. Make connections

23 Photo: © 1980 Betty Weinaug

4. Understand all benefits and costs


Type Benefits Costs

Monetary Profit or savings Cost of creation

Sensory Get satisfaction/

alleviate pain

Endure extra pain or

reduce satisfaction

Temporal Save time Lose time

Opportunity-based Gain advantages Eliminate possibilities

Psychological Reduce anxiety Add anxiety

Social Increase stature Blamed for problems

Convenience-based Makes things easier Makes things more


5. Tell a hopeful story

Create a story that highlights key benefits, such as:

• We can serve users better

• We can be more efficient

• We can beat the competitors

• We can be more accurate


Brand it, test it, believe it


The Content Efficiency Initiative Better for the front line

and the bottom line

Buy making our intranet content more

accessible, we’ll save hundreds of

headaches and hundreds of

thousands of dollars….

6. Eliminate fear


• Discuss the details

• Plug information gaps

• Address concerns

• Start small or do some proof of concept work

• Provide references (services) or samples (goods)

• Be patient

Estimating value and ROI (the magic formula)

Photo: © 1980 Betty Weinaug

Value = Benefits-Costs

Value of what?

Strategy or Service

Content as product

Content as influence

Efficiency tool


Strategy or Service

Content as product

Content as influence

Efficiency tool

Value of what?


Content as product

What is the content product worth?

• Benefit: Profit from the sale of the product

• Cost: Cost to create the product


Photo: © 1980 Betty Weinaug

Strategy or Service

Content as product

Content as influence

Efficiency tool

Value of what?


Content as influence

What is the piece of content worth?

• Benefit: Increased profit as the result of an end-user behavior change

• Cost: Cost to create the content


Estimates, not exacts Figure out what you know; fill in the blanks with assumptions • The average Johnny Cash t-shirt costs $20

• Analytics show that 50 people start the process of purchasing a t-shirt online every day, but only 10 finish the process

• User research shows that the instructions on the purchase pages are very confusing

• We assume 5-10 people leave the purchasing process because of something unrelated to the site, and 5-10 leave the process when they see the shipping costs

• We assume the remaining 20-30 people would complete the purchasing process if the instructions were more helpful

• Therefore, the value of the instructional content is likely around $144,000-216,000 per year ($20 x 20-30 people x 30 days X12)

• The cost of fixing the content is approximately $5,000


Strategy or Service

Content as product

Content as influence

Efficiency tool

Value of what?


Efficiency tool

What is the tool worth?

• Benefit: Cost savings as the result of employee behavior change (or happiness)

• Cost: Cost to create/maintain the tool and train people to use it



Photo: © 1982 Betty Weinaug

Strategy or Service

Content as product

Content as influence

Efficiency tool

Value of what?


Strategy (or service)

What is the strategy worth?

• Benefit: Combination of:

• Savings/profit from: • Content as product • Content as influence • Tools • Sub-services

• Value of non-monetary benefits • Cost: Cost to create/implement the strategy


Pricing (you’re worth it)

Photo: © 1977 Betty Weinaug

Everything is worth what the

purchaser will pay for it. —Publilius Syrus

(1st century BCE)


Ways to price

You can base price on:

• Cost

• Competition

• Demand/value


There are a lot of good

economists, but there is only

one Roger Clemens. —Robert Solow

(1987 Nobel laureate)


Estimating probable results

Basic project information:

• Maximum gain: $216,000

• Maximum loss: $5,000

• Chance for success: 70%

Expected opportunity loss:

• Risk of approved: $5,000 X 30% = $1,500

• Risk if rejected: $216,000 X 70% = $151,200


Pricing basics

• Give ballpark estimates early

• Estimate on time, price on value

• Aim for a consumer surplus

• Always provide numbers in person


Price is like setting a screw. A

little resistance is a good sign. —Harry Beckwith


Photo: © 1977 Betty Weinaug

Our friend, Johnny…


50+ million albums sold Created: 96 studio albums 63 compilation albums 153 singles


17 Grammy Awards 9 CMA Awards Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Rockabilly Hall of Fame Songwriters Hall of Fame Gospel Music Hall of Fame Country Music Hall of Fame Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame Kennedy Center Honors National Medal of Arts Hollywood Walk of Fame


Photo: ©2012 John Alderman

It’s about

decisions not


It’s NOT

us-against-them it’s about

building relationships

It’s about

reaching understanding and

reducing uncertainty

It’s about

estimates not


It’s not

traditional but it’s


Go prove it.

Your work is valuable.

Thanks! @melissarach

58 Photo: © 1981 Betty Weinaug

Want to know more?

Content Strategy for the Web (second edition)

Check out chapter 10

By Kristina Halvorson and Melissa Rach

How to Measure Anything

by Douglas W. Hubbard

Marketing Professional Services

by Philip Kotler, Thomas Hayes, Paul N. Bloom

Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science

by Charles Wheelan

