Dr Mike Martin Speaking Brochure



Dr Mike Martin is a high performance thinking expert. His passion is helping results-driven professionals take their performance to the next level - no matter how successful they already are. He challenges audiences to examine how they’ll tackle the inevitable adversity on the road to success, and why continuous high performance and profits demands a counterintuitive mindset that means the death of traditional “positive thinking” strategies. Mike confronts existing concepts around motivation and performance, promoting the new, next-generation science of success so individuals and teams get focused and get results. Mike is provocative, irreverent and truth-telling... but most importantly, he’s effective and will upgrade the way performers think about what it really takes to succeed, and change the way they make success happen

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Sales Leadership High Performance

Dr Mike Martin is a high performance thinking expert. His passion is helping results-driven professionals take their performance to the next level - no matter how successful they already are.

He challenges audiences to examine how they’ll tackle the inevitable adversity on the road to success, and why continuous high performance and profits demands a counter-intuitive mindset that means the death of tra-ditional “positive thinking” strategies. Mike confronts existing concepts around motivation and performance, promoting the new, next-generation science of success so individuals and teams get focused and get results.

Mike is provocative, irreverent and truth-telling... but most importantly, he’s effective and will upgrade the way performers think about what it really takes to succeed, and change the way they make success happen.

Book Mike for any of his conference presentations and give your sales, leadership or performance team that “mindset makeover” essential for that leap from good to great.

Mike’s three most popular conference presentations are...

6 Rules To Transforming Your Mindset Into An Infinitely More Powerful Performance Tool

Here it is: no warm ‘n fuzzies, no academic theories - just hard-core strategies from real-world trenches… the long-overdue step-by-step success mindset blueprint. You’ll get the essential strategies required to build a success mindset, even though your mind and society will fight against you. This is your permission slip to take back control of your business mindset, performance standards, profit margins and actually get results from your people!

• 3 inconvenient truths of our “caveman” thinking

• How to incorporate the power of “letting go”

• Laser Focus - increase performance without wasting time or emotional energy

• The trick behind succeeding without believing

You Are In A Fight For YOUR Life

Mike delivers an eye opening look at the core of getting what you want – not taking your negative thoughts seriously. He shows you how to break down the barriers, caused by the positive thinking “self-help” movement, that has invaded everyones performance mindset. He introduces “zero-based high performance thinking” and teaches you the secrets of gaining it, keeping it and using it to achieve your most passionate goals and dreams, and to inspire yourself to do more of what matters and to be more of who you really want to be.

• Why most self-help strategies fail and what you need to do to success (a 3-Step Plan and tactics)

• Zero-Based High Performance Thinking - the solution when youfigureouttraditional positive thinking is failing you

• Thefiveperformance-relatedstrategies to be concerned with

• The million-dollar secret behind values

Why “How Can I Be More Positive?”Is The Wrong Question

The old “positive thinking” mindset is shattered and GONE FOREVER. It is never coming back... And gone are the days of trying to gaze at your navel, figuring out what’s wrong and how to fix it. Your goals and dreams will become extinct by con-tinuing to use either of these strate-gies. Be in the select few who will get on board with the new operating system for success and enjoy the top incomes, the greatest security, the most independence, power and the highest status.

• The 4 ultimate performance failures

• How to use - and how to waste - precious psychological resources - on positive thinking

• Why controlling negative thoughts isn’t the cure for high performance and what is

• Adapting to The New Operating System For Success

Presentation Options

Mike Customises Your Program... Your custom program is carefully fitted to your group. Your indus-try jargon, special presentation visuals and examples from your industry/profession are included. Your custom program supports your organisation, its values, belief, culture and people. Within the context of your chosen topic, Mike addresses specific problems, challenges and breakthroughs experienced by your industry, organisation and people.

As A Keynote Speaker...Mike’s three most popular keynotes can be delivered in 30 minutes to 90 minutes.

For Half-Day Or Full-Day Immersion Workshops... If you’re serious about wanting to get your head in the game, about going from good to great, you’re going to need more than a talk; you’re going to need tools, which is what these immersion work-shop programs deliver.

Mike Also Mentors... Mike also provides highly customised monthly mentoring programs to performance teams, business leaders and results-driven professionals.

For over 15 years Mike was frustrated because he could see that “positive thinking” strategies didn’t really help his high-performance clients effectively deal with negative thoughts, fear of failure and self-doubt. In fact, “positive thinking” was actually a stumbling block to their success.

But in 2008 the landscape of performance psychology changed forever; a new, next-generation approach to success thinking arrived. It said counter-intu-itive things like; stop taking your negative thoughts seriously; stop trying to think positively; stay focused on doing what needs to be done.

In the years since, Mike has shared and successfully refined the steps behind that science, with thousands of results-driven professionals in both elite sport and profit-focussed business.

In the lightning-fast world of today’s business, thinking about things in the same old way is a recipe for disaster. Plod along with the same old, tired, motivational, positive thinking mindset, and customers and colleagues will fly past you. It’s time to get into the fast lane!

Book Mike and give your sales, leadership or performance team that “mindset makeover,” that upgrade to the New Operating System For Success. Then, it’s time to enjoy great fulfilment, results and success as you and your team unswervingly march towards your most passionate performance goals and dreams.

Mike’s worked with Olympic Gold Medallists, World Champions and World Record Holders, when he was Head of Performance Psychology at the Australian Institute of Sport, as well as some serious high performers from the worlds of finance, entertainment, medicine, defence and business. But his work is not limited to CEOs and athletes. He has a special passion for sales and leadership teams in SMEs.

He leads an exceptionally successful high performance thinking advisory practice based in Sydney, Australia. He has a Doctor of Philosophy from Wollongong University, a Masters of Arts from San Diego State University and a Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement), a Bachelor of Arts and a Diploma of Education also from Wollongong University.

Mike publishes The Millionaire Performer business newsletter and consults with and coaches results-driven professionals throughout Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia.

Mike is a committed family man, a dedicated surfer, and an active road cyclist. He lives in Sydney, with his wife, Donna, and their two children.

Contact Mike


02 9524 2651



