EDM Magazine Analysis


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EDM Magazine Analysis

The cover uses direct mode of address, in which the artist (Avicii) is maintaining eye contact with the audience. This connects with the audience and draws them into the magazine. This also conforms to the codes and conventions of music magazines.

The masthead has been centered in front of the artists head. This challenges the codes and conventions of magazines but also shows that perhaps the magazine is not well-known and recognizable. Therefore they need to make their masthead a focus point in which the audience would recognize.

The colour palette conforms to the codes and conventions (using black, white and red.) However, this issue uses luminous, bright colours. These colours connote the ‘rave’ scene in which the ‘EDM’ genre is associated with. These bright colours may also appeal to a younger target audience and makes the cover more aesthetically pleasing.

The typography used is not uniform, in which different styles are used throughout the cover. This gives the issue a more ‘disorganised’ look which may appeal to the younger audience, and also connotes the rave scene associated with this genre due to the ‘careless’ and ‘anything goes’ attitude that the audience may have.

The typography used in the masthead is curved but has sharp, pointed edges for ‘EDM’. The sharpness of the pointed edges may connote violence or a ‘harsh’ sense, in which this links with the genre due to the harsh beat drops used.

The anchorage to the main image: “Avicii on another level” links with the main image, as the luminous colourful boxes are placed together to replicate the look of levels (like on a bar chart). The use of the word ‘level’ also would appeal to fan’s of Avicii, as one of his best-selling hits is called ‘Levels’. Therefore appealing to any ‘EDM’ fans, or Avicii fans who would have background knowledge to this.

The main image shows Avicii in a close up, his face is very serious which represents him as being mature and professional, perhaps an image the younger audience would aspire to be like. The anchorage of “another level” infers that he has something to reveal. This acts as a buzz word, in which the reader may feel as if by reading this magazine, they are gaining valuable information that is unique to this magazine. This results in the brand gaining a higher status, in which they have exclusive information that the reader wants. This may go on to create consumer loyalty.

The puffs used on the cover of this magazine are placed over part of Avicii’s face. This is unusual and therefore challenges the stereotypes of music magazines. This also reduces Avicii’s importance in this issue, as he is being covered by other information.

This puff has a double meaning in which it could include an interview with Dj Martin Solveig inside the issue. However, “Hello” is also a well-known dance track within the ‘EDM’ genre. This would appeal to ‘EDM’ fans as only those with the background knowledge of the genre would understand this double meaning. Therefore, making the audience feel exclusive and ‘cool’ for understanding the reference.

This puff refers to the sub-genre of ‘EDM’ “trance”. Therefore meaning ‘trance’ has a double meaning, in which only ‘EDM’ fans would understand, again, making them feel exclusive and ‘cool’. This would make the readers feel good – the audience are more likely to come back to a brand which makes them feel good (consumer loyalty). The puff also refers to the trance sub-genre as a “way of life”. This would appeal to the audience as the target audience would be very focused on music and therefore would agree that ‘EDM’ is perhaps a “way of life”. Therefore creating a mutual understanding and similar ideology between the brand and the reader. Resulting in a stronger connection and giving a higher probability of creating consumer loyalty.

The use of the word ‘unique’ in this puff acts as a buzz word. In which the reader would feel as if they are getting exclusive information from this magazine that they crave to have. Due to the target audience stereotypically liking ‘underground’ trends, they would crave to have exclusive information. Therefore this would appeal to the reader.

This puff also plays on the double meaning of “Bingo Players”. Bingo Players are a duo-DJ group within the ‘EDM’ genre. Therefore ‘EDM’ fans would understand this double-meaning, making the reader feel good about themselves for understanding this reference. “How to play” refers to the game of bingo, but may also infer that there is help on “how to play” a crowd/how to DJ. This would appeal to the audience as they would be interested in how tracks in the genre are produced and made. This would increase their knowledge of the genre and therefore would attract the target audience.

This puff features a rhyme, “party with Marty Party”. This adds a light-hearted sense to the issue by using rhyme to make the sound of the puff flow. The use of the word “party” also connotes enjoyment and links to the ‘rave’ scene within the ‘EDM’ genre. Therefore attracting an audience by making out that the issue will provide the reader with a fun and enjoyable experience.

The strapline is very simple in which it states the purpose of the brand. This tell the reader exactly what they will gain from the issue.

The issue date is also placed in the top left hand corner of the magazine, this challenges the codes and conventions as this is usually placed with the important links and sale details next to the barcode, which is usually in the bottom right hand corner of the page. However, this issue does not include a barcode on the page. This is perhaps due to the magazine only being accessible from ordering the issue online to be delivered to you. This is unusual, but perhaps tells us that the brand is not well-known enough to be distributed to a mass-market.
