Expression sessions – how to take pictures like a pro


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Expression Sessions – How to Take Pictures Like a Pro

In photography, equipment is not and will never be as essential as technique. A photographer

without technique is like a chef with some spiffy utensils who doesn’t know how to cook. Learn

to master photography techniques and you are well on your way to taking pictures like a pro!

1. Capture photos in high resolution

Do not comprise photo quality over memory space. Take all the pixels you can capture because

this translates to better image quality. You don’t want a great shot that can’t be enlarged without

it getting blurred and pixelated, do you? So make sure to set the highest resolution before

shooting away.

2. Keep your eyes peeled for details

Tiny details can make or break a shot, so it is important to get into the habit of checking all the

details of your shot. Be certain that the background is clean and has all the necessary elements

that would complete the theme, and see to it that the subject has the right hair and makeup, and

appropriate clothes and jewellery for your shoot.

And unless damaged or broken items are part of the shot you are going for, keep still-life

subjects and backgrounds in tip top condition.

3. Level the horizon

On a few occasions, a slant horizon may creatively enhance an image, but generally, it should be

level, particularly if a body of water is involved. If you have an electronic level view, you can

use that to level the horizon. If you don’t, then make use of a tripod’s gauge or attach a level

gauge to your cam’s hotshoe. You can also straighten the horizon in Photoshop if you can’t take

another shot or didn’t notice sooner that it’s not leveled.

4. Use manual focus

Most cameras automatically focus in the center, but it’s not always where your subject is going

to be positioned. Plus, center is rarely the best spot (remember the rule of thirds.) As a result, you

end up with out of focus, blurry pictures. To remedy this, use manual focus so you have better

control over what to focus and what not.

5. Take lighting into account

If you’re shooting outdoors, the time of day matters. When the sun is below the horizon, it

creates warm light and soft shadows. When it is at its highest peak, it gives out harsh light and

dense shadows.

In order to take a well balanced photograph, you have to have good lighting. Which means you

either have to wait for the right time to shoot, or create lighting using flashguns, reflectors, studio

lights, or diffusers.

6. Aim for a dynamic composition

Strive to highlight perfect symmetry in your photos. To do so, follow the rule of thirds. Your

subject does not always have to be in the center of the frame. The rule of thirds suggests that the

subject should be positioned at one of the 4 points of your frame’s grid for a strong and visually

interesting perspective.



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