Final 15 April Revised 2003


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McGum, Brownie , Birdy and CowCow were good s tudents .

The ir performance was exce llent in Apple Primary School.


McGum, Brownie , Birdy and CowCow were good friends .



One day, they played in a fores t . The fores t had a s wing, a s ee -s aw, a s lide and other s ports fac ilitie s .

他們想盪鞦韆。「麥甘 ,我可不可以盪一會兒呢?」保怡問。「我也想玩盪鞦韆。」牛牛 。說

「不可以!我正在玩耍。」 麥甘回答。

They wanted to s wing on the s wing.“McGum, can I s wing for a while?” as ked Brownie.

“I want to s wing, too.” s aid CowCow.“No, I am s till playing.” ans wered McGum.

他們想一起玩搖搖板。「麥甘 ,我可不可以跟你一起玩呢?」了了問。「不可以!這是我的搖搖板 。」 麥甘回答。

They wanted to s ee-s aw the s ee-s aw.“McGum, s hall we play together?” as ked Birdy.

“No, this is my s ee-s aw.” s aid McGum.

他們想一起玩滑梯。「 麥甘,我們可以一起玩嗎?」牛牛問。「不可以!這是我的滑梯。」麥甘回答。

Then they decided to s lide a s lide .“McGum, s hall we play together?” as ked CowCow.

“No, this is my s lide.” s aid McGum.



Later, they were hungry.Brownie, Birdy and CowCow took out their hamburgers and

s hared with each other. They ate happily together.



But, McGum did not jo in them becaus e he did not want to s hare anything. He ate his bis cuit alone .


After the meal, they wanted to play tennis . They invited McGum to jo in in.


“McGum, let’s play tennis together!” s aid Birdy.“No, this is my tennis ball.” s aid McGum.

保怡在森林裡發現了一個大蜂 。巢他想與朋友一起分享蜜糖。

Brownie found a big honeycomb in the fores t. He wanted to s hare the honey with his friends .

「蜜糖的味道很甘甜呢!我們一起飲吧!」保怡 。說

"Let's drink the honey together. It is s o s weet." s aid Brownie .


Brownie , Birdy and CowCow drank the honey cheerfully. McGum wanted to drink too .

「我們與麥甘一起分享蜜糖吧!」保怡提議。「我不贊成!他不願意與我們分享森林裡的設施!」牛牛爭論著。「他是我們的朋友,我們應該關懷他,與他分享食物。」了了 。說

「但他並沒有當我們是朋友!」牛牛生氣地 。說

“Let’s s hare with McGum.” s aid Brownie.“I don’t want to. He does n’t s hare things with us ,” argued CowCow.

“But we are friends . We s hould take care of him and s hare with him.” s aid Birdy.

“He does n’t treat us as friends ,” CowCow s aid angrily.


McGum heard what they s aid and ran away s adly.

Brownie s uddenly heard s omeone s houting for help. “Lis ten! Someone is s houting,” Brownie s aid in a trembling voice .

保怡突然聽到有人大叫救命。保怡聲音發抖, :說 「聽一聽,有人在大叫 !」



Brownie looked around the fores t area and found a big water well. McGum had fallen into the water well careles s ly. He was crying.

“Oh! McGum has fallen into the water well! Come and help immediately!” s houted Brownie.

保怡在森林裡四處 看,發現了查 一個大水井。原來麥甘不小心掉進水井裡,哭了出來。保怡 :說 「麥甘掉進水井裡,快來幫忙吧 !」

Birdy and CowCow arrived and res cued MuGum. “Thank you for s aving me!” s aid McGum.

Then CowCow dried MuCum’s tears and s aid”Don’t cry! MuGum. We are bes t friends . ”

了了和牛牛一起趕來,把麥甘救起。麥甘說 :「多謝你們救了我 !」牛牛用紙巾擦乾麥甘的眼 ,淚說 :「麥甘,不要哭 !我們是好朋友 !」

「對不起!我以前沒有與你們分享我的東西。」麥甘傷心地 。說 「不要緊!我們原諒你!」 保怡、了了和牛牛一起 。說

“I’m very s orry that I didn’t s hare my things with you.” s aid McGum glumly.

“Don’t worry. We forgive you.” s aid Brownie, Cowcow and Birdy.

“Let me pick s ome apples and s hare with you.” s aid McGum excitedly.

「讓我採摘一些蘋果,與你們一同分享。」麥甘興奮地 。說

Then McGum c limbed to the tree and picked four big apples .


McGum s hared the four apples with his friends . They ate happily.



Afterwards , McGum played with Brownie, Birdy and CowCow. They loved to play with each other.


Then they went to the beach to s wim and collec ted s ome beautiful rocks and s he lls .

他們一起去 單車。踩他們在森林裡有一個愉快的旅程。

They rode the ir bicyc les together.They had a wonderful ride in the fores t.


Las tly, they s ang s ongs together joyfully on the way home.

The next day, McGum, Brownie, Birdy and CowCow went back to s chool to colle c t the ir e xa mina tion re s ults . McGum

fe lt ve ry unha ppy be ca us e he g ot low ma rks in Ma th s pa pe r.

“Don’t worry! McGum. Let’s do more exercis es !” s a id B rownie . The n B rownie borrowe d h is e xe rc is e

books to McGum.

After s chool, they went to the library to s tudy together. Birdy and CowCow taught MuGum how to calculate

difficult maths .

In the s econd s emes ter, McGum’s exam res ults improved a lot. He pas s ed the maths paper. “Add o il! We

s upport you all the time .”s aid CowCow.

McGum, Brownie , Birdy and CowCow always s tudy together. They really enjoyed the ir s chool life .


p a t ie n t

c a lm

s e lf is h

h a r m o n io u s

W h a t a r e t h e ir

p e r s o n a litie s ?
